January 07, 2019, 12:37:23 PM |
It doesn't matter to hold lots of coins or tokens. but most importantly we understand every benefit we get by holding it. because in session 2018 there were too many shit tokens and many had suffered losses
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Activity: 442
Merit: 10
January 07, 2019, 12:42:37 PM |
I still keep the coins on the developer's wallet. And some token on my ETH wallet. Perhaps soon I should also change the way I keep my coins, keeping the coins in a cold wallet seems much safer.
January 07, 2019, 12:48:41 PM |
I still keep the coins on the developer's wallet. And some token on my ETH wallet. Perhaps soon I should also change the way I keep my coins, keeping the coins in a cold wallet seems much safer.
I don't know which one will be safer, but I can see if as long as we keep the key for our wallet or we save the asset right. I think, our assets will be stored safely. although some people have lost their assets in their wallets. I myself have never experienced that, and I do not expect it to happen. because most of my altcoin assets remain in my wallet. I never hold assets in exchange, I think it's too risky.
January 07, 2019, 01:22:32 PM |
Again, could you someone tell me why it is better to hold your Ethereum tokens in this wallet? What it makes better than using MyEtherWallet or MetaMask? Because, you share with the app (Holder) your private key and this is little bit risky, or?
No one should know your private keys; this is the direct and most powerful risk for losing your funds along with access to wallets. Only you must know your private key. By breaking this rule you put yourself in danger.
faceoff97 (OP)
January 07, 2019, 02:56:20 PM |
Again, could you someone tell me why it is better to hold your Ethereum tokens in this wallet? What it makes better than using MyEtherWallet or MetaMask? Because, you share with the app (Holder) your private key and this is little bit risky, or?
No one should know your private keys; this is the direct and most powerful risk for losing your funds along with access to wallets. Only you must know your private key. By breaking this rule you put yourself in danger. This is why the private key that was being provided by Hodler is encrypted, this encrypted file could be stored in email. The private keybis the most important thing for a wallet, that is why, a wallet which doesn't provide private key like close source wallet should be not on your top list, full control of funds is in top priority.

Activity: 574
Merit: 10
January 07, 2019, 03:19:51 PM |
Holding multiple coins becomes one of the strategy to diversify our money into the crypto. This is a good strategy to minimize losing much money. Because we can make one profit from one coin and the others. However, we must be smart in choosing what kind of tokens or coins that we must hold.
January 07, 2019, 11:38:50 PM |
I look at some new wallets just to be informed but I am confident with my ledger nano S and I am holding my coins on that specific hardware wallet and do not want to make experiments with new possibilities. I bought it when it was half priced during the black Friday offer.

Activity: 532
Merit: 17
January 08, 2019, 03:35:21 AM |
Many of us prefer to hold multiple kind of coins. What do you prefer: holding it in a sigle kind of wallet or have it on a different kind of wallet?
Personally, I prefer to store in an opensource multi wallet that support all my preferred coin and even ERC20 token, its the only opensource multiwallet available called Hodler and so far I find it good. Do you think, this is really good idea?
If you want to holding multiple crypto in a single wallet, i guess hard wallet like ledger is the best option. Holding multiple crypto is required some 3rd party wallet if you dont use hard wallet. I prefer to using multiple wallets instead using 3rd party wallet which i don't trust. Using multiple wallets is better because only you have the key or password of your own wallets.
January 08, 2019, 07:36:30 AM |
I do like to keep multiple coin in my wallet. and to do that i chose to split them into several different wallet, but not too many wallet, cause it could expense more fee if i use too much wallet to keep all the coins that i had.
Agree, to much wallet will cost more fee. That is why it might ne a better choice to have one of a kind wallet which offers security that could hold most of our preferred coin. Luckily, until now while using Hodler I feel no worry and it great so far. it doesnt cost anything to store a coin into a wallet but it does a fee when you send a coin into your another wallet howeer the fee is not that big becuase you are using an altcoin not bitcoin . why did you need alot of wallet to hodl multiple alts where you can use one wallet to hold them all ? in that you way you will not worry about the transferring fees . you can also use hardware wallets if you are really conscious about your security . holding multiple altcoins isnt bad at all but it is also beneficial because you minimize the risk of loosing and the same time you also maximize your potential income as long as you choose the best alts on the market . I use hardware wallet that allows storing many different coins on it. But honestly sometimes I'm concerned about safety, as in case if someone hacks my wallet, there's a possibility of loosing multiple coins, i.e. all my investments, at the same time.

