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301  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce NU ar trebui sa ne bucuram de monedele fiat digitale on: August 11, 2021, 05:17:02 PM
Din asta eu inteleg ca ar putea fi doua variante. Una emisa catre banci, probabil diverse ministere, alocari de fonduri etc si alta pentru "uz casnic".
Cel mai probabil nu va fi asa fix in China dar parerea mea ar fi ca tranzactiile statului sa fie publice si cele ale populatiei nu (ok, poate nu am gandit pana la capat toata treaba). Dar sunt de parere ca nu China este etalonul pentru toti ceilalti. Sa fie la ei acolo ! Poate altii de prin zona vor aborda problema altfel...
Interesanta informatia, multumesc pentru link. Da, faptul ca de vreo 2 ani de zile orice face China vine si aici in doar cateva luni e mai mult decat ingrijorator zic eu. Sa-l luam drept sablon arata ce directie luam, chiar daca multi n-o vad asa din pacate..

Nu stiu daca ar merge ca tranzactiile statului sa fie publice si celelalte nu. Ar fi cazul ideal, dar crezi ca ar suporta vreun guvern asa ceva? Cheesy Ceva imi spune ca e mai in avantajul lor sa nu fie publice tranzactiile decat in al nostru. Asa cum e astazi in avantajul lor existenta Monero. Daca s-ar face un studiu 100% anonim si cu raspunsuri legitime, eu pot baga la propriu mana in foc de nu-s macar 40% dintre guvernantii lumii hodl-eri de XMR.

Acolo unde a fost loc de mai bine, au intrat ei si au incercat sa ii dea afara pe ceilalti, pe cetatenii de rand.. vezi cazul GoTenna, care a mers bine si frumos pana a intrat armata SUA pe film iar acum au probleme de stoc, customer service, update-uri etc.. pentru ca GoTenna se ocupa de o vreme buna de timp mai mult de armata SUA decat de orice altceva. Se tot speculeaza ca vor sa vanda ultimul stoc dupa care sa anunte renuntarea la produsul GoTenna Mesh (produsul pentru oamenii de rand) si sa continue mai departe cu varianta Pro sau mai sus, adica variantele pentru institutii si organizatii..

Si nici n-are rost sa ne intrebam de ce, pai comunicare gratuita peer-to-peer criptata si posibilitatea de a efectua tranzactii BTC fara internet.. o mare problema! Cheesy
302  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Apple, cea mai mare decizie impotriva intimitatii clientilor sai. on: August 10, 2021, 02:05:06 PM
Si eu astept sa tot vina si altii, din pacate nu se prea intampla Smiley

Intr-adevar, Apple e/era probabil la fel de bun cum era Google pe vremea cand avea un motto, "Don't do Evil". Ce m-a surprins pe mine si mai mult e faptul ca la stirea data de Apple a reactionat WhatsApp, criticandu-i pentru decizie Cheesy

Puteau si pana acum sa o faca, dar cred ca-i si mai ingrijorator faptul ca nici macar cand e totul pe fata publicul nu mai prea pare sa reactioneze. Si da, cum spuneai si tu, materialele astea ajung in mainile unor necunoscuti care habar n-ai ce vor face cu ele. Aceeasi problema e si cu #Chatcontrol: pai daca autoritatile vor sa previna abuzul sexual de minori, pornografia infantila etc stocand toate aceste date care vor ajunge in mainile unor simpli angajati, unde e preventia? Ca mie mi se pare mai degraba o raspandire sau o acumulare decat o preventie..

Spiritul de cercetator a disparut din multi oameni, dar cred ca pe unii i l-au mai trezit un pic pandemia. Macar la atat sa fie buna de ceva Cheesy In rest.. Oamenii azi se bazeaza strict pe ceea ce li se da mura-n gura si pe statistici care pot fi cu foarte mare usurinta manipulate in anumite scopuri. Motiv pentru care uneori ajung sa cred ca ne meritam soarta, dar apoi ma razgandesc.

