Full Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 106
ONe Social Network.
September 25, 2017, 12:14:51 PM |
hello, is it possible so set static difficulty for cryptonight? (selling hashpower)
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
September 25, 2017, 08:19:48 PM |
Hi guys!
I just registered to discuss: I had this in mind for a couple of months but never had the time to refine - and TPB just made it: mining not for you but for an organisation to support.
Well, mining in the background and without asking the user is a bit, impolite. Why don't make a miner that can be scaled down (no one likes to work on a slow PC) and registers an organisation to support via URI?
Or is that a huge problem? (too fragmented, do they mean huge overhead?)
September 26, 2017, 02:37:53 PM |
I started mining with NiceHash recently on a basic laptop which was just lying around (power is free) as a way to get some Sats however slowly. The problem I'm facing is when I start the miner, it works fine for some time (30 mins - 1 hour) but then looses the connection. I then have to end it and restart with a different server - sometimes even that does not work. Of course, if I need to stay in front of my computer to make it work, then there is no point to doing this. Has anyone else also faced this problem? Any thoughts on the resolution? NiceHash support has been extremely slow in responding. Please see below for the screenshot of the problem:
Activity: 68
Merit: 10
September 26, 2017, 02:40:28 PM |
Why can't I limit hash rate at Nicehash? When I buy say 10GH/s sometimes is scales up to 80! It doesn't seem to be possible to set the limit even though it is specified when buying hash rate.
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
September 27, 2017, 11:42:15 AM |
Hey guys,
Been mining with Claymore v10 but was trying to see if it could be more profitable to mine with NiceHash...
So first issue is with SGMiner. Get an issue straight away about OpenCL not being recognised and never gets started... Any ideas?
Second issue is after spending a couple of hours benchmarking all my cards when I press to start mining it opens up claymore and starts mining ETH&Lbry. It recognises that I have 6 cards (and I also selected all 6 before pressing start) but it only starts mining with GPU#0... Anyone have a fix for this? Will I have to change the bat files in the Bin folders for every program?
Many thanks.
September 27, 2017, 09:10:24 PM |
The new site doesn't show my miners. Great job nicehash
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
September 27, 2017, 09:53:19 PM |
Elder III
September 27, 2017, 11:00:28 PM |
Ever since the maintenance on the website 2 nights ago workers are shown as 0 on the miner page, irregardless of how many are actually connected. The latest Legacy Miner is buggy too, it continually opens mining windows, closes and opens more over and over. It's effectively unusable in it's current state.
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
September 27, 2017, 11:04:37 PM |
Ever since the maintenance on the website 2 nights ago workers are shown as 0 on the miner page, irregardless of how many are actually connected.
Same problem here. Please fix it!
Activity: 68
Merit: 10
September 28, 2017, 12:08:37 AM |
That is past results. For past week and for past month. The profit is going down, that's why you are seeing such difference.
September 28, 2017, 01:06:35 AM |
Are you guys experiencing funny little quarks at niceshash off and on with various things??
September 28, 2017, 03:26:28 AM |
Are you guys experiencing funny little quarks at niceshash off and on with various things?? Do you mean the service or the website? I've been running the client with no problem for a few weeks now, no complaints.
Activity: 76
Merit: 10
September 28, 2017, 08:49:32 AM |
I'm running my asic on antminer, got about 5.4% rejected shares ! Is this normal ? Is it my internet connection that creates this or other factors ? Thx
September 28, 2017, 08:55:53 AM |
Ever since the maintenance on the website 2 nights ago workers are shown as 0 on the miner page, irregardless of how many are actually connected.
Same problem here. Please fix it! While Nicehash fixes this, copy and paste the link below and enter your BTC wallet address in the 'wallet_here' section.
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
September 28, 2017, 09:55:27 AM |
Ever since the maintenance on the website 2 nights ago workers are shown as 0 on the miner page, irregardless of how many are actually connected.
Same problem here. Please fix it! While Nicehash fixes this, copy and paste the link below and enter your BTC wallet address in the 'wallet_here' section. no workers active with this site!
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
September 28, 2017, 01:54:31 PM |
Does anyone expiriencing troubles with nicehash for the past 2 days? What I have: 1) Periodically "Unable to login due to system due to system maintenance". Login was unaccesible! I have couple of orders and I could not stop them, change or anything else 2) Often instead of proper API response we have HTML-page, about "system maintenance" and "couple of minutes". It's not offline page, it's response, but with HTML instead of JSON. My selfmade bot went crazy, and I rewrote it around 8 hours to properly handle this shit 3) When API sends HTMLs whole marketplace was down, coz it depends on API also. By the way, old marketplace was working! Is this DDoS? Why is silence in Nicehash twitter? Maybe we have to start worrying about our bitcoins on Nicehash?
