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241  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: September 06, 2021, 01:41:16 PM
NFT-urile sunt in mare parte, zic eu, un trend de arta digitala supraevaluata, supralicitata si cu un volum de tranzactii determinat strict de nebunia temporara. Nu le prea inteleg deoarece nu inteleg ideea in sine de a detine arta digitala.. pentru mine, doar arta fizica are un efect si un inteles. Cand e digital si o vad doar pe un ecran e .. meh.

Sunt multi "nebuni" care cumpara o gramada de NFT-uri cu sume exorbitante, dar nu cred ca va dura prea mult treaba asta. Probabil se va sfarsi trend-ul in termen de cateva luni, maxim cativa ani, dupa care vor intra din nou "sub umbra" la fel cum au facut-o cam toate celelalte trenduri crypto pana acum. Posibil sa ma contrazica altcineva care poate ca vede ceva si in arta digitala.. pentru mine, arta fizica e singura care are un sens/rost/inteles.
242  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Cont pe binance on: September 05, 2021, 08:27:26 PM
Nu trebuie sa stergi contul. Nu asta e solutia, ci sa le ceri sa iti stearga datele definitiv. Daca te uiti pe pagina lor de Privacy Policy, poti vedea la 8.3 ca ai "dreptul de a fi uitat". Pe asta trebuie sa te axezi, si asta posibil sa insemne implicit si stergerea contului tau.
243  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Cont pe binance on: September 05, 2021, 08:37:32 AM
Multumesc pentru link-uri, Gazeta.

Problema pe care eu o vad e faptul ca nimeni nu iti poate asigura, chiar si in cazul in care tu ceri in mod expres sa iti stearga datele personale folosindu-te de GDPR, ca datele tale intr-adevar sunt eliminate. Din propria experienta pot spune ca daca datele tale au ajuns la o parte terta, e foarte greu sa le mai opresti din a se raspandi.

Lucrurile sunt si mai ingrijoratoare de atat: folosesc aproape zilnic cartele SIM de unica folosinta si datele mele au ajuns la parti terte fara ca eu macar sa imi fi dat vreodata acordul ca datele mele sa fie procesate. Odata ce le lansezi catre cineva, eu unul consider ca e aproape imposibil sa opresti raspandirea lor.

Tot ce poti face e sa le trimiti o cerere de stergere a datelor personale. Vezi ce iti raspund si eventual poti solicita si o lista de parteneri sau parti terte carora au fost distribuite datele tale prin Binance.
244  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: ATM-uri crypto Timisoara on: September 03, 2021, 03:51:10 PM
Pai la pretul BNR se adauga 19% TVA + adaos.
EUR = 4,94 RON
Cu tot cu TVA inseamna 5,88 RON
Pana la urma SRL-urile sunt facute pentru profit. Japca ar fi fost 10-15 lei.
~1RON la fiecare EURO e decent din punctul meu de vedere. Hai sa nu exageram acum...
Buna observatie, la TVA nici nu m-am mai gandit. Pentru mine astfel de cursuri sunt ok. Trebuie sa avem in vedere si faptul ca oamenii incearca sa aplice strategii cat mai favorabile firmelor si nu buzunarului clientilor. Daca s-ar axa pe buzunarul nostru mai mult, n-ar mai avea sens afacerea.

Comisionul e comision si orice exchange il va cere. Si cum spui si tu, sa gasesti p2p la curs spot.. E cam greu sa gasesti pe Bisq, dara'mite local. Poate totusi exista cineva pe aici care sa fie interesat, cu cat mai multi cu atat mai bine Smiley
245  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can Afghanistan replace afghan currency with Bitcoin? on: September 03, 2021, 04:40:33 AM
I'm pretty convinced the Talibans don't want Afghans to use a currency that enures 100% freedom and potential anonymity (or at least privacy much better than fiat offers if used correctly). If there was a country adopting Bitcoin as a national currency replacement, it would definitely not be Afghanistan at this point in time.
246  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How would you spend 10000 cad on cryptocurrency today? on: September 03, 2021, 04:06:53 AM
1. Consider any dollar you invest as "lost" and don't be surprised if the market goes into a long-term bearish run or if you make any rookie mistake and lose part of it (or all of it).
2. Any shitcoin is going to drop harsher than Bitcoin drops, will have at least 2x more volatility and, while sometimes it seems like there's always a better-performing coin than Bitcoin, think what are the chances you will pick the overperformer, what are the chances you will not miss the ATH and just think about it: if it's this easy, why aren't all of us here millionaires?
3. If you're new, just go for Bitcoin before you study about the rest. Stay away from ICOs, IEOs, ISOs, IBOs, IZOs and whatever O-s and keep learning. You might at some point in the far future be able to use shitcoins to multiply your BTC. Wouldn't be a bad idea at all.
247  Other / Off-topic / Re: Backup on Android note - a mistake I falled into in 2021 on: September 02, 2021, 07:31:26 PM
Lost a ton of sensitive data along the way with almost every single phone I ever owned. At some point after purchasing a new device, I either have the unfortunate luck to lose some of the most important data (or everything through bootloops and other issues that come from factory) or the smartphones that are built nowadays have a crappy resistance to time.

