Activity: 3
Merit: 0
October 20, 2023, 05:55:40 PM |
I wrote a small script that takes about 1min to solve puzzle 15, but takes forever to solve 130 I want to share it here in case someone can see what I mean to archive, or tell me where i'm going wrong. this is supposed to reverse the bits (bits_num) used for double and add, or just double. But I'm stuck at getting an education guess of which one to pick. I tried calculating the slope but no success, have a look at 130 or try it with puzzle 15 which is very fast from bit import Key import ecdsa import binascii from ecdsa.curves import SECP256k1 import threading
curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1.curve results = []
def add(P1, P2): x1, y1 = P1 x2, y2 = P2
if P1 == P2: lam = (3 * x1 * x1) * pow(2 * y1, -1, p) else: lam = (y2 - y1) * pow(x2 - x1, -1, p)
x3 = (lam * lam - x1 - x2) % p y3 = (lam * (x1 - x3) - y1) % p
return (x3, y3)
def dbl(K): x,y = K P = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve, x, y) k_dbl = 2 * P return (k_dbl.x(),k_dbl.y())
def mul(k,P): x,y = P point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve, x,y) r_p = point * k return (r_p.x(),r_p.y())
def revDbl(K,n): return mul((n+1)//2,K)
def sub(K,G,n): neg_G = (G[0], -G[1]) sub_K = add(K,neg_G)
return sub_K
def unCmp(pub): cmp_pub = binascii.unhexlify(pub) cmp_vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(cmp_pub, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1) uncmp_pub = cmp_vk.to_string(encoding="uncompressed") uncmp_pub_hex = binascii.hexlify(uncmp_pub).decode('utf-8') uncmp_pub_hex = uncmp_pub_hex[2:] x = int(uncmp_pub_hex[:64],16) y = int(uncmp_pub_hex[64:],16) return (x,y)
def is_point_on_curve(point): x, y = point lhs = (y * y) % p rhs = (x * x * x + 7) % p return lhs == rhs
def runRev(K, bin_str, bits_num): hx = 0 if len(bin_str) != 0: hx = hex(int(bin_str,2))
print(len(bin_str), bin_str, hx, sep="\t") global results if len(results) > 0: return else: if len(bin_str) <= bits_num: # Rev DBL + ADD r_sub = sub(K,G,n) da_k = revDbl(r_sub,n) da_bin_str = "1" + bin_str if da_k == G: print("KEY FOUND", hx) results.append(da_bin_str) return elif is_point_on_curve(da_k): runRev(da_k, da_bin_str,bits_num) else: print("NOT ON CURVE")
# Rev DBL d_k = revDbl(K,n) d_bin_str = "0"+bin_str if d_k == G: results.append(d_bin_str) return elif is_point_on_curve(d_k): runRev(d_k, d_bin_str,bits_num) else: print("NOT ON CURVE") else: return
def main(): global results pub = "03633cbe3ec02b9401c5effa144c5b4d22f87940259634858fc7e59b1c09937852" K = unCmp(pub)
bits_num = 130 bin_str = '' runRev(K, bin_str, bits_num) if len(results) > 0: print("KEY FOUND",results)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Can you explain the logic? I am not familiar with bit_num and rev dbl. Solving puzzle 15 in 1 minute is extremely slow. By working with standard secp256k1 parameters you won't get anywhere, what you need to do is finding a method to convert secp256k1 points to new points with a much smaller size, then you can have 1000 times more speed. Currently I can generate 1m keys in 20 seconds with my primitive and simple native implementation on an old android phone. So 26867 which is the decimal for #15, would take me half a second to solve.
Welcome! Don't be shy, come on in, mi woods su woods.😉 I just added an update to explain my script since it has no commenting and strange variable names.
October 20, 2023, 06:19:42 PM |
I just added an update to explain my script since it has no commenting and strange variable names.
