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9921  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump’s dangerous last stand to retain power!!! on: November 21, 2020, 06:57:45 PM
trumps actions have nothing to do with helping citizens.
its all about HIM not wanting to go back to being a citizen again and having to answer for all the crimes he commited

he wants to squeeze as much time out of 'get out of jail free' card
and also take as much money with him.

remember the many crimes
sexual deviant
friend of a sexual deviant that assaulted kids
tax evasion

the only thing the quanon group have right about trump is that yes he is searching out child abusers.. to become their friends. he has been making friends with them since atleast the 90's

once out of office trump has alot of answers to give about the epstein stuff. stormy daniels. his own families finances. and much more

he is going to be a busy man after january
9922  Other / Serious discussion / Re: as idiots cry about 5G.. china is testing 6G on: November 21, 2020, 06:50:52 PM
I wonder what will be the use cases for 6G in the real world.

I mean, the 5G speeds are incredibly fast and exceed demand of a typical modern internet user.

Probably the benefits of high speed will be counter weighted by the latency of the wireless network.

Let's start a new conspiracy theory, 6G will be used for the interconnected brain chips and their waves will be used as a controlling tool of making us obey.

did you forget. its about aliens from 100 light years away to be able to talk to the lizard kings of earth
9923  Other / Serious discussion / Re: What do you think of changing the demographic of a country to win elections? on: November 21, 2020, 05:49:31 AM
We can all agree, basically, that an easy way to win an election in a democratic country - is to import foreign people who support the same ideology as those importing them... or to export those disagreeing with it. What do you think of this democratic strategy to win elections?

Easy? I don't think it is easy at all. If you are a presidential candidate in the U.S., you would need to import 160 million people in order to guarantee a win. Good luck!

00   00   00                000       000    
00   00   00                000       000
XX   XX   XX               XXXX    XXXX
XX   XX   XX
XX   XX   XX               XXXXXXXXXX

both are 3 areas where combined its twelve 0  eighteenX thus you would think X wins overall
first 'this' is 3 areas of four 0 six X where 3 areas side with X

second 'that' is 3 areas. where 2 states are six 0 and four X and a areas of 10X meaning in this case overall 3area majority side with 0 (only one X area)

welcome to the world of gerrymandering. no votes need to change. just the plotlines of which groups sit in which area.

if you look at a polling jurisdiction/district on a map. and if it looks more like a crack in a wall shape/river and less like a square/rectangle. you know your government is doing gerrymandering
9924  Other / Serious discussion / Re: as idiots cry about 5G.. china is testing 6G on: November 21, 2020, 05:10:24 AM
in the 1990's when floppy disks were a thing people wondered what would be a reason to want more then 4gb harddrives

in 1990's people wondered why people would want hi-def images/vids better then the eye can see

in the 1890's people wondered why would people wants cars that can travel faster than the road laws allow

game streaming without a console doing the processing. users just receive rendered live stream they can interact with at super low ping
finance. trading bots at the microsecond

bitcoin blocks propogate in milliseconds

the list goes on
9925  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: November 20, 2020, 10:42:30 AM
COMMON law. meaning a law everyone has to commonly follow
not INDEPENDANT law which each individual gets to choose to follow or ignore

yep no one has sovereignty over another.. meaning. you cant pretend to be more important than the law or other people to then ignore it.

so stop acting like an outlaw and stop pretending laws dont apply to you.

the state as a whole common place has a law to respect peoples personal space
so follow your common law duty and responsibility. to respect that
9926  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid vaccine: First 'milestone' vaccine offers 90% protection on: November 20, 2020, 10:31:35 AM
The have been other vaccines lately. I hope that we will get a good working one really soon. I am sick of it all

these preliminary results. are not health results big enough for a true safety validation. they are more so first results to ease shareholders minds they are on the right path.

pfizer results based on under 100 people out of 44k(22k on vaccine)
moderna results based on under 60 people out of 30k(15k on vaccine)
oxford might reveal something in the next few weeks.

i am pro-vaccine im just saying these are not final/definitive results.

game tester analogy
employing 30k game testers. and having only 100 game testers coming back saying they completed the game
with 90 on easy mode and 10 on difficult mode. does not prove the beta test game is ready for release
yes the 3 main games announced this month are saying the game wont break the console even on old generation consoles. but yet to prove that the game will entertain all game players

these vaccine announcements are more for governments to say ok start mass producing ready for proper results next year.
(unlike their announcement to have already began mass production before any results in summer)
9927  Other / Politics & Society / Re: why are pets smarter then republicans on: November 20, 2020, 10:07:29 AM

TOTALLY NOT a good way to bring forth any meaningful change. Just personally attacking people of the opposite side isn't doing anything, all it does is cause other people to do the same thing and then we simply devolve into persoal attacks and we don't even get to find any sort of compromise when it comes to policy and such.