Da, am transformat-o un pic si in rant. Grin sper ca in viitorul apropiat sa inteleaga si oamenii de rand ca nu e ok incotro ne indreptam, da' nu stiu daca mai are rost sa am sperante. Cred ca ajungem pana la urma intr-un fel de free-for-all.
303  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Reading is more important than replying on: August 09, 2021, 09:00:27 PM
I had over 2k posts after about 3 years of BitcoinTalk and, to my surprise, I found out later on that I was just a bastard who copies the opinions of others and wastes the time of others on the forum. Only last year have I truly started to learn much more about crypto and how it works. Perhaps the biggest mistake we all make is that we get so focused on earning money, we literally forget about any other aspect of Bitcoin. And I wasn't the only one in that boat, so many others were.

I almost had an "argue" (if I could even call it that way) with a few members here who last year kept wondering how the hell am I a Hero member yet I know not much about crypto and I post useless replies. It takes time and some kind of discipline to get to higher ranks on BitcoinTalk and earn a better reputation. I may not be the best now, I'm probably not even average, but I try my best to offer my knowledge to anyone here who needs it whenever I feel like I have enough information in my brain to do so.

Reading is sometimes just a waste of time. Unfortunately, so many people miss out so many good posts just because reading only posts and threads written by ChipMixer members has become a trend. I'm not saying it's a bad thing - DS definitely always picks up the better members of the forum, but it's a shame that even I tend to only read posts and threads written by highly reputable members of the forum while completely ignoring those of newer ones who are trying their best to offer whatever kind of info they can help with. What I was trying to say is that reading everything might actually make you lose more IQ than you earn, lol.

At the end of the day, it might be a good practice to follow the threads that truly interest you, to write threads only about stuff that interest you rather than posting just for Merit earning and, meanwhile, it might be a very good idea to read at least 1-2 sub-Sr. Member posts per thread and merit the best finds so that those who deserve it earn it.
304  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce NU ar trebui sa ne bucuram de monedele fiat digitale on: August 09, 2021, 02:57:36 PM
Toata chestia asta cu CBDC e si buna si rea in acelasi timp. Cat vine vorba despre "o sa stie tot ce faci cu banii" ... pai si daca folosesti doar cardul nu e acelasi lucru ?

Per total as fi de acord cu o moneda digitala emisa de BNR doar daca ar avea block explorer public. Ca privat sigur ar avea...
Ba da, insa prin CBDC se vrea (parerea mea) mai mult eliminarea cash-ului in proportii cat mai mari decat lansarea monedei in sine. Da, afla cu foarte mare usurinta ce si cum sta treaba cu cardurile bancare, dar acum e si mai nasol. Daca se continua cu masuri "anti finantare de terorism" si "anti spalare de bani" cum vor ei sa o tot scoata in evidenta, daca au ajuns in punctul in care isi permit sa ne ia din libertati inseamna ca in orice moment te poti astepta la o lege care sa previna pe cat posibil transferurile cash, p2p.

Nu stiu daca e exemplul cel mai potrivit, insa calatorii din toata lumea au putut fi in cea mai mare parte conditionati in ultimul an de zile intr-un mod neobisnuit pentru generatia noastra. Nu mi se pare ca e o mare diferenta intre acest fapt si ideea de prevenire a tranzactiilor cash p2p. Pentru prevenirea pedofiliei, traficului de persoane, mafiilor, finantarii de terorism, spalarii de bani et cetera et cetera.... Deja suntem obisnuiti cu ideea "evitati cash-ul pentru propria siguranta", deja suntem taxati daca vrem sa platim cash (eMAG si nu numai..), oare ar mai exista vreo reactie impotriva incercarii de interdictie a cash-ului daca astazi s-ar anunta?

Sa zicem ca ai un copil si vrei sa ii dai 30 lei pentru "un suc". Asta ar insemna ca guvernul sa stie exact cine si pentru ce i-ai dat, cui si la ce i-a folosit. Eu, unul, sunt atat impotriva cardurilor cat si impotriva CBDC-urilor.

Privind block explorer-ul public.. parerea mea e ca degeaba va fi public daca sursa monedei va fi inchisa. Iar mai apoi, banuiesc ca adresele de wallet vor fi legate direct de identitatile indivizilor. Deci daca tu primesti bani de la mine si blockchain-ul este public iar a 3a persoana observa acest lucru, exista o mare vulnerabilitate: siguranta noastra. Singura modalitate de a preveni treaba asta ar fi sa ne ofere o adresa pentru fiecare tranzactie intrata in cont? sau o fi vreo alta metoda la care momentan nu ma duce capu', faza e ca fara anonimitate siguranta ta e sub pericol iar cu anonimitate e ca si cum n-ar fi public..

