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Author Topic: TT-Miner 2024.1.2 BLAKE3, KAWPOW, ETHASH, ETCHASH, EPIC, SHA512256D, SHA3D, ETI  (Read 132348 times)
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January 11, 2019, 08:05:02 PM

New release

TT-Miner supports MinerMonitoring ( now. To enable the Monitoring api please add

--api-bind IP[:port]

to the command line. It is required to add the IP of the interface that should offer the API support. You can add for localhost. The port number is optional. If you do not specify a port number the default port 3333 is used. To use an additional password to enable the API you can add

--api-password PASSWORD.

Please replace 'PASSWORD' with the password of you choice. Please let me know if you run into issues.

Happy mining

Do you have some documentation on your API - I cannot find anything. :-(

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January 11, 2019, 08:16:29 PM


today TT-Miner support 'miner_getstat1' JSON request only. Will add more functions if required. What are you locking for? More details on the protocol or the miner_getstat1 command? Let me know if you need more functions.

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January 11, 2019, 09:42:40 PM


today TT-Miner support 'miner_getstat1' JSON request only. Will add more functions if required. What are you locking for? More details on the protocol or the miner_getstat1 command? Let me know if you need more functions.

I am about to integrate your miner into

Can give me an example in powershell how to read the stats? Thank you!

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January 12, 2019, 03:39:45 AM

Great work!


TT-Miner Version 2.1.4 is available.

The new miner is available as command line version only, I dropped the windows GUI release because there was no need for it. So far, I have support for windows 7, 8.1 & 10 and Nvidia. The miner required about 4-5 minutes until it shows a stable hashrate. To get independed information about miner speeds you should always compare hashrates @ the pool, shares @ the pool or just the profit you made.

The DevFee is 1% for all algos.

Supported algorithms:
   - PROGPOW (BCI, more to come)
   - ETHASH (ETC, ETH, etc....)
   - MTP (Zcoin)

TT-Miner should NOT be recognized as virus - please check the VirusTotal information:

A sample command line might look like this:

If you look for possible command line options please start the miner with the -h or --help option: TT-Miner.exe -h

Download link:

The miner required the latest C-runtime from Microsoft. If some dlls are missing when you start the miner you might need to install the CRT. You can get the CRT from Microsoft:

TT-Miner is NOT free of bugs, so if you find one please help to make TT-Miner better and report it to me so that I have a chance to fix it.

Happy mining!

Below is the old message for reference

I have developed a new GUI miner for Windows OS and Nvidia GPU. It comes with two separate application. The TradeTec-Miner.exe and the TradeTec-MinerControl.exe. You can install them on the same box, but this is not a requirement. It comes as a zip file and does not need any installation. Just extract it and run it. If it crashes or just do not show up it might be that you do not have the VC runtime 2017 from Microsoft installed. This is a requirement and you find the link to download the package later.

The current release is
This is how the version number is generated: Version 18 = 2018, 10 = October, 40 = the 40th week of the year, 20 = build #20

The package comes now in a single compressed zip file and contains both version, the GUI release as well as the command line version. It contains the releases for CUDA 9.2 and CUDA 10.0 and includes the algos for Ethash and ProgPoW.

Command line Version:
Please note that you have to add the new option -A ALGONAME to define the algo you want to use for mining. Possible values for 'ALGONAME' are:
   - PROGPOW-100
   - PROGPOW-92
   - ETHASH-100
   - ETHASH-92
   - UBQHASH-100
   - UBQHASH-92

Here is a sample that connects to CoinBlockers (ProgPoW algo):
CUDA 10.0 for Turing: TradeTec-MinerCmd.exe -A PROGPOW-100 -P stratum+tcp://
CUDA 9.20 for Pascal: TradeTec-MinerCmd.exe -A PROGPOW-92 -P stratum+tcp://

For all supported options enter: TradeTec-MinerCmd.exe -h

You will find samples for each algo in the package that you can modify to fit your needs. If you do not specify -cbd or -cgs the miner will try to calculate good performing values for grid and block size. Anyway you can play around with these values. Make sure that you use power of 2 values and that the value for blocksize is in a range from 128 to 768.