Hi, Welcome!! It is nice to see more developers in this posts. You don't need to quote all the previous text just to reply a single line, just quote those parts that are interesting. BTW as digaran said before puzzle 15 in 1 minute is very slow. But i remember when i start to code for this I also start with such low speed, so as a starting point that is OK. Any doubt just ask.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
October 20, 2023, 06:28:55 PM Last edit: October 20, 2023, 06:52:34 PM by dred28 |
sorry about the quotes, I will be here more often to learn. I have a very slow machine with 2 cores. Even 15 is slow for me. My goal is to get a script that is fast for the slowest machine , just like how fast the derivation of double and add function for public key
Copper Member
Hero Member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 900
October 20, 2023, 06:32:05 PM |
Good luck with that, I think that's the million dollar question every man asks at least once in his life, "where is the G-spot". Why do I feel we are talking about vagina instead of curve. 😅 You can check my thread on project development, you will find ground breaking ultimate hack scripts. Look for point torsion script, maybe that's what you are looking for.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1246
Merit: 250
Shooters Shoot...
October 20, 2023, 07:00:54 PM |
Good luck with that, I think that's the million dollar question every man asks at least once in his life, "where is the G-spot". Why do I feel we are talking about vagina instead of curve. 😅 You can check my thread on project development, you will find ground breaking ultimate hack scripts. Look for point torsion script, maybe that's what you are looking for. “Ground breaking” 😁
Activity: 504
Merit: 38
October 21, 2023, 08:20:48 AM Last edit: October 22, 2023, 12:11:24 PM by nomachine |
Good luck with that, I think that's the million dollar question every man asks at least once in his life, "where is the G-spot". Why do I feel we are talking about vagina instead of curve. 😅 You can check my thread on project development, you will find ground breaking ultimate hack scripts. Look for point torsion script, maybe that's what you are looking for. “Ground breaking” 😁 rarely laughed so hard, just ridiculous - you guys make my day Currently I can generate 1m keys in 20 seconds
TO Back on topic.... I made a new script in C++ based on my last post ... https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1306983.msg63020009#msg63020009I'm too slow and lazy to make a CUDA GPU version. Version is still a beta version for testing, there are a lot of things that can be fail or improve. This is the first time I am dealing with this part of OpenSSL . I'm still learning what can be done with this swiss army knife. Install the OpenSSL development package: sudo apt install libssl-dev #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> #include <openssl/bn.h> #include <openssl/ec.h> #include <openssl/obj_mac.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> #include <openssl/rand.h> #include <openssl/sha.h> #include <openssl/ripemd.h> #include <ctime> #include <sstream> #include <fstream>
// Function to convert a byte vector to a hexadecimal string std::string bytesToHex(const std::vector<unsigned char>& bytes) { std::stringstream ss; for (unsigned char byte : bytes) { ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << static_cast<int>(byte); } return ss.str(); }
// Function to calculate the RIPEMD160 hash of a byte vector std::vector<unsigned char> calculateRIPEMD160(const std::vector<unsigned char>& data) { std::vector<unsigned char> hash(RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH); RIPEMD160(data.data(), data.size(), hash.data()); return hash; }
int main() { // Initialize the OpenSSL library if (OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() != 1) { std::cerr << "OpenSSL initialization failed." << std::endl; return 1; }
// Set the target Hash160 value (replace with your target hash) std::string target_hash160_hex = "fe7c45126731f7384640b0b0045fd40bac72e2a2";
int puzzle = 15; // The puzzle number (Bits)
// Clear the console std::system("clear"); std::cout << "\r\033[01;33m[+] Bytea HASH160 Search by NoMachine" << "\n"; time_t currentTime = std::time(nullptr); std::cout << "\r\033[01;33m[+] " << std::ctime(¤tTime) << "\r"; std::cout << "\r\033[01;33m[+] Puzzle: " << puzzle << "\033[0m" << std::endl; std::cout.flush();
