Does this sound like the type of project you would seriously consider investing in?
Can't help but notice that you, as usual, did not reply to my last post above where I once again explain to you how cloning a cryptocurrency works as I have been forced repeatedly to do to you in this thread and in your false accusation thread which I'm no longer able to reply to to defend myself against your lies and half truths.
This is deflection on your part, which you keep accusing me of for some damn reason, despite pages and pages of evidence to the contrary.

I actually directly respond to your nonsense over and over to the point where people ask me why I keep bothering since you are so obviously such a bad actor.
Anyway, I then point out that in the very screencap you posted, it shows that
Bryce is only a little ways through the cloning process and that it is perfectly normal at an early stage of the cloning process for much of the text to simply have the coin name and symbol replaced before making further changes.
I've explained this to you repeatedly, but
you ignore it because you know it proves you wrong.
Now on to your latest post. I've removed the tweets you screencapped from this reply to save space since they are easily viewed immediately upthread.
If you were an honest person with integrity, you might have posted some caps of the other replies to that account's tweets so more than one perspective can be seen. I'll do it for you.
First tweet below, you can see
I offer to help Vxtron and make sure he knows that if he choses to participate in the upcoming coin swap to the new EVM-based network, that he will get a 10-15% bonus on however many Tao he holds at the time of the swap.
I also tell him we will not attack him the way you attack people.

and then when one of our community members says something uncharitable to Vxtron,
I immediately step in and defuse the situation and ask him to treat V with fairness and take the high road
I ask the people reading this, does Nutildah seem like someone you can trust when he attacks and attempts to harm coin networks and people he dislikes?
Given how demonstrably dishonest he is with selective editing and constant misrepresentation of facts?
OK, below this line I will respond to Nutildah's most recent post in the false accusation thread which he has locked preventing me from being able to respond there. I will manually quote to respond as best I can the points I'm able to address.
There's tons of evidence. It's been presented in various forms for over 5 years now.
There is a fair amount of hearsay and your own claims and
attacks which you have made for years and years against Bryce in your weird obsessive vendetta. Few, if any, amounting to more than at best circumstantial evidence, none of which I can really respond much to, but I'll say what I can without having any direct knowledge of any of the claims.
Let's start with this as it is directly related to Tao:
Why did Hakim Draper drop out of the project? was he the connection to the ODB estate?
Whats the reason for the pivot away from celebrity endorsed tokens? it seems like the mission of fanmix is to onboard indie artists, right?
Here we have Hakim Draper, who despite leaving the project over a year and a half ago is still referenced on the Tao website as a "project founder," directly acknowledging having been ripped off by Bryce Weiner. Seems like Bryce could have edited his documents to reflect Draper's departure at some point since September 2019, that is, if he wasn't still using his name and connections to shill Tao.
OK, apparently I guess there's a pdf file still on the site I wasn't aware of which mentions him as a founder, which he was.
I really can't comment on this old situation because I don't know anything about it other than Draper tweeted a comment which he deleted a short time after. Draper I will note still does follow the official Tao twitter account, which may be deliberate or it may be unintentional, I have no idea and I can't really comment on this.
But I thought I'd at least try to respond to be fair.
This is what Kris, who is more familiar with the situation had to say on Twitter:

As for what Krypto said above,
there is no pivot that he's claiming with FanMix that I can see. It was never about celebrity
endorsed tokens, it has always been about official branded cryptocurrency/digital
merchandise which is a different thing from a regulatory standpoint and
one of the reasons the regulators have a positive view of what Bryce has been doing.
Anyway, the way Fanmix works is when an artist, whether indie or otherwise, uses the Fanmix platform to crowdfund an album the way that SMANTX did successfully last year.
They are issued a branded cryptocurrency
if they raise at least $10,000, which SMANTX unfortunately did not as the first test case for the platform. Anyone who helps fund a band's crowdfund gets a proportional share of the coins with one coin generated per dollar spent if the threshold is met.
So that doesn't seem much like a pivot to me so much as a minor tweak to the process, but that's just how I see it.
Large name artists are generally more encumbered by their contracts and may not be given permission to use the FanMix platform prior to a track record of fundraising success. So
it seems a bit weird to me to find something sinister in the way this is being done step by step and gradually like a real business instead of rapidly like a typical crypto PND.
Not to mention the various problems people have been having with Bryce's exchange:
Here Nutildah posts two anecdotes which you're free to read if you check out the thread with the quote link near the top of this post.
Since I try to honestly respond to everything I am able to, I tend to be long winded and I'll save some space by not reposting them and because Nutildah has locked the thread and I can't use the quote button anyway. Not to mention these things have been brought up previously in this thread so we're really just rehashing old stuff as usual.
