And finally, is there any reason why a miner can't be working on different blocks simultaneously?
Yes, the nature of proof of work is such that you can only work on one block at a time. Of course you can multitask, but the hash rate would just be lower on each one, so I'm not sure why you would want to do that.
Looks like the roaring of Monero Lion is getting lower now.
You wish. Proof me wrong, I'd love it. Yesterday up 8-10 % in 24 hrs. Now only 4 %. If the same pattern continues, tomorrow 2 %, a day after 1 % and then the rise dies. What happened to 1/2%?
Well that one is a troll thread created by Dashers, but it's such an unintentional comedy and has been so completely derailed, what the hell go bump it and talk about marketing strategies there if you want. Maybe more active development of marketing strategies by the Mustangs would increase the price. Is it true ?
Evidence that Evan dumped 50K?
That transaction probably will not confirm because it is too large. The first 0.9 release had that problem which was fixed in 0.9.1 You should try rescan_spent which may recover the funds back to your wallet and you can send them again after upgrading to the 0.9.1 releaseIf that doesn't work, check back here. ]: rescan_spent Error: this command requires a trusted daemon. Enable with --trusted-daemon what to do? Restart simplewallet with --trusted-daemon added to the command line. That means simplewallet may send private data to the daemon (needed for rescan_spent), so your privacy could be compromised if using a remote daemon. If you are using your own deamon, this is nothing to worry about.
server error on mymonero now. Is there tutorial on how to import mymonero wallet to simple wallet? Thinking on running fullnode now that I have stable internet connection.
There is no off-the-shelf way to do this. There is code (useful for an Oh Shit solution if MyMonero went offline permanently or for an extended period) but there are also issues with merging it directly. In practice the easiest and best way to do this, albeit with a 10 XMR fee, is to create a wallet with simplewallet, and then import that wallet in MyMonero. You will then be able to access it both ways.
Anyone mining at Miner Gate?
Can't find any connection info for pool now.
Certainly some people are using minergate but please use one of the pools in the OP if you can to spread out the hash rate.
The 20-30 years is hyperbole.
No it is opinion, though a bit on the conservative end of the spectrum compared with some others. Your opinion that it ought to be used right now (or soon) is at the opposite end. The other thing that very well may happen is the methods continue to evolve and be replaced with clearly superior methods, but that implies continual immaturity. It may take a long time to reach the point of maturity where you both stability and confidence in those methods. This already happened with Zerocoin where the developers of it pushed hard to have it integrated with Bitcoin only to be laughed at. They then went and developed Zerocash in a year or two and now no one talks about Zerocoin much any more. Zerocash as it is now constructed will very likely be superseded within a few years with some superior method. Of course we can't consider the advantages and disadvantages of that method until it is published.
Anyway, I am not going to argue with you any further, like I've already stated in another thread.
Me too. I am done. Hopefully I influenced Monero/Aeon to look into Zerocash seriously. Maybe work with them or what ever. Advance our needs for truly reliable privacy especially in applications where it can be realistically achieved and thus adopted. There is no need to influence, we are all well aware of the potential value of Zerocash. Quoting fluffypony: On the other end of the scale is ZeroCoin, which is about as sophisticated as you can get, and in my opinion represents the future of cryptocurrency systems. In fact, it's sophistication is also its largest problem: the cryptography behind it needs a significant amount of peer review, and and implementation needs a significant amount of vetting, else you may end up with an exploitable bug where someone can double spend, or create a large number of coins, and nobody will be able to see it. In my mind I would need to give it 20-30 years before I could trust it with my livelihood.'m pretty sure "zero coin" was a typo there.) He doesn't mention issues there such as barely usable (if that) performance and the trusted setup, but they exist too. This stuff will have to play out over time.
Maybe not in your path or something? $ ./blockchain_import --help Creating the logger system Monero 'Hydrogen Helix' (v0.9.1.0-d2a5f72)
Please do point out where I am lying. At your leisure. Don't feel compelled to do it immediately if you are busy.
