Hi Everyone,
I've just downloaded the latest version.
Removed peers.dat
And started the wallet.
The wallet seems busy for 30 minutes now, but no new blocks added.
Do we need sync from scratch with this version ?
@everybody: YEAH its true, we are back having a working windows version,
it was a very hard time, and plenty of hours of work for all of us, many think only the maintainer or dev did the hard work, but
in fact they forget about all the wasted hours, every active user has spent, by trying to get this thing going, and providing data.
Thank you all for your help, you have proven to be awesome in difficult times.
Given the gained contacts, alliances and experience, we positioned us even stronger and now without the stigma
of a nonworking wallet, guess whats next!
@backbonejb (good morning) depending on how much and what you may have been trying around while trying to get the old version running.
especially if you used rewind blockchain before (this is very likely a reason to resync).
I will upload my blockchain to MEGA today (may need some time) , to hook everybody up, who dares to trust my chain.
Because we already have seen this version working, there is no need to test it, by letting everybody do it in the hard way.
In principle is important to take into account that som fundamental algorithms have changes and the wallet will have to do some work,
to deal with it.
Means, as long as your seeing it being active in some way, you should try to run "repairblockchain",
(if wallet is to active to go there try to use the console while wallet is locked, the heavy activity is normal at this first sync)
It cleans up old orphans to aid the proccess also you may restart the wallet from time to time (every six hours my be a good thing),
to clean up possible memory gathering through the hard work,
because your wallet now has to sort out all the irregularities happened before. It may help to be not to sensitive when new behaviors
appear, the wallet itself produces clean blocks and the old blocks are verified by being hardcoded, so it will be fine, when you finished your sync
and it will be even much faster than ever before then.
keep us up to date
have fun