Anyway, I don't know anything about it any of the claims and so can't comment. I can say that I have traded on AltMarket for whatever it's been a year or two now that it's been running in limited form while other pieces are being built.
I personally have had a couple of minor issues with delivery of email 2fa codes which were resolved when I or someone else who had an issue mentioned it, and I have traded successfully a fair amount.
I also sold a small number of Tao back in I think it was last year for USD and since my bank is a very small locally owned outfit, it's not supported by Plaid which AM uses and I had no way to withdraw to my bank. So
I asked Bryce if he could help and he wired the money to me at his personal expense. Which was nice of him and he could easily have charged me but didn't.
I have no complaints about my own experiences and simply cannot comment about anyone else's. I do think that if there had been many issues I would have probably heard about them in the slack but I can't recall any cases.
Best answer I can give you. But you can't honestly claim I didn't try.
One thing I will mention is that AltMarket has effectively been in beta all this time and it looks like we are about to get the first non-beta version in the near future:
I sincerely hope if anyone has had issues during the extended beta that they are able to have them resolved.
Then, in response to me saying that
the still in the early phases of development Tao2 repository
maintains all 11,000+ commits going all of the way back through Tomo and back to Ethereum which it was forked from, giving credit to every person who contributed is crediting the source, Nutildah replies
No, its not. Crediting the source would have been mentioning TomoChain anywhere in the documentation. He purposely removed all references to "TomoChain" and replaced them with "Tao." If he wanted to be honest from the get-go he would have just done a proper fork of TomoChain instead of just copy/pasting it into his own repository. Only after he got caught did he make a few changes.
1. Again, he simply replaced the word "TomoChain" with "Tao", and changed a few others words. He obviously is trying to pass it off as his own work. If he wasn't, he would have come up with his own project description for his own project.
2. It is NOT "entirely unique." It is 90% plagiarized! Take a closer look:
Nutildah then goes on to post a screenshot of an old version of the readme file acting like Bryce having completed the very first steps of the standard, legal, and ethical way one ALWAYS clones a cryptocurrency--something I have gone over in detail in this thread and the false accusation thread and will not waste my time reiterating further--
completely ignoring the fact that Bryce has not finished the process so it is not evidence of wrongdoing and Nutildah's argument is demonstrably stupid and nonsensical.
I mean, this is literally the core of his argument and he cannot
possibly be this obtuse.
1) You always start with these exact changes
2) the process is incomplete as evidenced by the screencap you yourself quoted
3) the readme has already been updated with new text and an explicit citation and even praise
4) the there are literally 11,000 citations of every person who worked on it before Bryce since Bryce deliberate preserved each and every commit
I will not go over this again.
This is
obviously not evidence of wrongdoing.
Your accusation is demonstrably based on a falsehood. Period.
End of story.
This (along with copy/pasting a project's source code) represents the most severe form of laziness that a crypto "dev" could possibly possess! Take a look around at the other projects being labeled as scams in this section of the forum. This type of plagiarism is grounds for a negative trust and scam accusation 90%+ of the time!
Yes, I agree. Take a look around at the other projects being labeled as scams in the scam accusations forum.
When this absolute fucking
nonsense is the main basis for attacks on projects,
how many others have you falsely accused?How much damage have you caused to this project and others like it with your insane obsessive attempt to frame everything that doesn't make you money as a scam? Stop wasting everyone's time and stop attacking the project over nonsense like this.
YOU ARE ABUSING A POSITION OF POWER TO HARM LEGITIMATE PROJECTS even if you may also be accusing actual scams!
If you look at ACGCrypto's post history, pretty much the only thing he's ever done on the forum is promote Tao, which has done nothing but fall in value over the course of the last 2-3 years. At least 90% of the updates he posted about Bryce's promises have never materialized. That's what Bryce Weiner does: over-promises and under-delivers.
Yes, I wonder why a small cryptocurrency project which you and your cohorts/alts have relentlessly attacked and attempted to destroy might fall in price when Bitcointalk is one of the main public sources of information on the project? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
When nearly every time I post an update the post is buried in absolute garbage attacks repeating the same few scraps, insults and attacks so nobody can see anything but lies, distortions, anecdotes, and half truths. What a fucking mystery!
And MAYBE, just MAYBE, the plans for the project might have been able to advance further and faster if the financial legs weren't cut out from under it by baseless attacks like yours!
AND just because something hasn't happened on your schedule doesn't mean it won't.
AND more has been done with this project than you are willing to admit to because you are fundamentally dishonest and a bad actor.
If you look at ACGCrypto's post history, pretty much the only thing he's ever done on the forum is promote Tao, which has done nothing but fall in value over the course of the last 2-3 years. At least 90% of the updates he posted about Bryce's promises have never materialized. That's what Bryce Weiner does: over-promises and under-delivers.