I usually backup all my data before updates and every few weeks at most to an external drive. This way, I can at least ensure that everything until ~1-2 weeks ago has been properly, safely backed up should anything happen to my phone.
248  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Crypto becoming less and less anonymous on: September 01, 2021, 09:54:23 PM
I found out about bitcoin mixing, could I get in trouble for that?
No. In fact, I highly recommend you to either use ChipMixer to mix your coins or Wasabi Wallet with CoinJoin. CoinJoin is the 100% decentralized and p2p option. Unless you live in China or other communist country, you should be fine. I've been using Tor, CoinJoin and ChipMixer for a very long time without running into any issues. As long as I'm not a criminal, there's nothing they can do about me and my attempt to have my own privacy.

Crypto is definitely becoming less and less anonymous and the ones to blame the most are the authorities because they're trying their hardest to work with blockchain analysis companies to exploit blockchains and de-anonymize users and transactions. This is why I'm using Tor and Monero as much as possible.. don't be afraid to look for privacy. The more numerous we are, the better. "I have nothing to hide" is a very wrong argument on so many levels.
249  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What happens with the market with the new infrastructure bill? on: September 01, 2021, 09:42:29 PM
The topic has been discussed before here and you have a handful of replies from some of the best known forum members out here that you can pick out of.
250  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: ATM-uri crypto Timisoara on: September 01, 2021, 03:54:31 PM
Practica oferirii unui curs "nesimtit" este gasita cam oriunde, in special la marile corporatii. Mergi la orice furnizor de cartele PrePay si vezi cat te costa in RON o incarcare de 5-6 EUR. Ultimele dati cand am vrut, am observat ca cereau un curs intre 6 si 7 RON per EUR. "Japca" sau nu, oamenii accepta chiar daca serviciile tip Orange/Vodafone sunt folosite oricum lunar de milioane, daca nu miliarde de oameni la nivel international.

Sugerez daca ai reusita cu o tranzactie p2p sa ne spui si noua cum a decurs. N-ar fi rau sa existe mai multi traderi BTC <-> RON in mai multe orase din Romania in afara de Bucuresti.
251  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin assets cannot be blocked - is that helping terrorists? on: August 31, 2021, 08:23:51 PM
That is a good point. For some time bitcoins held by terrorists may be safely hidden, but money isn't useful if stored forever. Sooner or later, as this money is moved, it will left some tracks and intelligence department of USA plus their allies will find it and everyone else involved on the financial operations. Furthermore, funds held in bitcoin must have came from somewhere else, what means there is also a fiat origin that can be tracked.

It would be worse if the funds were held in paper money. Then I would say it is helping terrorists, because that is the only kind of money which leaves no traces. Ironically, it's the favorite method of storing money of politicians. Cheesy
Send the coins through a few CoinJoin sessions and a few ChipMixer ones, proceed to do an atomic swap from BTC to XMR and you're done. With the currently existing and known tech, even the best intel department of the US gov would not be able to crack the code and trace them down.

This is not "helping" them though. In a fair world where everyone has the same rights, you can't say "no" even to a bad guy. It's either a fair game or not, and we already have the latter. Unfortunately though, with or without Bitcoin's existence, criminals have existed and they always found a way to launder, do their terrorism acts, defraud etc.

There will be no law in the world that will have only positive reactions and effects. Any good law will at some point be exploited by the "bad guys".. so yeah, we're not really helping terrorists, it's just that there will always be a small % of BTC's users that are bad guys.
252  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ways to make passive income in crypto with altcoins on: August 31, 2021, 01:50:09 PM
Are you looking for fiat or for crypto earnings? These two are different, so look for what suits best for you. In my case, the answer is staking for crypto & trading for fiat. If you need passive USD income, trading probably works better as long as you're a good trader. If you only care about multiplying your ETH or other alts, staking is probably better and the safest bet.
253  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: ATM-uri crypto Timisoara on: August 30, 2021, 11:49:27 PM
Si cum spuneam, ATM-urile nu cred ca au volum prea mare de tranzactii. Daca ar avea volum de macar 10-15% din cel al ATM-urilor normale, s-ar merita sa ceara si comisioane mai mici. Momentan insa, asa cum zice si Gazeta, anonimitatea are un pret si de obicei nu-i mic.