// Calculate the maximum bytes value based on the puzzle BIGNUM* limit_int = BN_new(); BN_set_word(limit_int, 1); BN_lshift(limit_int, limit_int, puzzle); BN_sub_word(limit_int, 1); int max_bytes = (BN_num_bits(limit_int) + 7) / 8;
// Create an EC_KEY object EC_KEY* ec_key = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1);
// Calculate the SHA-256 hash of the public key unsigned char sha256_result[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
// Calculate the RIPEMD160 hash of the SHA-256 hash std::vector<unsigned char> ripemd160_result(RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH);
while (true) { // Create a 32-byte private key with 32 zeros followed by random bytes std::vector<unsigned char> private_key_bytes(32, 0);
// Generate random bytes for the remaining part of the private key std::vector<unsigned char> random_bytes(max_bytes); if (RAND_bytes(random_bytes.data(), random_bytes.size()) != 1) { std::cerr << "Error generating random bytes." << std::endl; BN_free(limit_int); EC_KEY_free(ec_key); return 1; }
// Append the random bytes to the private key std::copy(random_bytes.begin(), random_bytes.end(), private_key_bytes.begin() + 32 - max_bytes);
// Create a BIGNUM from the private key bytes BIGNUM* bn_private_key = BN_bin2bn(private_key_bytes.data(), private_key_bytes.size(), NULL);
// Set the private key in the EC_KEY object EC_KEY_set_private_key(ec_key, bn_private_key);
// Compute the public key from the private key EC_POINT* public_key_point = EC_POINT_new(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key)); EC_POINT_mul(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key), public_key_point, bn_private_key, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Convert the public key point to binary representation (compressed) size_t public_key_length = EC_POINT_point2oct(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key), public_key_point, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, NULL, 0, NULL); std::vector<unsigned char> public_key_bytes(public_key_length); EC_POINT_point2oct(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key), public_key_point, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, public_key_bytes.data(), public_key_length, NULL);
SHA256(public_key_bytes.data(), public_key_bytes.size(), sha256_result); ripemd160_result = calculateRIPEMD160(std::vector<unsigned char>(sha256_result, sha256_result + SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH));
// Convert the calculated RIPEMD160 hash to a hexadecimal string std::string calculated_hash160_hex = bytesToHex(ripemd160_result);
// Display the generated public key hash (Hash160) and private key std::string message = "\r\033[01;33m[+] Public Key Hash (Hash 160): " + calculated_hash160_hex; std::cout << message << "\e[?25l"; std::cout.flush();
// Check if the generated public key hash matches the target if (calculated_hash160_hex == target_hash160_hex) { // Get the current time std::time_t currentTime; std::time(¤tTime); std::tm tmStruct = *std::localtime(¤tTime);
// Format the current time into a human-readable string std::stringstream timeStringStream; timeStringStream << std::put_time(&tmStruct, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); std::string formattedTime = timeStringStream.str();
std::cout << "\n\033[32m[+] PUZZLE SOLVED: " << formattedTime << "\033[0m" << std::endl; std::cout << "\r\033[32m[+] Target Public Key Hash (Hash160) found! Private Key: " << bytesToHex(private_key_bytes) << std::endl;
// Append the private key information to a file if it matches std::ofstream file("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt", std::ios::app); if (file.is_open()) { file << "\nPUZZLE SOLVED " << formattedTime; file << "\nPrivate Key (hex): " << bytesToHex(private_key_bytes); file << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; file.close(); }
break; } }
// Free the EC_KEY and BIGNUM objects BN_free(limit_int); EC_KEY_free(ec_key);
return 0; } - Bytea HASH160 Search by NoMachine
- Sat Oct 21 10:39:23 2023
- Puzzle: 15
- Public Key Hash (Hash 160): fe7c45126731f7384640b0b0045fd40bac72e2a2
- PUZZLE SOLVED: 2023-10-21 10:39:24
- Target Public Key Hash (Hash160) found! Private Key: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000068f3
It will solve Puzzle 15 for second on HASH 160 as target, Compile g++ -o puzzle puzzle.cpp -lssl -lcrypto -m64 -mssse3 -O3 p.s. The Kangaroo Twins algorithm can be incorporated into the same based script for target_public_key_hex .
