I am now a source the best way for me to be neutral is to look at a list of names of jr to newbie and read posts.
I now have a list and have decided to pass on the first 2 people on the list.
I do have a concern about people selling merits. 0.0010 is cheaper then 0.0020 for copper purchase. I am not selling merits I am reading posts on the list I have been given.
But My concern would be other sources will sell that 1 merit for 0.0010 btc.
They'd be risking red trust if they do that. More likely some old/hacked accounts could engage in such sales.
good point.
I looked at the first part of the list sent to me from thermyos
| id | name | loginDay | activity |
| 1197204 | ZUTEN12000...........| 17792 | 364 |
| 1183714 | rakkhusi.................| 17792 | 336 |
| 985565 | abdu_hz..................| 17792 | 324 |
| 1192004 | cobs27...................| 17792 | 322 |
| 1130372 | Anhdienhg .............| 17792 | 308 |
| 1240244 | scolcoin | 17792 | 308 | He may get a merit
| 1298826 | wandogim................| 17792 | 308 |
| 1333241 | dendenseptember.....| 17792 | 308 |
| 1341161 | suzychan.................| 17792 | 308 |
| 1382518 | D4smin....................| 17792 | 308 |
I do not want to get these people marked up with red trust but I do want to continue do this tomorrow.
I have hundreds more to check these have the most posts.
My assumption is posting this list is okay but I will stop if thermyos says not to post it.
One caveat is there are some posts in other languages which I don't know.
about 475 names on the list sent to me.
did these today
| 1269904 | arbl0422 | 17792 | 294 |
| 1411783 | Vika12345 | 17792 | 294 |
| 1428814 | rizabek123 | 17792 | 294 |
| 1430930 | Valhalaa | 17792 | 294 |
| 1445790 | Ramadhoni060616 | 17792 | 294 |
| 1450751 | siena23 | 17792 | 294 |
| 979603 | duncaneastlance | 17792 | 283 |the two in bold made some effort to post stuff other then facebook or twitter campaigns
| 1104048 | jdgranfiel | 17792 | 280 |
| 1215835 | Jrfranco | 17792 | 280 | these 2 also did some post other then the bounty garbage
first 19 on the list 18 are hunting for bounty money 4 of them bothered to try to write some other posts 1 is a coin or ico guy and may get a merit from me.
Have to rest my eyes for now.
I will review 17 more on my list today
| 1364460 | dedeipangm | 17792 | 280 | over 20 pages 99% bounty and some in foreign language
| 1423222 | h0nganh90 | 17792 | 280 | 20 pages 5 with some posts then 15 pages all bounty
| 1453967 | success007 | 17792 | 280 |this post is pretty good
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3294368.msg35171674#msg35171674many bounty posts but the one above is well thought out.
| 1454421 | bijoy12 | 17792 | 280 | bounty hunter no real content
| 1468673 | s4l1wu | 17792 | 280 | bounty hunter almost no real content
| 1488954 | Thanhjonhan | 17792 | 280 |
| 1522816 | Ikingpain | 17792 | 280 |
| 1056527 | lafter | 17792 | 266 |
| 1345107 | badranaya | 17792 | 266 |
| 1389208 | nitin8263 | 17792 | 266 |
| 1467308 | jalaludin96 | 17792 | 266 |
| 1497449 | KriptoFull | 17792 | 266 |
| 1577999 | marcus13 | 17792 | 266 |
| 1633411 | zangleerb | 17792 | 266 |
| 1650479 | garybyerz | 17792 | 266 |36 pages very little content mostly all bounty
| 1680274 | edisopian | 17792 | 266 | bounty hunter no real content
| 1681678 | omfg.xekcep | 17792 | 266
he has some long thoughtful posts
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2829339.msg31504422#msg31504422I gave him 2 points for this post made months ago.