This is the problem that we have now. We need to be better.

when the republicans start the personal attacks. and the non-republicans just respond with a personal attack that might in some way make the republicans wake up and realise the republican failures of their mind.. maybe just maybe republicans will stop being so trigger happy and change their way. and thus stop sparking attacks all the time

then there might be change..
or opposition say nothing and just let republicans just continue as they are and nothing changes

EG with racist republicans.. for 100years not addressing their racism.. it continued... it continued
then their racist mindset got attacked and slowly there are less racist republicans.. so it works

idiots dont realise they are idiots because.. yep. they are idiots
but by calling them out. they realise their limitations and realise their actions might not be normal/right.. and then they have an opportunity to change. rather then just continuing to be oblivious of their actions

call it tough love. call it an intervention. call it just a slap in the face to wake them up... either way. its better then just letting them continue on in their ignorance

if you can train a cat to use a litter tray then "hopefully" people can train a republican to not crap in its own back yard(country)
9928  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Pfizer plans to include microchips in vaccine?? on: November 19, 2020, 08:32:11 AM
ok im gonna drop a few facts.. and yes i know that some will then use parts of what i say to make new conspiracies. but here goes

the pfizer vaccine needs -94oc because its pretty much just the naked mrna..
yep i dont believe it has any addatives or adjuncts added to it to stabalise it. hense needing the cold temperature to stop it breaking down.

also instead of needing 100ul as a single dose. its maybe going to be in 30ul in 2 doses
this means any small 1% addatives of a 100ul dose is only 0.3 and with a month apart means that the addatives IF ANY have had time to be excreted in the first month before the next dose

thus over all, much much safer then a single megadose.. if your concerned about 'addatives'

im not saying modern vaccines in the last few decades have any nasty crap in them. but they do have stablisers in them and other stuff that act as catalysts to help the vaccine do its job
emphasis.. no monkey kidneys
if anything maybe fish oils

so out of all the vaccine candidates to pick to cry about things being thrown in and the risk of taking due to worries of things added to it.. pfizer is a bad one to pick
9929  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: November 19, 2020, 08:22:24 AM
I've heard this something from a surgeon, she states that, "is it hard to be considerate to other people just because you are not really affected by it?" People who are already sick are more likely the one who got complications when in contact to the virus. They are the one most likely to suffer. If you're healthy, and you got the virus, most probably you'll get healthy in just a few weeks.

My stand is, it can be not so serious to people who is healthy, but not to those people who are already struggling in one of their sickness.

death rates is very much a factor of people whos bodies are already at a disatvantage. its like cars if your engine is failing. and suddenly there is an event that requires you to accellerate to escape a city.. your chance of safely driving away from the problem is lower. your car may breakdown on the highway

however cars can fail by other means too. they dont jsut have to be elderly cars
not checking the oil. not filling the fuel tank. not checking the water level in the radiator.
brake fluids and other things. heck even tire pressure can cause you car to fail to get to its destination

and keeping with the analogy. even with new cars. they can get damaged by events. and become worn out
theres this thing called long covid.

in short its not the same as a cold or common flu

and the person above saying a surgeon states 'someone doesnt care if it doesnt happen to them' thats true

but it was not then the surgeon and only the person above that then tried to apply his own opinion by adding it to the paragraph of a surgeon quote. to make it sound like the surgeon then said. that if healthy you probably will get over it in a couple weeks.

and then reemphasised it as if he is agreeing with his opinion

its things like this that idiots then deem a surgeon has promoted covid as safe
when infact it was the person on this forum

what is more important is viral load

gathering shoulder to shoulder breathing on each other for long periods will pass high doses of virus thus causing a bigger battle to fight.