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
October 21, 2023, 09:07:56 AM |
Hello, can you help me add a stride for the GPU? KeyHunt-Cuda
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
October 21, 2023, 11:56:36 AM |
I wrote a simple python script that only uses the range from puzzle 66 (2000...-2ffff) to search for puzzles 67,68,69,71 all at once. i can also adjust the big step.. its a cool script i can also try each number combination by the quadrillions. anything I should add? feel free to try your luck! at current BTC price, I am searching for $995,000 on this 1 hex range: 20000000000000000 - 2ffffffffffffffff import subprocess import time import os from decimal import Decimal import base58 import hashlib import ecdsa
# Function to clear the terminal screen def clear_terminal(): subprocess.call('clear', shell=True)
# Function to convert a decimal number to a compressed Bitcoin address def decimal_to_compressed_address(decimal_number): private_key = int(decimal_number).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big') signing_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private_key, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256) verifying_key = signing_key.verifying_key compressed_public_key = verifying_key.to_string("compressed") hashed_string = hashlib.sha256(compressed_public_key).digest() ripemd_string = hashlib.new('ripemd160', hashed_string).digest() ripemd_string = b'\x00' + ripemd_string hashed_string = hashlib.sha256(ripemd_string).digest() hashed_string = hashlib.sha256(hashed_string).digest() checksum = hashed_string[:4] address = ripemd_string + checksum base58_address = base58.b58encode(address) return base58_address.decode()
# Function to convert a decimal number to a private key in hexadecimal format def decimal_to_private_key_hex(decimal_number): private_key_bytes = int(decimal_number).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big') private_key_hex = private_key_bytes.hex() private_key_hex_flipped = private_key_hex.replace('2', '3', 2) return private_key_hex, private_key_hex_flipped
# Function to check if a target address is found def check_target_address(address, decimal_number, private_key_hex): if address in target_addresses: target_addresses_found.append(address) print(f"Target address found: {address}") print(f"Decimal Number: {decimal_number}") print(f"Private Key Hex: {private_key_hex}")
# Write the found address to the file add to found addresses.txt with open("found_addresses.txt", "a") as found_file: found_file.write(f"Target address found: {address}\n") found_file.write(f"Decimal Number: {decimal_number}\n") found_file.write(f"Private Key Hex: {private_key_hex}\n\n") found_file.flush() # Flush the buffer to ensure data is written immediately
return True return False
# List of target Bitcoin addresses to search for target_addresses = ['13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so', '1BY8GQbnueYofwSuFAT3USAhGjPrkxDdW9', '1MVDYgVaSN6iKKEsbzRUAYFrYJadLYZvvZ', '19vkiEajfhuZ8bs8Zu2jgmC6oqZbWqhxhG', '1PWo3JeB9jrGwfHDNpdGK54CRas7fsVzXU']
# List of additional hex numbers to modify the decimal number additional_hex_numbers = ['3','4','5','6','7','8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','1a', '1b', '1c','1d', '1e', '1f' ,'40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','4a', '4b', '4c','4d', '4e', '4f' ,'50','51','52','53','54','55','56','57','58','59','5a', '5b', '5c','5d', '5e', '5f' ,'60','61','62','63','64','65','66','67','68','69','6a', '6b', '6c','6d', '6e', '6f' ,'70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','78','79','7a', '7b', '7c','7d', '7e', '7f' ]
# Define the lower and upper bounds for the decimal number search range lower_bound = Decimal('37000000000000000000') upper_bound = Decimal('55340232221128654832')
target_addresses_found = []
# Initialize time and iteration tracking variables start_time = time.time() total_iterations = 0
# Function to search for target addresses within a specified range def search_decimal_range(decimal_number, upper_bound): global total_iterations # Use the global variable iterations = 0 update_interval = 1 step_size = 100000000000000 # Initial step size
while decimal_number <= upper_bound: compressed_address = decimal_to_compressed_address(decimal_number) private_key_hex, flipped_private_key_hex = decimal_to_private_key_hex(decimal_number)
if check_target_address(compressed_address, decimal_number, private_key_hex): return True # Stop the loop if a match is found
found_match = False
