Activity: 65
Merit: 0
December 10, 2017, 04:06:44 AM |
Well...buy before sleeping giant wake up  NOW ALL coins in red and as usual most stable in top 510Lightcon will move my bitcoin lightcoin 50/50 to 70/30 for lightcoin, no more Bitcoin drama for me :-)
Serega Smile

Activity: 350
Merit: 10
December 10, 2017, 02:33:06 PM |
Due to the recent hype of Bitcoin earlier this week, Litecoin (LTC) has reacted with a massive run of its own. The cryptocurrency is now approaching a 100 percent price increase just 24 hours after Bitcoin cooled down.The price of Litecoin is quickly heading for $200 USD, marking LTC as the sixth largest market capitalization at almost $9 bln.Litecoin’s creator, Charlie Lee, has maintained a supportive attitude toward Bitcoin, and it’s logical to suggest that Litecoin will not stray from its role anytime in the near future.

Activity: 67
Merit: 10
December 10, 2017, 02:33:23 PM |
Hope this growth will continue, It has been a long wait 
Activity: 1551
Merit: 1002
♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ < ♛♚&#
December 10, 2017, 04:22:54 PM |
Litecoin to the moon. Invest now or regret later.
you are right #mika agree with you! everybody will regret when they will see ltc at $200 - $300. who will invest on ltc next year they will be LAMBO  one of the best way to invest. #LTC I dont like lambo, i should sell my ltc? hahah #DON really ??  its ok. you should not sell your ltc right now. wait until end of the year. otherwise choice is yours.  hahaha OK! And... maybe i could buy a lambo, only to try it 
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
December 10, 2017, 06:15:43 PM |
Hope this growth will continue, It has been a long wait  I think that it will continue. Maybe now there will be a little down, but after that it will continue  Lets hope it will get 500-1000$ next year!
December 10, 2017, 06:35:14 PM |
Hope this growth will continue, It has been a long wait  I think that it will continue. Maybe now there will be a little down, but after that it will continue  Lets hope it will get 500-1000$ next year! hopefully it will happen next year, because Litecoin has not touch the high price for a long time $ 500 is pretty high especially at $ 1000 might be a dream for investors 
. ..1xBit.com Super Six.. | ▄█████████████▄ ████████████▀▀▀ █████████████▄ █████████▌▀████ ██████████ ▀██ ██████████▌ ▀ ████████████▄▄ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ▀██████████████ | ███████████████ █████████████▀ █████▀▀ ███▀ ▄███ ▄ ██▄▄████▌ ▄█ ████████ ████████▌ █████████ ▐█ ██████████ ▐█ ███████▀▀ ▄██ ███▀ ▄▄▄█████ ███ ▄██████████ ███████████████ | ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████▀▀▀█ ██████████ ███████████▄▄▄█ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ | ▄█████ ▄██████ ▄███████ ▄████████ ▄█████████ ▄██████████ ▄███████████ ▄████████████ ▄█████████████ ▄██████████████ ▀▀███████████ ▀▀███████ ▀▀██▀ | ▄▄██▌ ▄▄███████ █████████▀ ▄██▄▄▀▀██▀▀ ▄██████ ▄▄▄ ███████ ▄█▄ ▄ ▀██████ █ ▀█ ▀▀▀ ▄ ▀▄▄█▀ ▄▄█████▄ ▀▀▀ ▀████████ ▀█████▀ ████ ▀▀▀ █████ █████ | ▄ █▄▄ █ ▄ ▀▄██▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▄▄█████▄█▄▄ ▄ ▄███▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▄ ▄██▄███▄ ▀▀▀▀▄ ▄▄ ▄████████▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄██ ████████████▀▀ █ ▐█ ██████████████▄ ▄▄▀██▄██ ▐██████████████ ▄███ ████▀████████████▄███▀ ▀█▀ ▐█████████████▀ ▐████████████▀ ▀█████▀▀▀ █▀ | . Premier League LaLiga Serie A | . Bundesliga Ligue 1 Primeira Liga | | . ..TAKE PART.. |
December 10, 2017, 06:42:36 PM |
The recognition of cryptos and ICOs is likely to have caused the surge in Litecoin which is a dominant asset on Korean exchanges such as Bithumb. Currently the market has corrected a little and LTC is trading at around $150,
December 10, 2017, 06:52:37 PM |
The recognition of cryptos and ICOs is likely to have caused the surge in Litecoin which is a dominant asset on Korean exchanges such as Bithumb. Currently the market has corrected a little and LTC is trading at around $150,
yes now still traded prices around it, but they all will maximize trading in early 2018 hopefully Litecoin increasingly dominate investors next year
. ..1xBit.com Super Six.. | ▄█████████████▄ ████████████▀▀▀ █████████████▄ █████████▌▀████ ██████████ ▀██ ██████████▌ ▀ ████████████▄▄ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ▀██████████████ | ███████████████ █████████████▀ █████▀▀ ███▀ ▄███ ▄ ██▄▄████▌ ▄█ ████████ ████████▌ █████████ ▐█ ██████████ ▐█ ███████▀▀ ▄██ ███▀ ▄▄▄█████ ███ ▄██████████ ███████████████ | ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████▀▀▀█ ██████████ ███████████▄▄▄█ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ | ▄█████ ▄██████ ▄███████ ▄████████ ▄█████████ ▄██████████ ▄███████████ ▄████████████ ▄█████████████ ▄██████████████ ▀▀███████████ ▀▀███████ ▀▀██▀ | ▄▄██▌ ▄▄███████ █████████▀ ▄██▄▄▀▀██▀▀ ▄██████ ▄▄▄ ███████ ▄█▄ ▄ ▀██████ █ ▀█ ▀▀▀ ▄ ▀▄▄█▀ ▄▄█████▄ ▀▀▀ ▀████████ ▀█████▀ ████ ▀▀▀ █████ █████ | ▄ █▄▄ █ ▄ ▀▄██▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▄▄█████▄█▄▄ ▄ ▄███▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▄ ▄██▄███▄ ▀▀▀▀▄ ▄▄ ▄████████▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄██ ████████████▀▀ █ ▐█ ██████████████▄ ▄▄▀██▄██ ▐██████████████ ▄███ ████▀████████████▄███▀ ▀█▀ ▐█████████████▀ ▐████████████▀ ▀█████▀▀▀ █▀ | . Premier League LaLiga Serie A | . Bundesliga Ligue 1 Primeira Liga | | . ..TAKE PART.. |
December 10, 2017, 08:28:24 PM |
Litecoin has historically played a fundamental role as a tester for Bitcoin, implementing potential BTC additions in a smaller, more controlled environment to see how successful they may or may not be.
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
December 10, 2017, 10:22:19 PM |
I think actually main driver of altcoin $ price rise is Bitcoin. And if i want to earn more $ i would buy more BTC. But anyway i proud to be LTC holder since for a long time.
Yes I agree but, I think ltc will gow the bigger we think. My sensation is that a lot of people who buy BTC will (later maybe) transfer to LTC for transaction speed, fees, curiosity etc... Many people are yet dumping in LTC Just a sensation
December 11, 2017, 01:26:45 AM |
BlockMunch.CLUB has added Litecoin as a payment option to it's Multi-Pool! Only 0.25% Fee's!We are now a Multi-Pool! We mine the most profitable coin always, and maximize your return!Choose your payout style. We pay out in this coin, BTC, LTC, and any coin we currently have listed on the pool!You can also use your ASIC's in our SHA256, X11, & Scrypt ports and get paid in this coin or BTC! Just change the algo and the port number in the example belows! Example Config is Below for Litecoin Pay: -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://blockmunch.club:3433 -u LRgQk63NRnJQ8PBTU8yyHAm5aGfNjzhMZu -p c=LTC Example Config Below for BTC Pay-a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://blockmunch.club:3433 -u 1JFx3fE462vMsTeYkNK5yvdWeg2wpmxvBD -p c=BTC Block Explorer Link: blockmunch.club/explorer/LTC Peer List: blockmunch.club/explorer/peers?id=155 Welcome to the Block Munch Club!