so best advice is respect other peoples personal space and stop breathing on other people.
wear a mask and socially distance from people where you dont know who they are or where they have been or who theyhave been near in the last week. basically in public places like supermarkets and public streets

no one is demanding you wear masks out in the open where people are not gathering
no one is demanding you wear mask in your own homes, cars.

just use common sense and respect for others.
its not that hard

the less people getting high viral load. the less hospitalisations. the less hospitalisations. the less the restrictions become.
dont rebell against restrictions because that just causes restrictions to last longer
9930  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: November 18, 2020, 09:06:13 PM
SARS CoV2 is very real and the synthetic strain that has been released

synthetic strain?
oh catch up. that got debunked in march
please update your conspiracy theories.. its been 8 months.. you can do better then that

why is it all the conspiracy nutter that think its fake or synthetic.. are trump supporters..
its like their is a collective mindset of lazy minded people in a certain group

when i came to this forum in 2012 it was full of people with common sense and intellect.. now it just seems full of idiots that cant even think of something new/smart/independant.
its like 8 months of reading the same boring stupidity on repeat.

please conspiracy guys. i know its hard to realise the reality of life, nature and the world.. but can you atleast try a little bit to be more inventive, creative. or atleast entertaining
9931  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: November 18, 2020, 09:01:48 PM
The singer, 49, announced on Friday that she was taking her third COVID-19 test in 24 hours, after her previous two tests yielded conflicting results. Although one test, which used a swab from her left nostril, came back positive, a second tests, which used a swab taken from her right nostril, was negative for the novel coronavirus.

It's not a scam, but perhaps this virus prefers the left nostril. Lol

the summary results. translated to dumb human are 'positive' and negative'

but the actual PCR results are a number
usually between 15-45
where 15 is HIGH load infection
where 35 is LOW load infection
and 38 is classed as a negative

yep even if it can detect some virus at 38-45 they dismiss this as just environmental amount meaning not enough to have reached your lungs to have caught on

so maybe she had 38 in one nostril and 37 in another

always best to double check if unsure. they may have just caught it the day she came into contact with someone

other option is the right(negative) nostril they may not have put it in deep enough to get any snot on the swab.. yep that happens

so the left nostril might have had snot on it and showed a number below 38 meaning positive.
and the other. well thats cleaner then a unused tissue because they didnt get any snot on it
9932  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: November 18, 2020, 04:44:07 PM
The virus is real ................some garbage..............

Would you care to provide scientific proof (link) of its isolation. Keep your tv propaganda to yourself and your fellow conspirators.

proof has been provided on this forum in many different topics multiple times
the proof is not just american FDA stuff
its international hospitals/labs/research facilities. yep you know. science facilities that are not capitalist
done in different facilities, different doctors different patient samples, different methods.. different recipient species all coming to the same conclusion.. thus proving each other
just like how decentralised bitcoin validates the blockchain

if you think that decentralised validation via independant review is not possible then you are calling bitcoin fake

even in this very topic it has been linked
so please give up repeating the ignorant scripts that badecker also says
when he has asked for the links and they were provided. he moves off topic for a fortnight then comes back and asks about getting a link as if links were never given.

dont play by his game
check the links and accept it. they are easy to find.
like i said even in this topic. and by searching google
do not stop reading this post and go straight back to a conspiracy site to find a new script to spout out
9933  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: November 18, 2020, 12:29:20 PM
there he goes again repeating scripts

not realising i debunked him months ago
1900 medicine had diagnostic medicine, that evolved and improved over 1700-1930. then rapidly improved more faster in the last 90 years
EG if 1000 people got sick in a particular way. and there was a pattern to how/what. they can form judgements that a certain disease happens a certain way and caused certain things
if months later another group got the same symptoms and it had same pattern they can improve on the knowledge due to the knowledge they gained months earlier
and each time things got better and better

if symptoms were completely different in another group they can separate that as a different diagnosis
and over hundreds of years they learn alot about alot of diseases. and methods of spread. and timelines of infectiousness. and of course treatments that work or fail

in the 1930's they had electron microscopes that can VISUALISE viruses and bacteria

in the last 2 decades they had new nano-microscopes that can see at the nano level and these microscopes confirm the diagnoses was right 80+ years before

badecker doesnt quote stuff about pasteur or others methods of learning about things at the bacteria/viral level..
he doesnt even know about reagents and spectral analysis

