I think this is impossible. In addition to the need for new forms of currency and payment instruments, the world also needs more technologies such as medical, agricultural, and scientific innovations. Only with all-round progress can the world regain prosperity.
IMPossible word itself says I M Possible.. But not with just only Bitcoin but with technology used behind Bitcoin. Now many countries are moving towards other altcoins for better, faster and instant transactions and confirmation. The world is moving towards AI(Artificial Intelligence) and ML(Machine Learning). Implementation of these advanced technologies along with blockchain can offer better business solutions in coming future.
Bitcoin intelligence can only make individual people richer, making wealthier people richer. Because most of the world’s important resources are in the hands of a few people, including some of Bitcoin’s information. Of course, I do not deny that Bitcoin gives more people a chance to get rich quickly, but it is impossible to get the whole world out of poverty.
I agree. As Bitcoin have opened door for tech peoples who are good with their education, intelligence, knowledge and talent. But rather I would like to say that anyone can understand Bitcoin and its technology. After agriculture Blockchain is the biggest invention done ever in last 1000 years.
Now according to these information it will take certain time to adopt these technologies.
But poverty has many other reasons which cannot affected by Bitcoins.