additional_addresses = [] for hex_number in additional_hex_numbers: modified_decimal_number = int(hex(int(decimal_number))[2:].replace('2', hex_number, 1), 16) modified_compressed_address = decimal_to_compressed_address(modified_decimal_number) additional_addresses.append(modified_compressed_address)
if check_target_address(modified_compressed_address, modified_decimal_number, private_key_hex): found_match = True break
if found_match: return True
if len(target_addresses_found) == len(target_addresses): return True
if iterations % update_interval == 0: elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time iterations_per_second = iterations / elapsed_time print(f"Reached {iterations} iterations.") print(f"Elapsed Time: {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds") print(f"Iterations per Second: {iterations_per_second:.2f}") print(f"Decimal Number: {decimal_number}") print(f"Compressed Bitcoin Address: {compressed_address}") print(f"Private Key Hex: {private_key_hex}") if target_addresses_found: print_addresses_side_by_side(target_addresses_found[-1], decimal_number, private_key_hex, additional_addresses) print("\n")
if iterations % 100000 == 0: clear_terminal()
decimal_number += step_size # Increase the decimal number by the current step size iterations += 1
# Adjust the step size dynamically based on the search space if iterations % 1000 == 0: step_size *= 2 # Double the step size every 1 million iterations
# Function to print the target address and additional addresses side by side def print_addresses_side_by_side(target_address, decimal_number, private_key_hex, additional_addresses): print(f"Decimal Number: {decimal_number}") print(f"Target Address: {target_address}") print(f"Private Key Hex: {private_key_hex}") for i, address in enumerate(additional_addresses): print(f" ({additional_hex_numbers[i]}): {address}") print("\n")
# Function to continuously search for target addresses in the specified range def continuous_search(lower_bound, upper_bound): global total_iterations, start_time # Use the global variables current_decimal = lower_bound
while True: elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time total_iterations += 1
if search_decimal_range(current_decimal, upper_bound): print("All target addresses found. Restarting search...") time.sleep(0) # Optional: Add a delay before restarting the search current_decimal = lower_bound # Reset the current_decimal to the lower_bound else: current_decimal += 1 # Increment by 1
# Start the continuous search while True: continuous_search(lower_bound, upper_bound)
# Add sound notification when the script completes print("Glass sound (indicating script completion)") subprocess.run(["afplay", "/System/Library/Sounds/glass.aiff"])
Activity: 504
Merit: 38
October 21, 2023, 12:26:14 PM Last edit: October 21, 2023, 12:38:05 PM by nomachine |
print("Glass sound (indicating script completion)") subprocess.run(["afplay", "/System/Library/Sounds/glass.aiff"])
You will have a heart attack if this sound is activated, even by mistake
Copper Member
Hero Member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 900
October 21, 2023, 01:33:15 PM |
Why are you using base58 encode, rmd160 checksum? You don't need any of them, just input rmd160 as your targets and stop the process at rmd160, once you generate the rmd160 don't do anything else with it other than comparing them with targets. Remember, from rmd160 to address there are 2 sha256 hashing and 1 base58 encoding, both are heavy. Get rid of them.
Hello, can you help me add a stride for the GPU? KeyHunt-Cuda
Do you want to recompile it yourself? You'd need to change the generator point or to make it easier add an option to manually input G, then you can use the public key of e.g, 237, if you want to have a stride jump of 237 at every step.
Activity: 504
Merit: 38
October 21, 2023, 04:05:51 PM Last edit: January 08, 2024, 09:10:00 PM by nomachine |
Get rid of them.
You can make Puzzle 66 script in 11 lines import sys, os, secp256k1 as ice while True: random_bytes=os.urandom(9);initial_bytes=b'\x00'*23 full_bytes=initial_bytes+random_bytes;dec = int.from_bytes(full_bytes, byteorder='big') h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(0, True, dec).hex() message = "\r{}".format(h160);messages = [] messages.append(message);output = "\033[01;33m" + ''.join(messages) + "\r" sys.stdout.write(output);sys.stdout.flush() if h160 == "20d45a6a762535700ce9e0b216e31994335db8a5": print(dec) break I'm competing with myself how short the next one will be. But that won't shorten the time it takes me to find a WIF p.s. Zillion times is faster in OpenSSL and C++ (but even that is not enough)
Activity: 93