Oricum, se stie prea limpede ca guvernele sunt cele care in general fura mai mult decat oamenii de rand ar putea sa o faca, deci ma astept sa nu fie public registrul tocmai din cauza asta. Daca e privat, "ti se asigura anonimitatea" si totodata au ei mai multe metode de a fenta sistemul.
305  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Signal trap, a self-conscious scam on: August 08, 2021, 09:43:59 PM
Signal groups were a big trend back in 2017. The group creators buy before the pump and sell before the dump, they're always in advantage and you have no way of being in the same boat as them. Signal groups are nothing but 1-2 people getting rich out of fools.
306  Local / Română (Romanian) / Apple, cea mai mare decizie impotriva intimitatii clientilor sai. on: August 08, 2021, 09:18:06 AM
Daca e ceva ce se stie cert despre Apple (sau cel putin se stia in urma cu 2-3 ani de zile), Apple a spus de nenumarate ori ca intimitatea reprezinta un drept fundamental al omului pe care corporatia se axeaza in mod fundamental. De fapt, Apple are chiar si o pagina in care se discuta despre acest lucru si cat de mult conteaza pentru ei asigurarea dreptului nostru fundamental la intimitate.

Acest lucru are insa sa se schimbe brusc, sub aceleasi scuze si motive pe care in ultimii ani de zile corporatiile si guvernele le-au folosit pentru a ne lua drepturi fundamentale intr-un mod subtil si pentru multi de necontestat. Drept exemplu putem lua tarile in care astazi se poate intra ca turist doar prin localizare permanenta a turistului.

Pentru mine, motivul invocat de catre guverne <"Pentru siguranta voastra"> nu e nimic mai mult decat o metoda vicleana de manipulare psihologica. Daca ne uitam si mai indeaproape, putem observa ca intimitatea dar si alte drepturi fundamentale par a fi de fapt pe cale de disparitie.

In urma cu doar cateva zile, Apple a facut un anunt care l-a socat chiar si pe Edward Snowden. Un nou algoritm are sa fie implementat fara acordul utilizatorilor in produsele Apple, prin care toate documentele si fisierele din iCloud vor fi scanate pentru a detecta poze ale copiiilor disparuti, abuzului sexual de minori dar si alte ofense.

Mai mult de atat, inclusiv pozele din conversatii (si sper sa nu spun prostii, insa din ce stiu este vorba doar de iMessages momentan) vor fi scanate prin noul algoritm pentru a detecta automat nuduri sau alte poze cu continut grafic. Conform celor de la Apple, aceste fisiere vor fi scanate alaturi de o baza de date americana si chinezeasca de persoane disparute, cautate de politie sau care detin poze cu pornografie infantila, iar mai apoi utilizatorii care vor avea fisiere ce corespund acestei baze de date  vor fi anuntate la autoritati.

Ideea in sine nu este rea, atata timp cat cei de la Apple se limiteaza strict la a proteja cetatenii de viitoare incidente ds pedofilie. Insa daca Apple poate scana toate fisierele noaste personale pentru a gasi criminali, inseamna ca se pot folosi de ele si in alte scopuri.

Semne si mai mari de intrebare apar din momentul in care ne gandim ca exista o multitudine de minori care distribuie sau realizeaza astfel de imagini sau videoclipuri fara sa stie ca acestea vor putea ajunge mai apoi in mainile Apple sau ale  autoritatilor. Asadar, incercarea corporatiei Apple de a opri cateva cazuri de pornografie infantila vizeaza toti clientii lor, pe care acum ii depriveaza de dreptul la intimitate pe care Apple mai devreme il considera cica "unul fundamental".

Anuntul noului algoritm coincide intr-un mod ciudat cu mai multe stiri asemanatoare, desi sosite din partea altor corporatii sau institutii. Mai exact, anuntul UE prin care toate mesajele noastre vor fi luate in mod automat "la mana" pentru a gasi criminali cu mai mare usurinta si noua lege UE prin care indivizilor li se va interzice folosirea portofelelor digitale anonime. Toate acestea vin, inca o data, sub scuze "diminuarii ratei criminalitatii".