Activity: 1453
Merit: 1011
Bitcoin Talks Bullshit Walks
September 28, 2017, 02:04:00 PM |
For you apple iPhone users. Dl Nicestats and Input your btc addy. You will get your workers back while they fix this problem
As in nature, all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry, alternating currents - electric wave motion - will have the sway. ~Nikola Tesla~
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
September 28, 2017, 02:09:42 PM |
Boт нaxepa дeлaть cpaныx бoтoв ? Зaдoлбaли yжe,либo блядь,бepи opдep caм либo пиздyй к xyям.A тo блять нacтpoит бoтa и cидит дpoчит.Чтo нa биpжe,чтo здecь oдни пидapacы нe cпocoбныe ниxyя вpyчнyю cдeлaть.Bы блять пoнимaeтe чтo caйт c opдepaми oбнoвляeтcя мeдлeннee чeм бoт мeняeт цeнy ?Либo yбиpaйтe иx нaxyй,либo иcпpaвляйтe caйт чтoб oбнoвлялcя быcтpee бoтa
Дpyжищe, paccлaбь бaтoны! Paз ecть API, знaчит ecть и бoты. A ecли oни тeбя зaдpaли, cядь и нaпиши cвoй кoтopый бyдeт yмнee этиx. И тaм нe NicehashBot, бoжe yпacи, oн coвceм тyпoй! Я, пpeждe чeм нaпиcaть cвoeгo, дoвoльнo пpoдoлжитeльнoe вpeмя нaблюдaл зa pынкoм пoкyпки мoщнocтeй. И тaк cкaзaть мoтaл нa yc. B итoгe y мeня в aлгopитмe ecть пapaмeтp "здopoвьe", кoтopый oтceкaeт мoмeнты, кoгдa мaньячныe зaкaзы пo нeвыгoдным цeнaм зaбиpaют вcю мoщнocть пyлa и пoдтягивaют вce цeны нaвepx (тaкoe пoдoзpeниe, чтo этo дeлaeт caм Nicehash, чтoбы yмeньшить вoлaтильнocть), ecть пapaмeтp "ocтpoвa", кoтopый ищyт выгoднoe мecтo cpeди зaкaзoв, чтoбы и нe в caмoм низy (тoгдa пocтoяннo бyдeт oтpyбaть oт мaйнepoв пpи любoм движeнии цeн нaвepx), и нe в нeвыгoднoй ceкции ввepxy, гдe нeпoнятныe люди мaйнят пo зaвышeнным цeнaм нeпoнятнo зaчeм. И мнoгo чeгo eщe, включaя API c биpж и caйтoв c нaйдeнными блoкaми, чтoбы кoppeктиpoвaть цeнy и cкopocть. Taк чтo вoзмoжнo вce! A ecли yж paздpaжaют бoты, тo для этoгo Nicehash пpидyмaл "фикcиpoвaнный зaкaз", кoтopый мaйнитcя пo фикcиpoвaннoй цeнe, внe зaвиcимocти oт бoтoв и вceгo ocтaльнoгo:) PS и caйт, и API oбнoвляют инфopмaцию paз в 30 ceкyнд, тyт пapитeт.
Activity: 1098
Merit: 1000
September 28, 2017, 03:06:32 PM |
Does anyone expiriencing troubles with nicehash for the past 2 days? What I have: 1) Periodically "Unable to login due to system due to system maintenance". Login was unaccesible! I have couple of orders and I could not stop them, change or anything else 2) Often instead of proper API response we have HTML-page, about "system maintenance" and "couple of minutes". It's not offline page, it's response, but with HTML instead of JSON. My selfmade bot went crazy, and I rewrote it around 8 hours to properly handle this shit 3) When API sends HTMLs whole marketplace was down, coz it depends on API also. By the way, old marketplace was working! Is this DDoS? Why is silence in Nicehash twitter? Maybe we have to start worrying about our bitcoins on Nicehash?
I have been having problems with my bot as well, like you it's only been for the last few days. If the site is down, there isn't a lot that can be done, so those don't bother me too much, but getting lots of these errors HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable and it appears to be happening mid script, so my guess is there has been a recent change to the frequency of API calls and they are now being rejected. The docs do say that you should wait 3 seconds between each one (not sure if this is recently changed), which is what I have had to do to get it working again but it's not ideal. Unfortunately with a bot there is no real way to avoid api calls, I only like to get a small percentage so I need to work out the speed available on both nicehash and westhash (2 calls). You need to scan all the orders to determine the current lowest price (2 calls), then you need to scan your orders to see what price you are currently paying (2 calls). This is before you even start to add/change/cancel/top up your orders
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
September 28, 2017, 08:09:46 PM |
Right now Nicehash is down! Web-part is working, stratum for miners is working, but I can't login ("Failed to login due to system maintenance"), API returns trash and old site isn't working too! Sadness and tears, unicorns are crying!