i believe in Bitcoin, enough said
does god exist ? here is my answer :
My first sister died in hospital while i was very young. did god save her ? no. did she made any kind of sins or she deserved it ? i doubt it, she was a baby.
Half of the jewish population got genocided by the nazi during ww2. did their god save them ? no.
did you know afghanistan, pakistan and bengladesh were 100% budhists and had an asian look ? thats was a few centuries ago.
you wonder why they are 99% muslim countries now? and not even look asian, mostly look like arabian/persian.
do you know why ?
thats because asian buddhist got exterminated to the last one. so much that their genes got lost, and their civilisation has been cut of straight from having any future.
did their god saved them from being exterminated ? no.
i did believe in god before my sister die. but after i just agreed that a more advanced medicine could have saved her.
strength, hard work, medicine, technology, will give you food, and save you from whatever comes to you. not fictive beliefs.