Mathematics does not lie, Buying more ticket with different number combination increase the chance of winning regardless it is minuscule or not. And that is not a misunderstanding IMO, the only misunderstanding would be if the buyer thinks that if he buy 1000 ticket he will win which is non-factual since the probability is applied here. Meaning even a person with 1 ticket can beat him because of the given probability. You are correct. Buying more tickets certainly increases your chances of winning but it doesn't guarantee you will win. Just to give an example to explain this: let's assume there are 100 tickets. If you buy 1 ticket, your chance of winning is 1%. If you buy 10 tickets, your chance of winning will increase to 10%. However, even if you buy 99 tickets, there is still a 1% chance you won't win. What makes people believe that buying more ticket doesn't change anything is the fact that there are millions of sold tickets. You will need a fortune to have a reasonable chance of winning.
Good catch! I can confirm this. I also noticed that the faq page is too long, although it's incomplete. They should make it shorter so the visitors can find the information or the answer they are looking for quickly. Not sure if it's only me but opening the faq page makes my browser irresponsive. Hi, i was looking for restricted terrorities from your terms and conditions and you don't have a section for that. Which would be odd for a regulatory compliant casino (which i assume you should be as you are asking for KYC).
Since they have a Curaçao license, I assume the list of restricted countries will be the same as the one you can find on any other Curaçao licensee.
I think there is a misunderstanding here! The wording of the question is a bit confusing, especially for non native speakers. I think what they meant is not "what was the first account ever registered on stake?" , for which the answer is obvious. Rather, they meant" which one of you (followers) owns the oldest account?". If my understanding is right then you didn't win as your answer was not valid.
I agree with what rat03gopoh said above, though. Not setting a precise deadline leaves room for manipulation.
equality of women's and men's rights in gambling will never be the same in any country, at my place, everyone is free to do gambling, even many milfs gamble in offline casinos, but are they good women? The answer is no, religious women will not gamble without exception, from what i have noticed only free women who are not strong in their religion gamble openly here, and when online gambling is increasingly widespread, i am sure there will be many female gamblers who appear either who are religious or not because of online gambling we can hide our identity so that other people will not be able to label us as a gambler (especially in families where strict religious rules are)
If we are going to talk from a religious point of view then those religions which prohibit gambling and consider it a sin, prohibit it on both men and women without descrimination. If you consider women who gamble bad women then men who gamble are also bad men. I know how you think because am from a culture that is not very different from yours. But as an educated person, you should start thinking differently. Stop considering women as a inferior species.
You are more than right with your statement, I have also seen many people saying that they should stop when the boundary is reached, but their greed makes them totally out of their mind and they end up doing more and more bets. I agree that some people can easily theorize that they won't be doing any more bets when the boundary is reached, but during betting the lost their track in the influence of the emotions. We must have to find a proper way to work on our own emotions in order to control our urges for more bets when the boundary is reached otherwise we won't be able to do anything.
You are right. It's like gamblers are just trying to find excuses to continue gambling. When they are having a bad day and lose too much they will simply say: bad luck won't continue for too long and if I make few more bets, I'll surely win. On the other side, when a gambler is having a good day and is winning, he will also continue playing thinking that this is his lucky day and he can't lose. Most gamblers believe more in superstitions than they believe in odds.
A casino cannot be a no KYC casino and yet requires you to fill in for KYC along the process, since we make use of cryptocurrency in gambling, it gives us the advantage to make decision on what we want and how we wanted to get it done, if we think privacy is what we need while using any of the casinos, then we can make use of bitcoin in making casino deposit and we proceeds in gambling, when we bet and win, they will not require the KYC except if the casino is a KYC platform in which you have to provide all the necessary documents before they can process your request.
Sorry, but I didn't get your point! What are you trying to say? Do you mean that even if the casino require kyc, we can remain anonymous by using bitcoin! If so, then this is not correct. First, bitcoin is not anonymous, it's pseudo-anonymous. Second, the moment you send your documents to the casino for identity verification, you are no longer anonymous. Your identity has been revealed regardless of the payment method you will be using.