badecker doesnt realise that although they couldnt look at nano scale things 100 years ago.. 80years ago and modern medicine could.. and it confirmed 100+ year old medicine was on the right path just not able to move forward fast due to their lackings 100+ years ago

so badecker stop using 100+ year old medicines lackings as proof that modern medicine is broke
modern medicine has not jsut double checked, nor triple checked but over a millionth checked that bacteria and viruses are real.
no one is 'just assuming the books' are correct. they actually checked. used many different methods to validate and also found even better results than what 'the books' you refer to mention

and no. its not some US FDA mission to give false confirms. because hundreds of countries unrelated to the FDA
hundreds of countries before FDA was a thing. thousands of labs multiple hundreds of thousands of hospitals and millions of doctors and lab techs. have done independant tests checks and reviews
so while badecker repeats scripts he read from conspiracy sites saying the opposite. he is not looking at proper research.
the research is available. but badecker just needs to exit conspiracy websites and search independantly to find it

when you are soo intent on just repeating scripts that got debunked by other people before you even found the scripts
when you are soo intent on just repeating those scripts not realising they got debunked before you
when you are soo intent on just repeating those script even when you get debunked

maybe you need to realise your a puppet
9934  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: November 18, 2020, 10:11:19 AM
badecker. we know you love conspiracies. so how about think about this one

you are not original. when you talk about the electron microscope thing. you have not done your research you are just repeating a script you read.
many others say the exact same words which show its not an original thought.

so here is the conspiracy.
russia created the conspiracy sites you read and quote from. they inspire american idiots to declare covid as fake so that americans get sick from their own stupidity and die from diseases they get told dont exist.

you are a puppet to the russian agenda.

now next time dont quote from your conspiracy favoured sites.
if you read something. then go research it. then actually use common sense.

dont be a puppet
dont spout crap that disease does not exist.
dont spout crap that there is no harmful pathogens in the world

think about what you say
continue sounding like a communist eugenics puppet that advertises for pharma
9935  Other / Politics & Society / Re: why are pets smarter then republicans on: November 17, 2020, 07:02:47 PM
thats actually not true, the republicans are pro government, but they don't want to overregulate and confuse people

no they are pro greed.. its called capitalism
they will blindly follow, blindly kiss ass anyone that promises them glory and wealth. even at the risk of harm to themselves and others without a guaranteed promise that the result is true wealth

many working class people think they can act like rich upperclaass elitists if they just be pro-trump. hoping that lowering regulations and taxes for the elite corporations will trickle down to the working classes.

but even if you put all that greed aside. they tend to be the group that think that ass kissing, telling lies and spouting nonsense about how rules are the cause of their individual misery of not yet hitting elite status. to which i just describe as being more stupid then a pet

.. its a bit like religion
blaming a god or blaming a dictator or loving god or a dictator. republicans cant get the common sense that their own actions have consequences.
9936  Other / Politics & Society / Re: america could turn to a dictatorship for decades thanks to braindead democrats on: November 17, 2020, 04:12:13 AM
trump.. republican. is the only one that does not want to leave even when the votes tell him he should leave in january

trump is the dictionary definition of a dictator
there is no voter fraud to explain the election result
democrates did not fix/rig the election

only trump is the one trying to change the vote in his favour
only trump is saying the election is fake
only trump is saying he should stay in power
9937  Other / Politics & Society / why are pets smarter then republicans on: November 17, 2020, 04:09:11 AM
we see it every day. republicans pretend to be anti-gov. yet they keep quoting government laws.

let me explain
cats and dogs do not have laws to say they have the right to meow or woof. nor are there laws that restrict them from meowing and woofing.

pets know they can meow and woof naturally without being told. they also know when their meows and woofs can cause trouble they stop meowing and woofing. without any law telling them

so why is it republicans cannot have the self conscious thought to know when to talk and when to shut up.

cats can roam free. no law commands them. but cats know not to stray in other cats territory.
so again why do republicans think they have to rely on government laws to tell them that they should stay away from dangers of coming into other peoples personal space

it seems republicans have less common sense than pets.