Din cate putem observa, astazi se marseaza foarte puternic pe eliminarea drepturilor fundamentale prin manipulare psihologica. Citind noua lege UE privind Chatcontrol (scanarea mesajelor pentru detectarea criminalilor), tin minte ca unul dintre articole mentiona faptul ca nu putem spune ca dreptul omului la intimitate este mai presus decat dreptul copiiilor abuzati la o viata normala. De aici putem intelege de fapt viclenia celor de la UE si incercarea de a formula legile astfel incat nimeni sa nu se poata impotrivi.

Sunt de parere ca ne indreptam tot mai vizibil, tot mai evident spre o era in care drepturile fundamentale vor fi fundamentale doar ca nume, doar teoretic, insa vor putea fi abrogate ori de cate ori guvernele/corporatiile vor considera ca este necesar. Astfel, sugerez tuturor cititorilor cu multa caldura sa incerce:
 1. Sa se intereseze mai mult de drepturile lor fundamentale si sa incerce sa puna prin propriile cercetari cap la cap informatiile pentru a afla ce se poate face pentru a se proteja de astfel de abuzuri
 2. Sa afle mai multe despre Monero, singura criptomoneda cu adevarat anonima care lupta pentru dreptul fundamental la intimitate

Si 3. Sa nu mai luati de buna orice informatie pe care autoritatile le ofera, mai ales intr-o perioada ca aceasta in care deja devine evident ca scopul anumitor legi/masuri nu este cel prezentat.

"When you trade safety for freedom, you lose both."
307  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: The one with the mirror behind on: August 07, 2021, 05:23:09 PM
I've had this fear before and it all got fixed by 2 things: low brightness and a 4-way privacy screen protector. 4-way protectors make the screen black from anyone looking at the phone from any angle besides yours as an owner. If you want things to become even less evident, use a movable keyboard on your screen so that you don't always have to type on the lower bottom of the screen when you have text to insert. This way, it's harder to predict which keys you're touching.

Doing sensitive jobs in public is a bad idea imo. There will no doubt always be people who'll stare and you never know what kind of ideas you may be giving to a person you'd never even think would try to hurt you. Sensitive jobs shall be done in safe places.
308  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: can multiple transactions from the same wallet be tracked to said wallet? on: August 07, 2021, 03:21:36 PM
Okay, so if I sent transactions from an Electrum wallet (NO-KYC ON SENDER WALLET), to different addresses every transaction, as you should for anonymity, would the transactions be able to be linked together so they could be identified as all coming from the same electrum wallet to the receiving wallet?
Depends. For example, if you're using Electrum on public nodes rather than running your own, the node owners might know very easily that one particular IP (whether run through Tor or not, it doesn't matter) owns all these addresses since when you're running a lightweight wallet, the public servers have to look after your addresses balance upon request.

The first request is straight when you open up the wallet for the first time, so unless you've run it through your own node/server, the public node will know that you own the set of addresses it had to look up through the blockchain.

Also, make sure you do not link your addresses together in transactions.
309  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: can multiple transactions from the same wallet be tracked to said wallet? on: August 07, 2021, 08:34:57 AM
Without proper care, of course. Have you used coin control? Have you re-used previous addresses or has one of your addresses been linked to a KYC exchange? There are lots of factors your identity depends on, but chances are your transactions are traceable unless you took maximum care of this issue. Consider using ChipMixer or CoinJoin in the future to camouflage your coins' traces, although you should know that usually CoinJoined coins aren't accepted on large exchanges and potentially third party services such as BitPay.
310  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Apple's new algorithm scans your personal files. Protect your right to privacy. on: August 06, 2021, 05:08:26 PM
It would be a better idea to just stop storing your personal stuff in a stranger's servers so they don't have what to scan and play with. The main issue is that our privacy is simply forgotten about every time they want it to be forgotten.
311  Other / Serious discussion / Apple's new algorithm scans your personal files. Protect your right to privacy. on: August 06, 2021, 01:07:21 AM
According to 9to5mac, Apple has just unveiled a new algorithm for its gallery app. Using "protecting children" as an obvious excuse, the new algorithm is going to scan all iCloud data for information and data of child abuse.

