i know this topic isnt new, but damn... everyday is the same thing...
"ETH scam", "lsk scam", even "btc is a scam". What are we doing in this market? it's all scam.
And to the other guy i think your banks commentary is simply nonsense.
You are literally not making any sense with all that.
A useless defense, not the first time I have seen that before.
Nice try.. stealing my own classic retort material word for word.
It only works when i do it NOOBY ACCOUNT
You finished up in McDonalds early tonight? Don't usually see your FUD around this time.
Well if you were as smart as you are trying to portray..
You would have said "Wendy's" ..not McDonalds.
And yes that is firing back at me yet more of my own classic retort material.
And again it only works when i do it !
Clearly you guys have run out of material and started leeching mine..
You should be embarrassed now.
And not only for that but your blatant disregard for the topic subject matter.
(making no effort what so ever to talk about the topic in question)
Further more if you were as smart as you want us all to believe you would know
It's been common knowledge for a few years that i have been off work with chronic back problems.
So.. EPIC retort fail NOOB account shill.. again.
How you enjoying your negative rating kid ?
In case it was not clear why i was ill remind you why i give it to you.
You said you had "your ear to the ground" and banks were going to start using Ethereum
and that they were going to be buying large volumes of Ethereum.
I am convinced 101% you simply made that up.. you lied outright deliberately.
And when you spread rumors like that i have to draw the line somewhere..
Considering we already seen the same type of rampant fraudulent deception by you & others
with Microsoft and especially IBM then yes you absolutely do deserve this rating for a 3rd scammy attempt at lying.
All i can say is it's pretty sad the lengths you will go to around here
to try and sucker people into buying ETH "Scheme Coins" ..sad
And i have not given a negative rating to anyone in a looong time too.
It takes a hell of a lot for me to to and do that.. but you earned it.