if republicans actually just respected personal space and just stopped risking the health of those around them out of pure self conscious common sense, then they will find that the restrictions would not need enforcement

its the ignorance, avoidance, and just pure resistance to actually use common sense. that makes governments have to intervene and implement rules

the idots that do anti restriction protests dont realise by actually gathering enmasse and in close proximity. its their.. yes them idiots own actions that will make restriction rules tighten not relax

protesting restrictions will not result in relaxing restrictions
when the idiots took trumps tweet of 'liberate [state]' he know it would cause chaos and cause people to be harmed and arrested. heck he even was the one that 2 weeks later called in national guard to stop the liberation, insulting all the people that did get involved in the chaos

so heres a tip to the republicans
stop listening to other stupid people just because they are leaders of your stupidity group. and actually just ask yourself these two simple things

will my actions affect myself or others negatively
am i doing this because some group leader i never met said to do it.

if someone told you to speed in your car. knowing the risks of getting in trouble with the cops. or injuring someone.. would you still do it
do you have access to the same health/legal support as the idiot that told you to do it
does that idiot do as they say. or just delegate others to get in trouble on their behalf

so just remember instead of thinking about the written and codified and government created rights.
think about your own self conscious thoughts and responsibilities
.. the common sense of self awareness and respect for yourself and others

learn not to do stupid things.
learn when to shut up and when to talk
learn when you should and should not invade personal space
learn not to impact other peoples lives negatively
9938  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How did Grayscale get so much Bitcoin? on: November 17, 2020, 03:04:45 AM
greyscale own:
blockstream (the bitcoin dev group)

they also own all of these bitcoin exchanges and digital currency services

its more then likely 50% of all bitcoin in the last 4 years that have entered an exchange have touched the hands of greyscale
9939  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid vaccine: First 'milestone' vaccine offers 90% protection on: November 16, 2020, 07:11:07 PM
the doctors badecker keeps linking are the ones that are profiting at the cost of peoples health
you can tell because badecker is promoting the products they are selling
the problem is those doctors are not virologists. most are not even active doctors treating patients
those that are treating patients are ones that are child doctors. thus they have no clue about the illnesses of adults/vulnerables..

but hey badecker will still try to advertise stuff for people that dont need it and deny its utility for those that do..
sounds like badecker and tvbcof are both pro eugenics and pro euthaniasia.. 'coz darwin'

when will they even bother daring to do some research
the silly questions they ask the nonsense answers they make. can all be worked out and actually solved using facts with a 2 minute google search. so why after 8 months are they still acting like idiots that only look at conspiracy sites.

maybe they are on some parental lock that doesnt let them search the wider internet
maybe they are unable to read unless its transcribed to voice and only certain sites can transcribe
maybe they are just pretending to be dumb..

who knows.. but one thing is for sure. they have had plenty of time to find the real truth away from conspiracy sites. so they cannot claim they havnt had time/oppertunity.

note to reply to the idiot below
no. american 'clinic' doctors that own their own practice have some that are profiteering pill mills
but more are actually moral doctors.
then there are doctors that work in hospitals. they are not pill mills
then you have to realise. america is capitalist but the other 7.5billion population in 200 other countries are not capitalist.

UK for instance does not sell prescriptions.
canada does not sell prescriptions
europe does not sell prescriptions
there are far more doctors that dont sell prescriptions than those that do

if your doctor acts like a prescription salesman. maybe you should change your doctor..
isnt that the whole point of americans not wanting social healthcare 'choice of doctor' lame arguments.
use that choice and find another doctor
by the way even in social healthcare systems you can change your doctor too. no cost, no debate. just change
9940  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid vaccine: First 'milestone' vaccine offers 90% protection on: November 16, 2020, 05:20:16 PM
Fewer and fewer people believe your sob-story bullshit as the months drift by and, upon surprise inspection, the 'covid bed' is empty upon inspection because the 'patient' needed to go home and feed his pigs.

when an idiot looks at a video of another idiot that stands in the lobby entrance of a hospital. and just walks around the lobby. never going into a ward. and then screams 'where are the patients'
the smart answer is they dont put beds in the lobby. the covid wards are separate and secure. random people cant just walk into them

whats next go to a hotel and because theres no couples making love on beds at reception your going to say the hotel is fake.
or will you take a braincell and use it to remember that hotels dont have beds in the reception area

if you are one of those people that do sleep on the floor ofthe reception area of a hotel. maybe, just maybe you should actually rent a room. trust me its a whole different experience than sleeping in at reception

but before even trying to rent a room.. find that braincell
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