Merit: 16
October 21, 2023, 04:08:14 PM Last edit: October 21, 2023, 04:35:42 PM by alek76 |
Someone said that the parity of the target private key does not matter This has implications for the choice of divisor. If the private key is divisible by divide key without a remainder, then the divisor is correct. PrivKey % DivideKey = 0. But because the target key is not known, the correct divisor can only be random. The same applies to public keys, which also have parity. Example of correct divisors for a test private key: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 % 0x15B = 0 [i] NB: 0 DIVKey: 1 Inverse DivideKey: 1 [i] 1 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 4 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] 2 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 62 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x7 Result: 0x3A439FEDFED17728EE15703CB5D194DC [i] 3 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 126 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x1 Result: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 [i] NB: 200 DIVKey: 10C Inverse DivideKey: 2DD9CA81E9131ABF0B7672A07A44C6AF8899965ECF27C0FF3D1A3724AED80BB [i] 4 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 329 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] NB: 400 DIVKey: 23C Inverse DivideKey: 51E6EFE35B4CFAA11E6EFE35B4CFAA117EDBBF8316F5AB35212C7A71F936F3C2 [i] 5 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 418 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x15B Result: 0x12CE43D9BA45157E164076DAC9CF14C [i] 6 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 585 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x4 Result: 0x65F657E07DEE9087A0A5846A3E2EC481 [i] NB: 600 DIVKey: 23E Inverse DivideKey: 4039164CB5F71484039164CB5F71483FE77978885DECC19E99607B9F4FE2CBB [i] NB: 800 DIVKey: 1C0 Inverse DivideKey: 6D24924924924924924924924924924899E043E4A2BAF6997935B04F767BB3D2 [i] 7 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 809 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x373 Result: 0x763E70ED25521F5892DEADDA978CEC [i] 8 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 834 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x1 Result: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 [i] NB: 1000 DIVKey: DE Inverse DivideKey: B9A85C40939A85C40939A85C40939A84D81BA4D0CFD743C5DAAE799D7904C09F [i] 9 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1062 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x15B Result: 0x12CE43D9BA45157E164076DAC9CF14C [i] 10 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1072 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] 11 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1127 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x15B Result: 0x12CE43D9BA45157E164076DAC9CF14C [i] 12 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1169 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] NB: 1200 DIVKey: 14C Inverse DivideKey: 80C565C87B5F9D4D1BC2503159721ED743AFDC9C2231A3E05E2CE713F071A6FE [i] 13 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1337 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x1C Result: 0xE90E7FB7FB45DCA3B855C0F2D746537 [i] NB: 1400 DIVKey: 2C0 Inverse DivideKey: A28BA2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA2DBD141E710462D73192E306F16890FE86 [i] 14 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1477 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] 15 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1542 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x4 Result: 0x65F657E07DEE9087A0A5846A3E2EC481 [i] 16 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1578 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x373 Result: 0x763E70ED25521F5892DEADDA978CEC [i] NB: 1600 DIVKey: 1EE Inverse DivideKey: 79C8084A9F9C8084A9F9C8084A9F9C7FE9E86E4447FBAEAF98EB545CE5A3A7DA [i] 17 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1619 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2B6 Result: 0x96721ECDD228ABF0B203B6D64E78A6 [i] NB: 1800 DIVKey: 346 Inverse DivideKey: 50F46433527B6AEBD67415FEC72DD2C938973869F12AD2BF30BEDBE9EEBFE597 [i] 18 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1880 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x1C Result: 0xE90E7FB7FB45DCA3B855C0F2D746537 [i] NB: 2000 DIVKey: 4A Inverse DivideKey: 2CF914C1BACF914C1BACF914C1BACF9112F534A510F48ADA1066AFBECAA1BF5B [i] Data Saved in file DivideKeys.txt
It is impossible to find the correct divisor for a public key; you need a private key.
