November 19, 2016, 02:13:05 PM |
Zclassic will be available for trading on Poloniex in a few days
Prove it It's obviously Weilichesbin that's created another troll account................... 
November 19, 2016, 03:51:25 PM |
Well, how many of you requested Poloniex adding?
If it gets listed somehow, I expect definitelly huge impact on ZCL price.
November 19, 2016, 04:31:33 PM |
Well, how many of you requested Poloniex adding?
If it gets listed somehow, I expect definitelly huge impact on ZCL price.
Even if Poloniex receives 10,000 requests the coin is not going to get listed unless it has high trading volumes and a higher marketcap.
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1117
November 19, 2016, 04:52:36 PM |
Well, how many of you requested Poloniex adding?
If it gets listed somehow, I expect definitelly huge impact on ZCL price.
Even if Poloniex receives 10,000 requests the coin is not going to get listed unless it has high trading volumes and a higher marketcap. polo has a lot of coins with nearly no volume. that will not be the reason not to add zcl.
November 19, 2016, 10:34:32 PM |
anybody knows details about this insane inflation? marketcap seems to go up but price down. wtf???
The marketcap goes up, because every 2.5 minutes there are 12.5 coins added to the total supply. Each of these coins are valued at .0055BTC, which means someone has to buy, hold, or dump them. Every day that equals about $30k USD that needs to be pumped into the ecosystem for the price to hold, which is about 40btc. This is how the price can go down and the market cap moves up. If this pace continues, this will be a top 40 coin in a month, and way higher in 2 months. You'll notice on the exchanges the volume is usually around 40btc, if it goes below that threshold, the price will plummet, because most miners dump everything they mine. The question is, how long can the buyers keep buying before they have to make a move. Will they just just dump and recoup some money or double down and try to move up the price? You would have to be pretty rich to buy 40btc a day to maintain the price until POW halves. wow this is insane a montly inflation of 300% or what? why should I buy that crapcoin? when will be halving?

Activity: 83
Merit: 10
November 19, 2016, 11:50:54 PM |
Its no doubt the inflation is killing the price atm I personally think the dev should've kept the slow start without the founder reward but I'm still buying jic it gets popular. Who knows if Poloniex will ever add it though if they do well congrats we all just got a nice payday. The halving follows bitcoins so in 4 years lol. 

Activity: 108
Merit: 12
November 20, 2016, 12:06:34 AM |
Its no doubt the inflation is killing the price atm I personally think the dev should've kept the slow start without the founder reward but I'm still buying jic it gets popular. Who knows if Poloniex will ever add it though if they do well congrats we all just got a nice payday. The halving follows bitcoins so in 4 years lol.  Slow start means fake starting price as the supply is low. This is exactly what happened to Zcash, and look at it now. It started trading at 3900btc per ZEC and now it's trading at 0.085 Why Poloniex don't want to list Zclassic? Maybe because they know it would kill ZEC and they have big stake in ZEC?  Who knows.. but something is definitely going on. They list almost every shitcoin with no volume.

Activity: 83
Merit: 10
November 20, 2016, 12:23:59 AM Last edit: November 20, 2016, 12:36:13 AM by dking7334 |
Its no doubt the inflation is killing the price atm I personally think the dev should've kept the slow start without the founder reward but I'm still buying jic it gets popular. Who knows if Poloniex will ever add it though if they do well congrats we all just got a nice payday. The halving follows bitcoins so in 4 years lol.  Slow start means fake starting price as the supply is low. This is exactly what happened to Zcash, and look at it now. It started trading at 3900btc per ZEC and now it's trading at 0.085 Why Poloniex don't want to list Zclassic? Maybe because they know it would kill ZEC and they have big stake in ZEC?  Who knows.. but something is definitely going on. They list almost every shitcoin with no volume. And how is inflating 30K worth of coins into a marketcap daily not damning the price of ZCL to the same fate? Bitcoin started out as pennies and had natural organic growth in both price and marketcap to get to where it is; this price for ZCL is clearly still very much inflated. The previous comment is right, the buyers have to be at the market otherwise the price collapses and its not holding 30k worth of daily volume shit its barely holding 20K in one 24 hour period. Now that could be because of BTC's rise and the volume may return but if mining keeps going up and the volume continues at the same rate it has been at we better expect the price to go a lot lower because miners do have bills to pay and they wont wait forever for the volume to pick up or for polo to get around to adding it. A slow start would have at least kept the price inflated a little longer because of the limited supply and give time for the network to growth naturally and marketcap to build without miners having to dump everyday to get the best price.