Here are screenshots of the Miner and the MinerControl:

VirusTotal information:

Add a new pool
If you run the miner the first time you need to setup your favorite pools. Start the TradeTec-MinerControl and activate the menu ‘Edit’->’Add new pool…’. A new dialog will pop up and allows you to enter all required information like server/port and User/password or wallet address. The click ‘Add Pool’ and you new pool will show up in the ‘Available Pools’ window.

Here are some Guidelines what to enter in the field to make a new coin/pool configuration working. Thanks to ol92 for pointing to the missing information.

Name: A unique name for your new coin/pool configuration
Algorithm: Select the required algo for your coin. So far you can chose from either Ethash or ProgPoW
Server/Port: Enter the connection information, the server and the required port to connect to your pool. There is no need for the stratum+tcp prefix since the TradeTec uses an algorithm to detect the protocol in use.
Wallet/User: In most cases you enter your wallet address. If you pool requires 'login' first (like suprnova) you enter your Username for that pool.
Password: Can be left empty for most pools. If you pool requires a login (suprnova) you enter the password for you worker
Worker override: Can be left empty in most cases. If you enter a workername here it will replace the 'rig-workername'. In this case all rigs will use this workername. If you use suprnove it is a good idea to enter the workername that you use in the suprnova worker configuration.

So a sample configuration to mine ETC on would look like this:
Name: My ETC Ethermine config (POOL)
Algorithm: Ethash (Dagger-Hashimoto)
Server:    Port: 4444

To mine BCI on Suprnova:
Name: My BCI Suprnova config (POOL)
Algorithm: ProgPoW (Programmatic Proof-of-Work)
Server:    Port: 9166

To make things easier the miner will now extract the information it needs from the regular pool server string. If you paste this string into the server field 'stratum+tcp://' the miner will extract the information it requires: Server address & Port number. It will also remove the stratum service information.

Add you rigs
Next stop is to add your rigs. Go to ‘Edit’->’Add new rig…’. Now the dialog to add an IP/port pair shows up. Enter the information to allow the control software to connect with the miner-rig. If you run the Miner and the MinerControl on the same box you can use the loopback address ( and the default port 8010 if that is OK for you. Otherwise enter the IP of the rig.

Start the miner
Now you should start the miner software TradeTec-Miner.exe on your mining rig. You see a window with some information. From the top to the bottom you see:
- Pool-Information: Name, Server/Port job id and performance data
- GPU information: Type, memory, clocks, temp, fan, cuda-comp version and performance data related to the selected GPU in your rig
- Setting for the MinerControl: Selected IP-Interface, port and a button to allow a connection from the MinerControl to the Miner. Also, you can choose if this interface is activated by default or not.
- Miner settings: Hostname, default worker name, mining time and a button to start mining. This allows you to control the Miner even without the MinerControl Software. You can also setup if the Miner should start mining if the program starts.
- Last section show you’re a list of the installed and available cuda devices with some information. The model, the pool that is used for mining, the current mining speed for that device, the submitted and rejected shares and the time the last share was sent.
If you enable the control interface (click on ‘Start listen’) the MinerControl should connect to the miner. You can now continue with the configuration with the MinerControl software.

Assign a pool to the GPU
If the MinerControl and the Miner are connected you can see the list of available GÜPUs in the Control Software. In the window ‘GPUs installed on selected Rig’ you see the list of your GPUs. You can also see that there are no pools assigned to them. Just click on the field saying ‘Unassigned – not used’ and a listbox will open with your available pool configurations. Just select the pool you want the GPU to mine to.

Start mining
Now you can start the mining process if you right-click on the rig in the ‘Available Rigs’ window and execute ‘start mining’ on the context menu. You should see the miner reflecting your commands. Since ETHASH works with DAG files it will take about 20 seconds until you see the process and the mining speed going up.

Requirements for the TradeTec Miner
- Windows 10, 64-Bit
- 64-Bit version of the Microsoft VC runtime 2017
- Nvidia GPU compute 6.0 or later. (checked with 1050Ti, 1060 (6GB) and 1070. Nvidia driver required: V411.31 or later)
- Stratum protocol only - no support for getwork.
- Dagger-Hashimoto and ProgPoW (Bitcoin Interest) algo

- control your rigs from a single computer
- monitor performance of the rigs and GPUs
- performance in Hashes/sec and submitted shares on GPU basis
- switch your rig or just a single GPU to other pools or a different coin within seconds
- small memory & CPU footprint
- nonce generation can be configured
- support for MinerMonitoring

The DevFee is 1%.