Activity: 80
Merit: 10
December 11, 2017, 07:15:15 AM |
I think actually main driver of altcoin $ price rise is Bitcoin. And if i want to earn more $ i would buy more BTC. But anyway i proud to be LTC holder since for a long time.
Yes I agree but, I think ltc will gow the bigger we think. My sensation is that a lot of people who buy BTC will (later maybe) transfer to LTC for transaction speed, fees, curiosity etc... Many people are yet dumping in LTC Just a sensation The narrative of Litecoin was always: "If something ever happens to Bitcoin, Litecoin will be there to help out". well, this is it. Bitcoin´s mempool is clogged, transactions to expensive. LTC for the rescue!
December 11, 2017, 08:15:24 AM |
I can see from last 3 months that Litecoin is increasing steady and slowly which looks very organic and good.
This coin have great potential.

Activity: 322
Merit: 10
December 11, 2017, 11:25:18 AM |
Bitcoin is rising and rising out of the new high. LITECOIN will always keep up with the new heights. At present, the price of LTC is around 150$, and LTC is worth the same long time as BTC. 
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
December 11, 2017, 12:20:32 PM |
Bitcoin is rising and rising out of the new high. LITECOIN will always keep up with the new heights. At present, the price of LTC is around 150$, and LTC is worth the same long time as BTC.  LTC is always 10% of BTC, this is interesting
December 11, 2017, 01:18:13 PM |
Wait until the 18th to make any decision around "new base price". I am baffled as to what's about to happen with people getting into weird futures speculation with all this ramp up because you can still make money on everything crashing or surging.. $150 will look insanely cheap when we look back early next year...

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
Not B troll & do something!
December 11, 2017, 01:55:28 PM |
Litecoin Comunity Here i m, my firts post on LTC thread .  Just for be clear, Ltc and me; we are redy!  last picture at low prices maybe, its better recorder for history so. Litecoin (LTC) $29.90 (-0.77%) 0.01080840 BTC (-6.34%) Market Cap $1,538,094,294 555,981 BTC Volume (24h) $362,026,000 130,863 BTC Circulating Supply 51,439,732 LTC Max Supply 84,000,000 LTC Today 28.50 - 30.00 USDAnd yes that prices its today and the coin has done segwit! and yes LTC is go in to Bitstamp.com and people can change Ltc for gold there soon, buy whit credit cards, dollar and euros, and yes Bitstamp like a lot volume xrp and BTC big big volumen. No wonder LTC return to other exchanges cex.io that have disabled for segwit. Yes i do my research before investing, And it's the best thing you can do, do not buy it by reading this, buy it for what you've investigated. And do not expect pump messages from groups that pray and hope but for clear for steals your btcPriceless. nice call Litecoin (LTC) $176.00 USD (23.93%) 0.01071050 BTC (11.07%) 
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
December 11, 2017, 02:34:30 PM |
still $ 200 today 