- on this page explanation for all cgminer abbreviations.
Elapsed - time since mining started
GHSav - speed of this worker (average)
Accepted - accepted shares
Rejected - rejected shares
Discarded - discarded shares
LocalWork - number of shares sent by this worker
NetworkBlocks - number of new blocks found (for all network)
WU - number of shares sent per minute
BestShare - best share calculated by this worker
Yes, please!
Get Win32DiskImager
here (assuming you are working on Windows)
get SDFormatter
hereput your SD card for RaspberryPi into you SDcard reader
Format it using SDFormatter
download the latests firmware from
here (select:
install that image onto your newly formatted SD card using win32Diskimager
connect your pi to your router, not your computer (windows - I am hopeless with linux, and have not managed to access the control panel directly via Ethernet connected to the computer)
Boot up your pi,
if you have your pi plugged into hdmi onto your TV, when it completes boot and states .. something.. something entering
forwarding state.. or something (can't remember the exact line),
(if the display keeps repeating the same message over and over, then that is where it is stuck, google the message.. but be patient, raspberry Pis are slow)
point your browser to
If you see it, log in using no password, and change the Network > edit > Protocol > change to DHCP Client
Now your router will give the pi a IP address.. view your routers configuration to identify it or get IP Scanner
If, like me, your router won't allow you to address (or any of the range) then you need to log into your router settings and change the IP range from whatever to something like - you should then be able to find it, you can then change it the openwrt settings to DHCP and remove any changes you have made to your router.
Hope that helps
after finally talking to the Avalon devs they suggest, ignore the default settings on the cgminer configuration page and use voltage to 7250, change the frequency to 500
Posted from - #LjFrLly5lWOyMtLA