Zeit Wallet Install Instructions for New UsersLatest Version Gauntlet
Download New Wallets from
http://www.zeit-coin.net You need Winrar to unzip the wallet, download winrar at
http://rarlabs.com/download.htmUpdated: June 13th, 2015.
Option 1: Fastest Way
(After Download, Takes only a few hours to sync)Filename: Zeit-Blockchain.zip
SHA1: BBFA4F4CFB0892FB8DE9A4941A22B988500EC27A
SHA-256: E70C7C1F04C128E3307BA08D4A66FE3E5F43337ACF532C3607D44A64CC3536EB
Go to Any of the Following Links to get a copy of the Zeitcoin Blockchain.
http://www.mediafire.com/folder/t5w94tr2qccz1https://www.dropbox.com/s/1q5hzm4npzs5qmt/Zeit-Blockchain.zip?dl=0Make sure Zeitcoin is closed
Then Unpack and copy & replace the files from Zeitcoin-Blockchain into
Then open Zeitcoin and it will start syncing the BlockChain from the last update.
Option 2: BootStrap , 2nd Fastest Way
(Takes a day or 2)
Download the latest bootstrap file from
http://www.mediafire.com/folder/t5w94tr2qccz1Filename: bootstrap.zip
MD5: C9259E3F6C530485663EBB38F114C5BC
SHA1: 4ED405E1D2876D6892B8E271C60651B747BD8C26
SHA-256: ED623459CBDFB806545F0D22DC7E153DBA31C772D91957F812B7AA4A426D23FE
Extract the bootstrap.dat file from the bootstrap.zip , Then Copy the bootstrap.dat file in the folder c:\Users\"username"\AppData\Roaming\Zeitcoin (for Windows) or in the Zeitcoin data folder for other OSes. Run the Zeitcoin software to import most of the blockchain locally and then to download only the rest and synchronize the client
Option 3: Sync from the Very Beginning , Longest
Really Long, like 2 or 3 weeks)After installing the Zeit Wallet from the Website:
Window Users :
Start SyncZeit.bat (Needs to be in the same directory as zeitcoin-qt.exe)
Windows Script download at
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bq0crpw4d8mswfb/SyncZeit.bat?dl=0http://www.mediafire.com/folder/t5w94tr2qccz1Mac Users :
Start sh synczeit_osx.sh in a terminal.
Mac Script download at
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0k4mrpvt2u8211m/synczeit_osx.sh.txt?dl=0http://www.mediafire.com/folder/t5w94tr2qccz1Linux Users:
Start sh synczeit_linux.sh in a terminal.
Linux Script download at
https://www.dropbox.com/s/pc1jrtgtaivx166/synczeit_linux.sh.txt?dl=0http://www.mediafire.com/folder/t5w94tr2qccz1It will automatically restart hourly , once the Zeitcoin wallet is Fully Synced
(There will be a Green Check Mark in the lower right hand side of the screen) .
Close the Zeit Wallet and close SyncZeit script window.
From then on Start Zeitcoin-qt.exe directly and you are good to go.
If you don't have any active network connections, after 5 minutes and you chose Option 2 or 3.
Download zeitcoin.conf and place it in the C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Roaming\Zeitcoin
http://www.mediafire.com/folder/t5w94tr2qccz1Then Restart your Zeit Wallet.