Hi Viva thank you for your feedbacks
1- more levels, actually we have 14 levels with several waves each about 10-30 hours of gaming depending the power of your deck. It too less for a worldwide official launch (and of course more quests, daily quests, achievements)
Yes working on more
2- a more interesting challenge mode actually the "challenge mode" is quite boring, with a not so powerful deck is very easy to complete. There is a lot of room here to add more waves (what about an infinite mode?) and mix different waves from regular levels. Also is possible to create more than one challenge/infinite campaign. There are some example around mobile game (Hill Climb 2 it have this pattern)
Different level layout may come in new updates, more level to be added soon
3- Multiplayer SoG is designed for mutiplayer challenges, at least the Player Versus Player mode have to be implemented soon. This is one of the two killer feature of the game.
Multiplayer will be available in asynchronous mode, meaning you will be able to challenge other players deck but without them to be connected. Meaning you will challenge a level made with another player deck
4- Card Blockchainizzation This is the second killer feature, the most important. The ability to maxed out a card just playing the game (so watching ads and buying gems for fiat or blockchain card for bcy) and then get rewarded with a True Blockchain Ownership of a card. It is simply revolutionary.
True important feature. It will come with the next reset once we are confortable with the card distribution (probabilities, fake purchase enforcement etc.)
5- A more rational card deck manager the actual deck manager work quite fine with few cards in the deck (blockchain and non blockchain) when a player do have a lot of same tipe cards the actual deck is a little bit messy to manage.
Yes this will come eventually un the future updates (after the launch)
6- A card exchange for non blockchaind cards actually only blockchain cards are tradable with Book of Orb or other counterparty wallet/software it would be nice if players could trade non blockchain card for gold, crystals, gems (or for nothing, that could mean fiat money over the counter).
Actually it won't be possible with the current model for several reasons.
1. Giving ability to trade cards will bring fake account creation. People will grind early reward to get cards on an account and centralise the card to another big account and mass blockchainize cards. Also for the free to play balance we are going to give a small amount of good cards once the player progress. With the ability to trade people will take advantage of it to move to their master account.
2. Card have a real value specially when they are blockchainized if the trade exist and is centralized we will be held custodian of people belonging and an exploit to the database will be damaging.
3. Ingame cards are subject to fake purchase and chargebacks. Meaning someone will purchase a lot of cards and move them around then ask for a chargeback. It will be not a solution to freeze someone's account because it will be impossible to freeze the card that freely roamed around