Vezi asta si in multe alte exemple care nici nu trebuie sa se rezume la partea financiara: Tor se misca mai greu si nu poti intra prin el pe orice site, o casuta postala (PO Box) necesita plata unui abonament lunar vs adresa personala, Signal are mult mai putini utilizatori si va fi greu sa iti migrezi prietenii pe el, CoinJoin te costa destul de multicel dar iti asigura in proportii destul de mari faptul ca monedele tale nu vor fi legate de identitatea ta etc..

Observ ca oamenii vor sa fie ieftin, la indemana si fara risc (nu doar in cazul acesta cu ATM-urile). Ei bine, sa gasesti asa ceva ar fi un jackpot adevarat.. dar in general trebuie sa renunti la cel una dintre ele, in functie de ce e mai putin important pentru tine: suma de bani, comoditatea sau siguranta.
254  Economy / Economics / Re: The lending problem on: August 29, 2021, 11:06:08 PM
I'm not the best guy when it comes to knowledge about lending and stuff, but I am quite sure that the "BTC is a threat to central banks" argument has been mostly based so far on the fact that Bitcoin lets you work with finance without discriminating you and that it provides a store of value no fiat in the world ever has.

Bitcoin will probably never fully replace banks, but it did, does and will affect them severely as time goes on unless banks move faster with their CBDCs. And considering we've first had just a tech geek's currency that now turned into one of the biggest store of value in history, a proper blockchain-based lending system might not be that far-fetched after all.
255  Economy / Economics / Re: What could make a hacker return stolen $600m crypto on: August 29, 2021, 12:19:17 AM
You suddenly have everything you need in your life although until now you've lived a modest one. These $600M are hard as hell to keep concealed.

Usually, you can either return the sum and be rewarded a certain % for returning it or you can return the sum and be hired by the company's security team. This makes your millions legal income and so you have zero worries about losing your freedom for your actions.
256  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: PremiumPay - Masini, imobiliare, vacante platite cu crypto on: August 28, 2021, 08:23:54 PM
Intr-adevar, si mie mi s-au mai diminuat acum din indoieli. Subscriu sugestia lui Neurotic: cu cat sunt oferite mai multe detalii, cu atat atrageti mai mult oamenii spre voi. Multumim pentru raspuns. Sugerez sa adaugati si pe site locatia biroului Smiley
257  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: ATM-uri crypto Timisoara on: August 28, 2021, 08:18:40 PM
Cred ca e destul de greu sa gasesti pe cineva care sa iti cumpere BTC la spot rate. Normal ca oricine vezi pe Market cere comision, ca altfel nu-si scot oamenii banu' Cheesy

Mycelium Wallet avea la un moment dat o pagina de vanzatori locali care, din ce stiu, nu cereau comision. Mai e HodlHodl care ofera aceeasi functie. Alta varianta ar fi cash prin posta (prin Bisq, chiar prin BTCTalk sau HodlHodl), e varianta cea mai "ok" din punct de vedere al varietatii in sensul ca poti lua de la orice persoana interesata din international, dar e riscant (si nu stiu cat e de legal?) sa ai un pachet de preluat cu cash in el...
258  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: 12 Years old Benyamin Ahmed II An Inspiration for us on: August 28, 2021, 11:03:48 AM
Congrats to the kid for making such a large amount of money out of art at a young age, but honestly this NFT thing is going insanely crazy with no reason. It cannot be sustainable for too long.. Like, you just release some random art and have to find someone weird enough to pay you a shit ton of money for it lol. Most of the top earners there on OpenSea are imo silly creations, but maybe it's just me who doesn't fully understand art..
259  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: ATM-uri crypto Timisoara on: August 28, 2021, 09:24:40 AM
Nu cred ca vor putea oferi un comision mai bun atata timp cat nu vor fi cautate mai mult. Trebuie inteleasa si partea lor, si anume faptul ca un comision mic la cerere mica nu aduce niciun beneficiu.

Ce-i drept, nu stiu prea bine cat de mare e cererea de vanzare la ATM-urile crypto, dar banuiesc ca nu se fac prea multi bani per ATM. Sa luam in calcul si chiria, costul aparatului, etc... plus lunile in care Bitcoin scade si probabil exista cerere mult mai mica.
260  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: ATM-uri crypto Timisoara on: August 27, 2021, 04:22:14 PM
In general, ATM-urile au undeva intre 6.5% si >10% comision la vanzare. Cam imposibil sa gasesti, cel putin pe o raza de cateva mii de km, un ATM cu comision mai bun de atat la vanzare.

Intr-adevar, din punct de vedere strict al comisionului, se renteaza inzecit sa faci vanzare p2p. Ideea e cum te asiguri ca nu iti iei teapa (bancnote contrafacute, teapa basic de care te prinzi prea tarziu..) sau ca nu iti pui siguranta in pericol. Pentru tranzactii p2p, recomand Razvan_BTC (vezi semnatura mea) sau jedaite.
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