It is apparent that Bryce (and Tao bagholders) are gearing up for one final pump before abandoning this project completely. In addition to all the evidence presented earlier in this thread about the massive dishonesty taking place in the Tao team (as is usual for a Bryce Weiner project), these tweets basically sum up the situation as to why neither Bryce nor ACGCrypto is to be trusted
<Vxtron tweets from his last post in this thread which he also posted in the other thread removed for space>
Literally all I have ever done here is pass information on and try to be helpful. That's it.That, and deal with
unjustified attacks from you hiding behind at least two known aliases as well as either additional sockpuppet accounts or people you are
clearly coordinating with, plus a couple of people like Vxtron who in all likelyhood is a victim of your sleazy tactics.
Just because a coin is down from where someone bought at an ATH does not make it a scam any more than if someone bought BTC in December 2017 and now is way down on their money makes BTC a scam. Especially if part of the reason for the price decline is YOUR OWN ACTIONSThis is why I am putting a warning flag on ACGCrypto for the same reason as there are flags on taoron and bryceweiner.
So there is no valid basis to your false flagging of our accounts.
The entire basis for your argument is absolute fucking nonsense and if you don't know it you are wildly, incredibly incompetent and have no fucking place to be judging projects because you clearly don't understand them.
But my bet is you
do know what you are saying is bullshit and you just don't care.
He's been shamelessly encouraging people to buy what is essentially a long-time scammer's garbage, and people need to be aware of his duplicity.
"long-time scammer's garbage" nonsense aside,
can you give me an example of where I've been "shamelessly encouraging people to buy?" I do not recall doing this and I searched the thread for the word "buy" and the word "invest" and can't find a single time I said either of those words or anything similar.
I don't give investment advice and never have to the best of my knowledge.
I have been posting updates which you have drowned in a torrent of bullshit in a clear attack on Tao and Bryce and myself based almost exclusively on specious arguments, innuendo and half truths, and outright lies.
Now you have, on the basis of
nothing put a
dishonest warning banner at the top of every page of the thread and
a libelous flag on my account, Bryce's, and the Taoron OP account.
Last quote from the false accusation thread:
I would be happy to leave this thread open, but the fact is I have been receiving death threats from people attempting to act on information being posted by sockpuppets in this thread. Their posts are always deleted by a moderator, but I can't leave the thread open because of this evil coward. It is truly a new low for Bryce (which is hard to achieve) and after these actions I don't understand why anybody would consider investing in Tao for one second.
I have no idea if anyone actually has posted death threats in that thread, but if anyone did or is thinking about doing so STOP IT. NOT FUCKING COOL. Not even Nutildah deserves that and it's fucking asinine. The only posts I saw in the thread which got deleted by the moderator--and I was checking regularly--are archived on and none of them were threats.
After all of the well documented wrongdoing on your part, I don't know why anyone would trust
I've never done a single thing wrong or unethical at any point.
Yes, I have been insulting af towards you and some of the "other" people attacking me in this thread, which is extraordinarily out of character for me, but
I am fucking tired of your relentless bullying dishonesty, and abuse of your position on this site so just fucking deal.
Any person who comes to me here or on twitter or in slack and has genuine questions or needs help only has to ask. You'll get a polite, sincere, and helpful response to the best of my ability every time. My rudeness and insults are exclusively reserved for the trolls who have endlessly attacked this thread and this project and others for
If this somehow turns out to be a scam, the worst you can say about me is that I was duped.
But if I
was duped I was in good company including significant Hollywood/music industry players like business partner Peter Rafelson, and people very high up in the government.
I mean, this would be some historical level of scam that will be talked about for
decades and you'll be hailed as the asshole genius.
And if it turns out to be the case,
which I really doubt given all the evidence for and against that argument, especially after going on 4 years of operation, then I will publicly admit it here without hesitation.
Because I have the integrity to own up to mistakes and misjudgments. A trait you do not seem to share.
I will ask again for the record, how much damage have you done to the price of this coin and the ability to progress at a decent pace?
How many other cryptocurrencies and communities have you demeaned and destroyed with your attacks based on such inconsistent, thin and baseless claims while abusing your power and position here?
How many people have been screwed over by you?
How many millions of dollars of damages have you done to all of the investors in all of those projects?
I believe time will prove you to be in the wrong.
Certainly anyone reading my responses to your claims and comparing the two will see you're not much of anything but a little bully with no integrity or honesty in your actions.
And you will not stop Tao and the related businesses like AltMarket, Fanmix, and Digiramp from succeeding despite your best efforts to destroy them.
We have the approval of the law and are on the right path. You are not.