I just found out there is an online casino named Casino-X. I don't want to create confusion, so, from today, I've moved all content to a new domain: . Not sure if is ok to keep this thread, if not, maybe an admin can delete it and I will start a fresh one. There is no need to create a new topic. All you have to do is to edit the content of OP. By the way, I see no need for the: "Formely CasinoX" since the link redirects to the new domain! There are many review websites out here and the competition in this field is very tough. To stand out from your competitors, you need to add as many casinos as you can (you reviewed only five which is not enough). In your reviews, you need to talk about your personal experience and not just some info from casinos' ToS. Good luck with your project.
^^ Unfortunately, most people don't think this way. Most of the gamblers I know, started gambling because they had a conviction that gambling is the quickest and easiest way to make money, and why not a fortune. Most of them, if not all of them, ended up being broke. The worrying part is that they knew how casinos work and that the odds are against them but, still, they decided to take the risk. It seems that greed takes the best of us especially when we are desperate.
للأسف اخي، كلام الأخ يحيى صحيح. العملة التي لديك ليس لها أي قيمة و لا يمكنك بيعها نظرا لكونه لا يوجد أي شخص يرغب في شرائها. ارجو ان لا تكون قد استمرت مبلغا كبيرا فيها و لم تشتري كميات كبيرة منها. في المرة القادمة حاول أن تبحث أكثر قبل الاستثمار في اي عملة لتفادي الوقوع ضحية لمثل هؤلاء المتحيل ين. هناك قسم للعملات البديلة يمكنك أن تطرح فيه استفسارات و تسأل عن أي عملة قبل الاستثمار فيها حتى يقوم الأخوة مساعدتك و ربما تنبيه ان كانت هناك أي علامات لامكانية التحيل. بالتوفيق لك.
امر منطقي و متوقع ان تحصلة منصة بينانص و هي منصة تبادل العملات الرقمية الأكبر في العالم على ترخيص للعمل في دولة السلفادور و هي اول دولة في العالم تعترف بالبيتكوين و تعتمد كوسيلة دفع قانونية. المهم هنا، هل سيكون لهذا الخبر تأثير كبير و ملموس على السوق! لا أعرف صراحة. فمن اعتماد السلفادور البيتكوين كعملة معترف بها لم نشهد اي تحرك ملموس في السوق و مر الخبر مرور الكرام و تم نسيانه. ربما هذه الشراكة و دخول بينانص للسيلفادور سيفتح لهذه الدولة آفاق جديدة و مجالات استثمار جديدة من شأنها تطوير الاقتصاد هناك. من يعلم!
بصراحة لا أعرف أن كانت ستكون هناك أي قيمة لهذه الاستشارة. هل هناك أي معلومات ان كان يمكن لأي مواطن المشاركة في الاستشارة ام ان الامر مقتصر على فئة معينة. هل ان اغلب المواطنين في سلطنة عمان لديهم المعرفة الكافية بمجال العملات الرقمية و القدرة على الحكم لتكون مشاركتهم ذات قيمة و يمكن الاعتماد على رأيهم؟ الفكرة جيدة و هذا مما لا جدال فيه و لكن، واقعيا، هل يمكن أن تنجح فعلا! في مثل هذه المواضيع، برأيي انه من الأفضل الاعتماد على اراء الخبراء و المختصين و حتى الاستئناف بتجارب دول أخرى بدل استشارة المواطنين باختلاف فئاتهم.
بعد اذنك و اذن الأخ Ulven، اود ان أضيف بعض المعلومات حول نظام الجدارة. تم اضافة هذا النظام منذ بضعة سنوات و كان الهدف منه التقليل من السبام و من عمليات انشاء الحسابات المتعددة و تطويرها بسهولة. يتكون نظام الجدارة من جزدين: نقاط الجدارة Merits و نقاط الجدارة التي يمكن إرسالها sMerits. نقاط الجدارة هي النقاط التي تحصل عليها من الأعضاء الآخرين مقابل الإضافة التي تقدمها للمنتدى. كلما كانت مواضيعك و تعليقاتك مميزة و تقدم الإضافة كلما زادت فرصتك للحصول على هذه النقاط. هي النقاط التي تظهر في حسابك و تحتاجها لتطوير عضويتك. مثلا تحتاج لعشر نقاط لتصبح member و 100 لتصبح full member و هكذا.. نقاط الجدارة التي يمكن إرسالها تحتسب بالشكل التالي: مقابل كل نقطتي جدارة تحصل عليها يصبح لديك نقطة جدارة يمكن إرسالها. عند ارسال نقطة جدارة يتم انقاصها من رصيدك من نقاط الجدارة التي يمكن إرسالها لكن ذلك لا يؤثر على رصيدك من نقاط الجدارة.
