Two weeks is actually a trademark owned by BFL. Unfortunately after ~5500BTC donated to thermos this forum doesn't have a proper search function so can't help you with any links.
As for performance we've heard it before. Showing a picture where they draw random lines everyone can make. Where is the real actual hardware? If they have it in hand and actually performing they should show it instead of a random picture. But enough BFL.
Yah exactly.
I agree with that another 2 weeks, another 2 weeks is classic BS from BFL.
At this point in the game, buy two SP10s at 3,500 each and you get 1.6Th/s EACH in turbo mode right?
And no expensive water cooling loop, no expensive 1500W power supplies ON TOP of the card.
So with them, lets say you bought two cards, overclock and its 1.6TH/s. Then water cooling for the
future, and two massive power supplies to allow overclocking in the future.
So 2200 X 2 = 4400 plus power supplies = 4800 plus water cooling loops another 125 each. $5300 for MAYBE 2 TH/s
NOW all the fucking nightmare to get it all to fucking work is a week spent not hashing.
When will they ship??? GOD KNOWS. But god are they full of themselves now with their oh wow look, it overclocks,
its so efficient. But the compeition has been shipping for MONTHS now and you guys are already 6 months behind at
this point with your SUPER technology. They are $500 cards at this point!!
With SP-Tech, you buy Two SP10s, get 1.6GH/s each IMMEDIATELY, self contained, already ready to rack and stack,
and its $3500 for say a solid 1.6GH/s and thats as soon as it hits the door. No crazy power supply and water cooling
needed to set them up. SO BFL, your shit SUCKS if you ask me and its not even out the door yet.
I think its common sense at this point that their video card design is lacking and just going to be a PAIN ITFA.
I pray to god I can extort a refund out of these criminals and buy two more SP10s for June.