This is a big concern for me for a few reasons. One reason is that a lot of kids own iPhones and a lot of them have iCloud accounts. iCloud was probably never safe for storing sensitive data anyway, but now it's even more worrying since this has gone public. Two kids sexting now means photos of nude children will be in Apple's hands, and likely in the hands of authorities in case they consider thee pictures are important to keep. This is an invasion of privacy that is now public and happening, for which reason we must start looking for ways to protect ourselves.

If celebrities and large pedophile rings are not being arrested due to their fame or political links, there is no way we can expect the scanningof personal images and invasion of privacy to be a proper measure against child abuse or child sexual exploitation.

When people will start to realize privacy is important, it might already be too late. They're taking away our freedom, and they'll be trying to take Monero away as well for the same excuses.

The state is not your friend, and they've been proving this over and over again for a long time. Protect your right to financial privacy before they try to take it away as well.
312  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Former Monero Maintainer ‘Fluffypony’ Arrested and to Be Extradited on: August 06, 2021, 12:06:33 AM
It's unfortunate.

Now critics are going to pass Monero along even more as some kind of money-laundering cryptocurrency and without using their heads, extrapolate this idea to the rest of the cryptos and bitcoin.

Makes me wonder why people give so much media attention to anonymous figurehead devs in the first place.
There are so many people who can be charged for something in the entire world, yet that doesn't mean shit. Imagine taking down Apple's reputation to the floor because 40% of their employees were found to be thieves. What sense does that make?

The media attention is given because it's in the best interest of authorities to promote Monero as the criminal's preferred currency. Besides this, there's absolutely no other reason to push these kind of news, lol. Expect massive FUD to come in the following days/weeks due to this, it's what the states like most.
313  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce NU ar trebui sa ne bucuram de monedele fiat digitale on: August 05, 2021, 08:08:28 PM
Cred ca in momentul de fata nici nu mai conteaza despre ce tara e vorba. Sa fim seriosi, orice lider de la ora actuala, indiferent de cat de democrata e tara pe care o conduce, daca i s-ar permite sa faca mai mult decat se considera a fi in limitele tipului de regim/in limitele legii, ar face-o fara dar si poate.

CBDC-urile reprezinta acum unul dintre acele exemple de scapare de sub control sau de depasire a limitelor. Odata ce statul are in mana o moneda nationala care poate deveni unealta de supraveghere si control, se va folosi de scuzele deja obisnuite in domeniul crypto pentru a obtine ceea ce vor.

Nici eu nu prea sunt convins ca stable coins-urile sunt atat de acoperite pe cat se crede ca ar fi, si iti dau dreptate maxima legata de majoritari. Omul de rand nu va distinge de ce e mai bun Bitcoin decat e-CYN, fapt pentru care m-am si decis sa scriu acest thread.

Sunt tare curios sa aflu si opiniile altora de pe aici - tu, eu si Gazeta eram destul de sigur de dinainte sa si postez ca vom fi pe aproximativ acelasi film. Cheesy
314  Local / Română (Romanian) / De ce NU ar trebui sa ne bucuram de monedele fiat digitale on: August 05, 2021, 02:14:03 PM
In urma cu doar cateva luni, China a trecut la planuri din ce in ce mai serioase privind noul Yuan chinezesc digital, incepand sa emita asa-zisele "hard wallets", respectiv carduri e-CYN printr-un program pilot. Stirea a ajuns in randul europenilor aproape imediat si a fost, din ce am observat pana acum, in multe cazuri primita cu multa bucurie de catre restul lumii.. ceea ce ma ingrijoreaza, deoarece lumea pare sa nu priceapa cateva lucruri:

1. China este tara care pare sa marseze cel mai puternic spre o moneda digitala emisa si controlata de stat. Daca schimbam ordinea cuvintelor, am putea spune ca o tara comunista marseaza cel mai puternic dintre toate spre o moneda digitala. De cand sustinem ideile dupa care comunistii par sa baleasca?
2. e-CYN-ul nu va fi emis drept o moneda de colectie in cantitate rara, nu va avea halving-uri, nu va fi decentralizata si in consecinta este mai mult ca sigur faptul ca 1 e-CYN nu va creste in valoare precum (sau mai mult decat) Bitcoin a facut-o.

