Okay, after some review, I must conclude that so-called GPU Plotter is a worthless piece of crap, suited only for hackers and code monkeys.
After downloading the 2 files and 7zip, and installing 7zip, the first directions here were to read the README files. Okay.
And.... progress comes to a halt. Direction #1 - install msys/mingw. Installing it isn't the main problem, rather, the bigger problem is that the file ISN'T HERE!!!!!
How the hell am I supposed to install something that isn't in the folder to install?!?!?!?!?
Then after installing OpenCL, which I can do, it gets into modifying files and command line directions for use of the cd command, etc.
Hey, how about releasing a version that WORKS without having to hack / guess / compile the damn thing?
Get to work on it, this current version SUCKS OBAMA!!!!!
And make it for Windows, no more Linux stuff that 1% or less of the world uses!!!!
The Windows version is already pre-compiled into an EXE and is ready to rock out of the box...
The instructions to "install msys/mingw" are to compile the exe yourself from the source code.
Long story short, just open a command prompt and do a "CD" to the folder you extracted it to (that contains the EXE file) and run the file with the desired arguments.
Here is a better guide on How to use the Windows GPU Plotter:
1) The GPU Plotter is archived in a .7z file, so you will need to Download and install 7-zip to be able to extract it (if you don't already have it):
http://www.7-zip.org/download.html2) Download the (Windows) GPU plot generator v2.0.0:
3) Right-click & extract the "gpuPlotGenerator-bin-win-x86-" file and select 7-zip -> extract to "gpuPlotGenerator-bin-win-x86-2.0.0\"
4) open the newly created "gpuPlotGenerator-bin-win-x86-2.0.0" folder
5) In an empty space within the "gpuPlotGenerator-bin-win-x86-2.0.0" folder do the following:
Hold down the "shift" key and right-click in an empty spot. Select "Open command window here"
(Note: the "Open command window here" option is only available if you hold Shift and Right-Click)
(Alternatively, you could just open a command window manually and do a "CD" to the folder containing the gpuPlotGenerator.exe file)
6) find the GPU's Platform and Platform ID:
gpuPlotGenerator.exe list platforms
(Note down the "ID" number for the proper device platform, this will be <platformId>)
7) Find the DeviceID of the device to use:
gpuPlotGenerator.exe list devices <platformId>
(Note down the "ID" number for the proper device to use, this will be <deviceId>)
8) Type the desired plot information:
gpuPlotGenerator.exe generate <platformId> <deviceId> "<Plot folder path>" <AccountNumber> <StartingPlot> <NumberOfPlots> <Stagger> <Threads> <Hashes>
As an example, this is the command that I used on my AMD Radeon 7800:
gpuPlotGenerator.exe generate 0 0 "C:\Plots" 11111222223333344444 14670000 7335000 1000 64 1024