TradeTec Miner (commandline and GUI version, supporting both, CUDA 9.2 and CUDA 10.0)

Microsoft Visual C++ Visual Studio 2017 (64-Bit)

Let me know if you run into any issues - will try to help.

TrailingStop (OP)
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January 12, 2019, 12:06:26 PM


you can try this:


Starting with version 2.1.5 you can use existing commandlines from other miner. Will be released soon.

The -P command line from TT-Miner offers the advantage that you can add as many backup-pools as you like, even with different wallets, workernames and passwors by just repeating the -P option with different pools - that allows also a mix of anonym pools and a pool like

Let me know if that works for you?

TrailingStop (OP)
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January 12, 2019, 12:19:11 PM

Yes- some people are testing now. If no one complains I will release in a few hours.
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January 12, 2019, 12:25:51 PM

Sure - I send you a PM with the download link
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January 12, 2019, 04:13:55 PM

Hello, nice work on a new miner for ProgPow and other hot algorithms.

Is there any support for linux planned?

If so, we would like to request that it follow the following conventions for application development:

- Fully configurable using the command line, without need for config files.
- Per-device stats (accepts, hashrate at the least)
- Full JSON API via socket, so we can reach the stats via curl, for example.

If this is doable we will be very thankful and include your miner in our ubuntu-based distribution, PiMP OS.

Thank you very much!

~ melt |
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January 13, 2019, 09:46:26 AM

Hi! 7% rejected share, is that normal? How to reduce?
TrailingStop (OP)
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January 13, 2019, 10:19:52 AM

No, it is not. Do you have more information for me so that I can found out what is going on?

Version of TT, Pool, Ping to pool, Algo, Coin?


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January 13, 2019, 10:54:51 AM

Can i get version 2.1.5?
TrailingStop (OP)
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January 13, 2019, 11:03:45 AM

Hi- I still need some more time. I change a lot of the code and I like to have a another beta before I release the new version.
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January 13, 2019, 11:22:11 AM

I have this problem, OC or non OC, no difference. How I can fix this?

C:\Users\rig1080\Desktop\TT-Miner>TT-Miner.exe -A MTP-92 -P
TT-Miner - Version: 2.1.4
Press 'q' to stop mining and terminate

Found 6 CUDA devices
* #0 PCI 0:1    GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (6.1)       CoreClk 139 MHz | MemClk 405 MHz | 11264 MB | SM: 28
* #1 PCI 0:3 ASUS       GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (6.1)       CoreClk 139 MHz | MemClk 405 MHz | 11264 MB | SM: 28
* #2 PCI 0:4 ASUS       GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (6.1)       CoreClk 139 MHz | MemClk 405 MHz | 11264 MB | SM: 28
* #3 PCI 0:5 ASUS       GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (6.1)       CoreClk 139 MHz | MemClk 405 MHz | 11264 MB | SM: 28
* #4 PCI 0:6 Gigabyte   GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (6.1)       CoreClk 139 MHz | MemClk 405 MHz | 11264 MB | SM: 28
* #5 PCI 0:7 Gigabyte   GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (6.1)       CoreClk 139 MHz | MemClk 405 MHz | 11264 MB | SM: 28

ID:0 - Primary pool:
                        Wallet: aBE8Va31aw5RhZsp11pRQjBHP7ifkaYfus
                        Worker: RIG1080TI
No backup pool defined

Active algo: MTP - CUDA 9.2
Nonce generation: mode 3, timeout: 0.00 secs.

