On bitcointalk we will present our PSP in simple terms that anyone can understand,
however this program has been fully studied and organized with a document that
explains the program in full:
Click here to read the program in details
First I would like to explain the origin of this program. When we started the CAI
project now known as CAIx, our first and utmost care was not given to features
in the client, although as you will see soon we have not ignored the client, but
our attention was pointed towards creating revenue streams to support an alt
currency in it's infancy. We gave our project an outside source of revenue for
support, initially by releasing Tiny Elementals.
That attracted media attention with the articlesposted on Coindesk and CryptoArticles
and a number of virtual currency news outlets.
With this attention,we received a number of requests from big investors who wanted
to help with this project. We said we will not refuse help, we will accept it as long as it
benefits CAIx miners/holders/traders, in short if it benefits the CAIx community.
The first offer we received was a generous contribution of 24 BTC by an investor
who purchased 25% of revenue of Tiny Elementals once it reaches the full development
stage, we also had 4 BTC income from the game. The total was 28 BTC in total. We did
not forget our promise of making 50% of income set aside for holders that amounted to 14 BTC.
When we announced that last week, we immediately received another generous offer
by another group of investors,that we could use for our next revenue generating stream
and our program PSP announced today. The offer was beyond our expectations, and
needed some time to go over with the investors. The offer was a donation of
Three KNC TITAN miners towards our PSP program announced today.
The three Titans will be mining at our multipool as soon as delivered and CAIx
generated by those miners will be used in our PSP program.
The PSP program is detailed and complex, but once you understand the
influence this program will have on CAIx you will easily understand the ramifications.
The PSP program will fund an equilibrium price for CAIx at 469,452 Satoshi,
however, that price is not a limit of how far CAIx can gain in value.
We tried to put the most important points in this program in simple words, orders for
the three KNC Titans are already placed. So the document you will read about
PSP is a work that has already started. There will be a video posted later that
will explain how the PSP program will work.
There is two other important updates about the new CAIx client and new
CAIx website.
Please understand that our work for the CAIx project as devs is done to benefit
our community and build a virtual currency with an increasing support for value
and an increasing number of revenue streams to support this currency for wide
adoption. As we are doing this we are seeing an increased confidence in the
currency and an overwhelming support by investors.