Full Member
Activity: 388
Merit: 115
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October 21, 2023, 04:44:50 PM |
Someone said that the parity of the target private key does not matter This has implications for the choice of divisor. If the private key is divisible by 2 without a remainder, then the divisor is correct. PrivKey % 2 = 0. But because the target key is not known, the correct divisor can only be random. The same applies to public keys, which also have parity. Example of correct divisors for a test private key: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 % 0x15B = 0 [i] NB: 0 DIVKey: 1 Inverse DivideKey: 1 [i] 1 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 4 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] 2 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 62 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x7 Result: 0x3A439FEDFED17728EE15703CB5D194DC [i] 3 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 126 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x1 Result: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 [i] NB: 200 DIVKey: 10C Inverse DivideKey: 2DD9CA81E9131ABF0B7672A07A44C6AF8899965ECF27C0FF3D1A3724AED80BB [i] 4 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 329 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] NB: 400 DIVKey: 23C Inverse DivideKey: 51E6EFE35B4CFAA11E6EFE35B4CFAA117EDBBF8316F5AB35212C7A71F936F3C2 [i] 5 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 418 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x15B Result: 0x12CE43D9BA45157E164076DAC9CF14C [i] 6 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 585 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x4 Result: 0x65F657E07DEE9087A0A5846A3E2EC481 [i] NB: 600 DIVKey: 23E Inverse DivideKey: 4039164CB5F71484039164CB5F71483FE77978885DECC19E99607B9F4FE2CBB [i] NB: 800 DIVKey: 1C0 Inverse DivideKey: 6D24924924924924924924924924924899E043E4A2BAF6997935B04F767BB3D2 [i] 7 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 809 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x373 Result: 0x763E70ED25521F5892DEADDA978CEC [i] 8 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 834 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x1 Result: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 [i] NB: 1000 DIVKey: DE Inverse DivideKey: B9A85C40939A85C40939A85C40939A84D81BA4D0CFD743C5DAAE799D7904C09F [i] 9 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1062 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x15B Result: 0x12CE43D9BA45157E164076DAC9CF14C [i] 10 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1072 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] 11 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1127 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x15B Result: 0x12CE43D9BA45157E164076DAC9CF14C [i] 12 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1169 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] NB: 1200 DIVKey: 14C Inverse DivideKey: 80C565C87B5F9D4D1BC2503159721ED743AFDC9C2231A3E05E2CE713F071A6FE [i] 13 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1337 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x1C Result: 0xE90E7FB7FB45DCA3B855C0F2D746537 [i] NB: 1400 DIVKey: 2C0 Inverse DivideKey: A28BA2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA2DBD141E710462D73192E306F16890FE86 [i] 14 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1477 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2 Result: 0xCBECAFC0FBDD210F414B08D47C5D8902 [i] 15 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1542 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x4 Result: 0x65F657E07DEE9087A0A5846A3E2EC481 [i] 16 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1578 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x373 Result: 0x763E70ED25521F5892DEADDA978CEC [i] NB: 1600 DIVKey: 1EE Inverse DivideKey: 79C8084A9F9C8084A9F9C8084A9F9C7FE9E86E4447FBAEAF98EB545CE5A3A7DA [i] 17 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1619 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x2B6 Result: 0x96721ECDD228ABF0B203B6D64E78A6 [i] NB: 1800 DIVKey: 346 Inverse DivideKey: 50F46433527B6AEBD67415FEC72DD2C938973869F12AD2BF30BEDBE9EEBFE597 [i] 18 TRUE DIVIDER NB: 1880 TestKey: 0x197D95F81F7BA421E829611A8F8BB1204 Divider: 0x1C Result: 0xE90E7FB7FB45DCA3B855C0F2D746537 [i] NB: 2000 DIVKey: 4A Inverse DivideKey: 2CF914C1BACF914C1BACF914C1BACF9112F534A510F48ADA1066AFBECAA1BF5B [i] Data Saved in file DivideKeys.txt
It is impossible to find the correct divisor for a public key; you need a private key. everything is based on exploring with maths x=2000000000000000 t=1185429467683753
A0=x-t >>814570532316247
A1=t/5 >>237085893536750.6 A2=A0/5 >>162914106463249.4
A3=t-A1 >>948343574147002.4 A4= A0-A2 >>651656425852997.6
A5=A4-A1 >>785429467683753
A6=A3-A2 >>414570532316247 Even from divisions with results with fractions (floats), you can obtain integers with certainty. If you use mathematics correctly.
BTC bc1qxs47ttydl8tmdv8vtygp7dy76lvayz3r6rdahu
Activity: 93
Merit: 16
October 21, 2023, 05:47:43 PM |
Even from divisions with results with fractions (floats), you can obtain integers with certainty. If you use mathematics correctly.
The comma can be moved in any direction, that’s not the issue. You need to work with integers. Can you do the same with the public key? Even if you can, it doesn't give you the range of the private key.