13:20:35 Connecting to (0)
13:20:35 Connected to: - []
13:20:35 Subscribed to
13:20:35 Worker authorized: RIG1080TI
13:20:35 Pool difficulty update: 458.75 MH
13:20:35 Received new job#: 24ce
13:20:35 Pool-Message: Optimizing difficulty may take several minutes.
13:20:45 GPU[0]: 0.000 H/s 19C 10% [A0:R0]  LastShare: -
13:20:45 GPU[1]: 3.299 MH/s 24C 18% [A0:R0]  LastShare: -
13:20:45 GPU[2]: 3.055 MH/s 29C 0% [A0:R0]  LastShare: -
13:20:45 GPU[3]: 0.000 H/s 17C 0% [A0:R0]  LastShare: -
13:20:45 GPU[4]: 0.000 H/s 14C 33% [A0:R0]  LastShare: -
13:20:45 GPU[5]: 0.000 H/s 14C 33% [A0:R0]  LastShare: -
13:20:45 Rig-Speed[2 min]: 6.354 MH/s [A0:R0] Uptime: 00:00:10  LastShare: -
13:20:48 Error: GPU[4] Cannot launch kernel. Please check OC settings for this GPU. GPU disabled.
13:20:48 Error: All GPUs are disabled. TT-Miner cannot continue and will exit now
13:20:48 Error: GPU[1] Cannot launch kernel. Please check OC settings for this GPU. GPU disabled.
13:20:48 Error: All GPUs are disabled. TT-Miner cannot continue and will exit now
13:20:48 Error: GPU[2] Cannot launch kernel. Please check OC settings for this GPU. GPU disabled.
13:20:48 Error: All GPUs are disabled. TT-Miner cannot continue and will exit now
13:20:48 Error: GPU[3] Cannot launch kernel. Please check OC settings for this GPU. GPU disabled.
13:20:48 Error: All GPUs are disabled. TT-Miner cannot continue and will exit now
13:20:48 Error: GPU[0] Cannot launch kernel. Please check OC settings for this GPU. GPU disabled.
13:20:48 Error: All GPUs are disabled. TT-Miner cannot continue and will exit now
13:20:48 Error(pool): MTP verify failed(20)
13:20:48 GPU[3]: **Rejected 168 ms. []
13:20:48 Error(pool): MTP verify failed(20)
13:20:48 GPU[0]: **Rejected 260 ms. []

TrailingStop (OP)
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January 13, 2019, 11:26:11 AM

Try to increase virtual memory:

Please let me know if that helps.
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January 13, 2019, 11:42:46 AM

Try to increase virtual memory:

Please let me know if that helps.

Increased from 32Gb to 36Gb, it seems to be working, at list for last 5 min. I will be watching future. Thanks for your help!!!
One card shows little less hashrate than other, but all 6 card has same configuration.
TrailingStop (OP)
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January 13, 2019, 11:47:42 AM

It is OK if the hashrates isn't the same - even if you have 'identical' cards. Nothing to worry. I think it is save to go up to 64GB if you have enough space available on your HD/SSD.

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January 13, 2019, 11:56:05 AM

It is OK if the hashrates isn't the same - even if you have 'identical' cards. Nothing to worry. I think it is save to go up to 64GB if you have enough space available on your HD/SSD.

Thanks for your help and quick response
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January 13, 2019, 12:54:37 PM
Last edit: January 13, 2019, 01:09:17 PM by tristable

7% rejected share, TT-Miner 2.1.4, 1080ti,, ping 47ms, MTP-100 and MTP-92, XZC.
CryptoDredge 0.16 was also about 5%, and new 0.16.1 was 0.2% rejected.
Still write "Error(pool): Low difficulty share(23)"

15:59:30 Rig-Speed[2 min]: 26.385 MH/s [A7674:R622] Uptime: 1 05:21:45 LastShare: 00:00:01
15:59:31 Error(pool): Low difficulty share(23)
15:59:31 GPU[0]: **Rejected 0 ms. []
15:59:35 Error(pool): Low difficulty share(23)
15:59:35 GPU[0]: **Rejected 0 ms. []

No, it is not. Do you have more information for me so that I can found out what is going on?

Version of TT, Pool, Ping to pool, Algo, Coin?


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January 14, 2019, 02:07:37 PM

Freezed after approximately 12 hours of work.
Configured auto reboot after 12 hours.
It's possible to fix this problem?
TrailingStop (OP)
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January 14, 2019, 03:01:45 PM

Hi gusknure,

can you give me some more information please. Version, Algo, pool?

Also, if you have some space left on your HD you can create a logfile that conrains more information. To create that just add the option -logpool to the commandline. TT-Miner will then create a logfile with information of the communication with the pool that could be helpful.

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