Putem trage o singura concluzie din ceea ce China in momentul de fata face: mai mult ca sigur, a ales sa lanseze noul e-CYN deoarece le ofera un mai mare control si o mai profunda supraveghere asupra cetatenilor. Imaginati-va ca fiecare leu pe care copilului i-l daruiesti poate reprezenta un semn de intrebare maine pentru autoritatile care stiu absolut totul despre fiecare RON din contul tau, sau din portofelul copilului tau.

Am observat foarte multa bucurie legata de noile monede digitale fiat, insa trebuie sa intelegem ca statul nu face altceva decat sa incerce sa ne indeparteze de crypto si sa ne atraga de noua industrie de supraveghere, control si lipsa de intimitate.

Voi ce parere aveti? Lansarea monedelor digitale fiat este o stire pozitiva sau negativa?
315  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin? on: August 05, 2021, 01:56:30 PM
For the average Joe, $40k might not even account for total life savings. It's unaffordable right now for most people to invest in an entire BTC. Also, while I agree that owning 1 BTC will most likely change your life in only a matter of time, many people simply aren't fit to be Bitcoin investors due to its volatility. Its quickly-changing price makes it hard to keep up emotionally every time the market goes into a rollercoaster.
316  Economy / Economics / Re: Gensler Chairman of SEC calls crypto "the wild west" on: August 04, 2021, 05:52:03 PM
Wasn't it just last year or two years ago that authorities found trillions of illicit USD were transferred through banks? I kind of agree that we can call it "The Wild West", but the Wild West of pumps & dumps and crazy volatility. The fraud/scam/etc excuses are already boring, bring us something new to the table, lol.
317  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Why buy bitcoins and not altcoins? on: August 04, 2021, 10:32:24 AM
Wouldn't be a bad idea to start investing in alts alongside, but Bitcoin is the best bet for newbies. And when I say newbies, I mean those who've been in the space for only a few years.

As mk4 said, most people get to invest in another alt based on what their subreddits or Telegram channels say. If the subs are highly FOMO'ed, they're going to invest forgetting (or ignoring) the fact that these subs are shilled by members and hodlers of the coin itself, their motive being quite obvious.

Altcoin investing requires lots of research. And contrary to what most users believe, "research" doesn't mean surfing Reddit and Telegram channels to find out what the majority says. It's very weird to me how the average Joe would rather put their life savings in a highly shilled shitcoin than investing in what always proves to work over the long term, such as Bitcoin.
318  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why Bitcoin mining isn’t a waste of energy? on: August 03, 2021, 12:30:31 PM
Fair points and a very well constructed argument.

The thing is, how do we ensure the security of a chain without wasting this much energy? I mean, if we don't care about the decentralized aspects of Bitcoin then we probably shouldn't be using it after all. So since we do care about its decentralized aspects.. how do we make this possible?

Since there's no known better technology than Bitcoin/PoW, this is simply the best we can do. There is enough time for open-source to be explored and to make Bitcoin better as time goes on. But the issue is, the Bitcoin community generally doesn't like changes. Therefore, even if we did find a better alternative to PoW, chances are it'd be instantly rejected by the crypto community.

This thing is double-edged. You have a currency that needs upgrades but upgrades mean acceptance, which this particular community doesn't agree with very well.
319  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why Bitcoin mining isn’t a waste of energy? on: August 03, 2021, 06:26:34 AM
Bitcoin consumes energy, but it's really not a waste. If someone considers it to be a waste, they either don't understand Bitcoin or they have a different agenda in mind. BTC ensures an ecosystem that is free and decentralized, a kind of currency humanity never had before. Therefore, it's not a waste but nor is it a storage of energy. Can't call "storage" something that isn't able to give back energy, if it makes sense. BTC is just a free currency that uses energy to function.
320  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Invest in cryptocurrencies. on: August 02, 2021, 07:10:55 PM
Oh man, I wish I knew a way to earn a lot of money with low-to-no risk. Crypto is very far away from that though, it involves a ton of risk for a potentially high reward. Not all coins have a fundamental value, which makes the risk even bigger at the end of the day.
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