Copper Member
Hero Member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 900
October 21, 2023, 06:25:34 PM |
Everything is in division, forget about finding the exact divisor to just divide and land on a known key, you need to work with scalar and points side by side, meaning that you have to run 2 scripts (since I'm not a coder I do that), and then do the dividing PLUS, this is important, plus having a third operation which is subtraction, from there you can learn many things. As I have. Good luck guys, I have already found my tree in the middle of the ocean.😉
Jr. Member
Activity: 32
Merit: 1
October 21, 2023, 07:16:42 PM |
As I have. Good luck guys, I have already found my tree in the middle of the ocean.😉
Please enlighten us with your tree finding method
Copper Member
Hero Member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 900
October 21, 2023, 07:33:59 PM |
As I have. Good luck guys, I have already found my tree in the middle of the ocean.😉
Please enlighten us with your tree finding method First you need to have several bully sharks attack you, then work hard to achieve something nobody expected from you, which is inventing a tree where there is none. (At least the world thinks there is no tree or even if there is, it'd take years of swimming to reach one.) I'm telling a rhetoric story here, not everyone will understand it.
As for enlightening you, I already have, you just need to find the right key to do your EC operations with. The scripts which I gathered with the help of a few, can get you to your tree.
Full Member
Activity: 388
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October 21, 2023, 10:24:22 PM |
The comma can be moved in any direction
It's not just moving the comma, it's reducing the target. from 1185429467683753 to 785429467683753 Can you do the same with the public key?
yes. Even if you can, it doesn't give you the range of the private key. If you perfect your division technique and you manage to reduce enough, you could for example. 1185429467683753 If you manage to reduce to 1439467683753 1185429467683753-1439467683753 1183990000000000 obtaining the first 3 digits of your goal..Discarding the 3 digits that follow, which would be the error range. Basically this technique is based on reducing pubs without losing the last digits of the pk so that when you subtract you identify the first digits. Then, once you have the first digits, you have the basis to continue.
BTC bc1qxs47ttydl8tmdv8vtygp7dy76lvayz3r6rdahu
Activity: 93
Merit: 16
October 21, 2023, 10:39:58 PM |
Everything is in division, forget about finding the exact divisor to just divide and land on a known key, you need to work with scalar and points side by side, meaning that you have to run 2 scripts (since I'm not a coder I do that), and then do the dividing PLUS, this is important, plus having a third operation which is subtraction, from there you can learn many things. As I have. Good luck guys, I have already found my tree in the middle of the ocean.😉
Absolutely right! But some “mathematicians” are trying to teach something new. The result of the division may be near the target key. And there are much fewer exact divisors, but they exist! Your tree works, I know it. The result using the 64-bit example is: BIT 64 key = (0x171cec757dceb3 * 0xAB0) - 0x63C These calculations are made from a 64-bit public key. I do it a little differently, just two programs. You just need to change the algorithm, 3 is a lot of scripts. One program for calculations and one program for solving the results - probably two at most. Although it can be different.
Copper Member
Hero Member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 900
October 22, 2023, 02:40:22 PM |
The comma can be moved in any direction
It's not just moving the comma, it's reducing the target. from 1185429467683753 to 785429467683753 Can you do the same with the public key?
yes. Even if you can, it doesn't give you the range of the private key. If you perfect your division technique and you manage to reduce enough, you could for example. 1185429467683753 If you manage to reduce to 1439467683753 1185429467683753-1439467683753 1183990000000000 obtaining the first 3 digits of your goal..Discarding the 3 digits that follow, which would be the error range. Basically this technique is based on reducing pubs without losing the last digits of the pk so that when you subtract you identify the first digits. Then, once you have the first digits, you have the basis to continue. Main question is, how can we guess the first few digits? If even if we guess the 4 first digits correctly, the fifth digit would cause a problem if we make a mistake. Something to demonstrate, for example if we guess the last 2 hex chars of the target, we can divide by a 3 digit number, but if we do that, we'd need to generate 256 keys and can only divide up to 1024, so we'll have 256 keys divided by 1024, then we will have to generate 256 keys as a guess for each one of those first 256 keys, well just now writing this I realize we can indeed guess the last 2 chars and divide by 1024 and continue until we reach a very small range easily brute force able. Or do we need to guess more than 2 ending characters to divide by 1024?
Disclaimer, I take no responsibility for any damages caused by my published studies, I am an independent researcher and publish my findings on public domain. For transparency.