اتذكر انني شاركت في حملة سابقة لتقييم نظام Utopia و كان التقييم لتطبيق الاندرويد و تطبيق سطح المكتب. كان التركيز اساسا على تطبيق سطح المكتب كونه كان متكامل في حين كان تطبيق الاندرويد لا يزال يفتقر لعديد المزايا و لا يزال قيد التطوير. اذا كنت مهتما يمكنك قراءة هذا الموضوع و الاطلاع على تقييمات و ملاحظات من شاركوا في تلك الحملة و من المؤكد انك ستجد عيد المعلومات و الملاحظات القيمة التي يمكن أن تساعدك و تبني عليها ان كنت مهتما بالمشاركة في الحملة الحالية. هذا رابط الموضوع:
Regarding what you said, it seems that there is some truth, because when you bet only with a small amount of money, it is very easy to win, but when you increase the number of bets, it is even bigger, only defeats are always there, maybe this is a way of working in betting, but I still confused why this could happen.
This is just an impression and it's false. Maybe you got this impression because when a lot of money is in stake, losing affects you more. If the game is provably fair then the bet amount does not affect the outcome. In provably fair algorithms, some variable are used to generate the results and the bet amount is not one of them. If it was, then the game is not fair and the casino is cheating you.
... If gambling is seen as a bad thing or a sin in his society then even if the gambler is a man he should be considered a sinner too. Otherwise, it will become hypocrisy. Besides, most people have smart phones and they can access online casinos easily anytime they want. So, women in the said conservative societies without being harassed.
but the fact is that since I tested the game at several casinos that provide demo mode games, it's clearly very different, you will get wins in demo mode compared to live mode, to be honest, it doesn't work as well as we expect, where we should be able to. played both modes with the same result but in reality they are very different
If this is true then it's a kind of deception. It's cheating. In this case, anyone who plays demo mode will be tempted to deposit and play in real mode thinking he will win too much since this is what he experienced when testing the game. Demo mode is usually used by gamblers to know how the game works and decide whether to play it or no. This is why there should be no differences between the two.
The weired thing is that for all three transactions there is always three outputs. The first is a segwit address which always receives a round amount (the biggest), the second is a legacy address and the third is yours which receives the change back. Adding the fact that whoever made the transaction didn't empty the wallet makes it hard to think this is a jack!
Anyway, as others have pointed out above, conformed transactions are irreversible so don't trust anyone who contacts you saying he can help you recover your money.
I am little bit confused here. Have the PST.NET have returned the amount while keeping 591$ with them or did they scam the whole amount $27,500 According to OP, suspended his account and seized the whole amount which is $28k. $27.500 as a pending withdrawal and 591 in his balance. Also, OP wanted to sent 120$ , the mistake which any human can make is to put an extra zero or two zero, making it 1200 or 12000$, but how come OP did a big mistake of sending 27500$ OP wasn't intending to send the money to He mistakenly sent it to them because their address was still in his clipboard. His mistake is that he didn't double check the address before sending. But as you said: mistakes happen.
As further as you are not blame to any gambling site for their terms and service there is no issue whether you have read their terms or not. Nice to see that you usually do not read their terms like me and you do not blame any site, especially any type of gambling (casino, sportsbook) site. Now that's what all gamblers really have to have because that way no gamblers blame gambling sites just because there are rules that they don't understand first. Even though a gambler does not understand the provisions that apply, when they can accept and fulfill all the conditions, the comfort and satisfaction when they are on the gambling site can definitely be felt. But unfortunately there are lots of gamblers who don't want to know or read every provision and when they already know, the gamblers blame the gambling sites. It's not because they don't understand the rules, it's because they've never read the rules. Rules are not written in Chinese. Most gamblers will just click on : I've read the rules and agree to comply.. It's not the service provider's fault. It's the customer's fault. You need to read every contract befaure signing it. Read the ToS. Being lazy is not an excuse.
.. You know why I believe Roobet is one of the best crypto casinos over here, it's because they are grateful. They know their first steps started from this forum. They couldn't achieve any thing from where they are standing today without going through the games on games and rounds and the contests they are organizing. Roobet is one of the few casinos that I trust.