Activity: 344
Merit: 10
January 08, 2019, 08:20:50 AM |
It doesn't make sense to hold too many altcoins. The risk of the altcoin is very large in itself. When the cryptocurrency market is in a downturn, holding coins is the wrong way. No one knows if the cryptocurrency market will go smoothly in the future.

Activity: 420
Merit: 24
January 09, 2019, 04:38:20 PM |
I think it's a good idea, the important thing is you can maximize all security features. I would prefer if only one wallet contained enough coins. because in my opinion it's more practical and easy.

Activity: 392
Merit: 10
January 10, 2019, 08:39:06 AM |
Yes it is a good idea but some positions on your wallet are questionable. Namely, these are the positions that relate to bitcoin. I would not invest in this direction.
pearcy jackson

Activity: 560
Merit: 10
January 10, 2019, 05:24:15 PM |
If you have large assets, my advice is to choose the original wallet according to the type of coin each. because it can reduce the risk of the danger of open source.
January 10, 2019, 05:32:54 PM |
It doesn't matter to hold lots of coins or tokens. but most importantly we understand every benefit we get by holding it. because in session 2018 there were too many shit tokens and many had suffered losses
And all these shittokens will never go to the exchange as their projects have closed or disappeared into the shadows. Unfortunately, these are the trends of 2018, the year of popularity of ICO.
January 10, 2019, 05:59:22 PM |
I check on their site, but I do not yet try their wallet. So far, I use the JAXX, Coinomi wallet to hold multiple altcoins and it's good for me. But maybe later I will try their wallet so I can compare the advantages.
You should try it, one of the best multiwallet knowing that it is The only fully opensource multiwallet. I've been using it for 2 months and so far I find it better than other wallet, so far so good. I suggest he can try some other wallet applications like the Huobi Wallet. They are one of the leading blockchain technology companies today and we can trust their products
Sr. Member
Activity: 1512
Merit: 292
January 10, 2019, 06:06:31 PM |
I check on their site, but I do not yet try their wallet. So far, I use the JAXX, Coinomi wallet to hold multiple altcoins and it's good for me. But maybe later I will try their wallet so I can compare the advantages.
You should try it, one of the best multiwallet knowing that it is The only fully opensource multiwallet. I've been using it for 2 months and so far I find it better than other wallet, so far so good. I suggest he can try some other wallet applications like the Huobi Wallet. They are one of the leading blockchain technology companies today and we can trust their products You can also try the updated Trust Wallet, since recently they have added the function of storing Bitcoin, Litycoin and several other major crypto currencies. Previously, it was possible to store only Ethereum and ERC20 tokens.
Jr. Member
Activity: 322
Merit: 1
January 10, 2019, 06:21:35 PM |
As for me I think that's thw best way to achieve greatly in crypto business
It's advisable to invest in some shit altcoins than investing in bitcoin which has mostly achieved what it meant to achieve in the market. But there are some shit altcoins that no one will looking into today and will definitely turns out to true and market ruler tomorrow and that's why have been investing my little peny in some of this shit altcoins and I won't stop because I know one of them ia going to give me what I want tomorrow.

Activity: 280
Merit: 10
January 10, 2019, 06:27:56 PM |
This can have advantages and disadvantages. This is all about the status of the coin and the market that you hold in your hands. A little bit of luck also has an effect. A wide range of portfolio can be useful in these circumstances.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1372
Merit: 250
Seabet.io | Crypto-Casino
January 10, 2019, 06:33:24 PM |
According to your hobbies, I have a lot of wallets to trust! And I don't think I should store all the encryption in one wallet! Etherwallet Imtoken Myetherwallet(MEW) Hardware wallet you can choose Ledger Nano
good, it is better not to be stored or hanging in just one wallet to store assets owned. I also do the same thing as you. I also like ledger nano.
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 3
January 10, 2019, 06:37:53 PM |
Holding all the coins is preferable when, any wallet is supporting all the coins you have and how much secure it is. We I say secure, we need to be more cautious using it. Hardware wallets provide more security but again the compatibility needs to be checked. Now a days, many altcoins are building their own blockchain and not dependent on ETH blockchain. One on the project TEMCO has created its token on RRC 20 complaint system which does not support MEW. Due to this it day by day its really becoming difficult storing multiple altcoins. Hope in future we will have a wallet which will be universal and most secured.