You portrayed me as a liar when I, according to you, incorrectly stated that you have been going on for past months. I earlier stated that your initial assertation that Zerocash does not need IP obfuscation was incorrect. Using the same terminology as you, that makes you a liar as well. Guess it's a matter of how you see it, but I am not going to argue with you about this any further. Well I think you are still (maybe unknowingly) lying about that IP obfuscation point. Realize I predicated my entire posting about Zerocash to the point of driving corporate adoption of block chain privacy, so in that context I don't think the IP obfuscation that is needed for ZC applies. In fact, I think it is a nonsense point that the white paper makes, because in the scenarios where one can't rely on the fact that the meta-data is not correlated to any UTXO (because there is none in ZC!) then one can't realistically attain reliable anonymity any way. So the entire allegation that ZC needs IP obfuscation is bogus. I stated that in my debate with smooth, but I doubt most readers (maybe not even smooth) got my point. And this shows that the Zerocash developers may also not understand yet the correct marketing strategy they need to pursue. I got your point, I just disagree with value of it. The Zerocash writers likely do as well, but I can't speak for them. I do agree with the point that there are corporate use cases that can benefit from limited privacy, such the Liquid sidechain with CT (value hiding only). Whether those are viable long term I don't know.
How do I in port the blockchain.raw file
I tried to rename it to blockchain.bin
it did not work , still dl from the net .
blockchain_import You may add --verify 0 to turn off verification and trust the contents of the file (faster). Still, the import tool is pretty slow though and you may find that syncing from the net is faster. The main advantage of using blockchain_raw is less bandwidth.
@$@%$!@# been fighting bots for a week. Getting sick of this shit. can't get friggin order filled.
Don't be Scrooge McDuck, buy some Over teh Counter Or market buy. Those offers on the book are binding on the seller. Make use of that commitment. Imagining there is infinite liquidity and you can buy without market impact is a fantasy.
That transaction probably will not confirm because it is too large. The first 0.9 release had that problem which was fixed in 0.9.1 You should try rescan_spent which may recover the funds back to your wallet and you can send them again after upgrading to the 0.9.1 releaseIf that doesn't work, check back here.
Correct. Please keep replies of high quality. The low quality and off-topic post to which you replied was deleted, as was yours that quoted it. The topic of this thread, of course, is of exceedingly high quality so that part does not applyTPTB_need_war has already admitted in another thread that he is experiencing some kind of serious illness. go easy on him.
Join a lottery pool with Monero!! I apologize for the noob account, but it ultimately felt like the right thing to do. I have started a lottery pool service. You send me monero, I buy lottery tickets. If we win, I turn the cash into monero and send it back to you. The primary website is lotteryconnect.i2p , and for those needing to inproxy, Enjoy! Just a reminder that anonymous newbies asking you to send them money are usually a scam. No guarantees in any particular case, so make up your own mind.
I don't believe there is niche for a successful mom-and-pop cryptocurrency. We don't know how many successful cryptocurrencies there will be (including zero) but it will be closer to the number of very large businesses than mom-and-pops. That could still be hundreds or even thousands (or a much smaller number of course), but one way or another they will be very large or will fail.
I think there will certainly be niches. Collectible card games, multiplayer games in general, music-centric coins, cause coins (like Gridcoin but for many of them for different purposes) etc.... Those can easily use metacoin protocols, especially if someone can work out the ugly issues of how to secure them in a decentralized manner. May always require some degree of centralization. Anyway, not relevant to BBR.
I do not think that anyone can be certain that even a tail emission will be sufficient to solve this problem. For tail emissions (or finite) cryptocurrencies to work, a cryptocurrency would have to be a great success. I don't believe cryptocurrencies that aren't a great success can work at all. They're both insecure and useless. So in designing, you might as well design with the assumption of great success because other possibilities don't matter. Meh, if I have to choose in between: A. An 80% chance to make a small but above average income by running a mom and pop business or B. A 20% chance to make large corporation that is highly successful and earns millions, or nothing if the corporation is not highly successful. I am a bit of a nit, but I am going to choose option A- especially if option B is an alternative cryptocurrency going against highly network effected super powers such as Bitcoin and Litecoin. Hell, I can name approximately 10 coins with greater network effects than Monero (I could name exponentially more for Boolberry.) With those odds I'm taking option A all day long... I don't believe there is niche for a successful mom-and-pop cryptocurrency. We don't know how many successful cryptocurrencies there will be (including zero) but it will be closer to the number of very large businesses than mom-and-pops. That could still be hundreds or even thousands (or a much smaller number of course), but one way or another they will be very large or will fail.
If you don't comprehend your business model
In order for there to be a business model, there has to be a business. Monero is not a business. There is no business model, so nothing to comprehend. You may believe that not being a business means that the token value will decline. Indeed I guess that is implied by your market position since as far as I know, you don't own any. Others obviously disagree. That's what makes markets. the fact that you really want to copy Linus There is no such fact in evidence. Linux is one thing, Monero is another. They have certain attributes in common, others not. Each is a unique construct. (I'm not deleting because speculating on the success or failure of Monero can benefit from understanding what it is.)