Activity: 108
Merit: 12
November 20, 2016, 04:01:00 AM |
Its no doubt the inflation is killing the price atm I personally think the dev should've kept the slow start without the founder reward but I'm still buying jic it gets popular. Who knows if Poloniex will ever add it though if they do well congrats we all just got a nice payday. The halving follows bitcoins so in 4 years lol.  Slow start means fake starting price as the supply is low. This is exactly what happened to Zcash, and look at it now. It started trading at 3900btc per ZEC and now it's trading at 0.085 Why Poloniex don't want to list Zclassic? Maybe because they know it would kill ZEC and they have big stake in ZEC?  Who knows.. but something is definitely going on. They list almost every shitcoin with no volume. And how is inflating 30K worth of coins into a marketcap daily not damning the price of ZCL to the same fate? Bitcoin started out as pennies and had natural organic growth in both price and marketcap to get to where it is; this price for ZCL is clearly still very much inflated. The previous comment is right, the buyers have to be at the market otherwise the price collapses and its not holding 30k worth of daily volume shit its barely holding 20K in one 24 hour period. Now that could be because of BTC's rise and the volume may return but if mining keeps going up and the volume continues at the same rate it has been at we better expect the price to go a lot lower because miners do have bills to pay and they wont wait forever for the volume to pick up or for polo to get around to adding it. A slow start would have at least kept the price inflated a little longer because of the limited supply and give time for the network to growth naturally and marketcap to build without miners having to dump everyday to get the best price. You mean 34 days longer? Yeah, that would help a lot.. look at ZEC. You are right, it helps soooooo much Bitcoin did not start with slow start btw.. dunno why you are talking about pennies. It was worth pennies, yes, but did not start with small inflation. In fact, you could mine thousands of bitcoins with single laptop. That's what you call slow start? And you can't compare any altcoin with bitcoin, dude.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
November 20, 2016, 04:56:22 AM Last edit: November 20, 2016, 03:08:00 PM by spikepool |
I ported eXtremal's Zcash Pool to Zclassic, If anyone is interested in joining me: zcl.spikepool.com1% fee, automatic payout for each mined block after 100 conformations. ~SpikePool
November 20, 2016, 05:26:43 AM |
I do not still see the window wallet? when is it available?
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1117
November 20, 2016, 08:49:11 AM |
Its no doubt the inflation is killing the price atm I personally think the dev should've kept the slow start without the founder reward but I'm still buying jic it gets popular. Who knows if Poloniex will ever add it though if they do well congrats we all just got a nice payday. The halving follows bitcoins so in 4 years lol.  Slow start means fake starting price as the supply is low. This is exactly what happened to Zcash, and look at it now. It started trading at 3900btc per ZEC and now it's trading at 0.085 Why Poloniex don't want to list Zclassic? Maybe because they know it would kill ZEC and they have big stake in ZEC?  Who knows.. but something is definitely going on. They list almost every shitcoin with no volume. i think they will wait until there are more coins to play with. they added ETC almost immediately because there where enough coins.

Activity: 83
Merit: 10
November 20, 2016, 11:23:17 AM |
I recommend people not to buy now 0.001 is a fair price.
Activity: 1762
Merit: 1002
November 20, 2016, 12:27:19 PM |
what the best pool for zcl, lot of pool had wrong statistic,lol, i have mined in there but the statistic is fake, which is the miner sheep is going to mining this while the real earning not much there

Activity: 108
Merit: 12
November 20, 2016, 02:31:20 PM |
Its no doubt the inflation is killing the price atm I personally think the dev should've kept the slow start without the founder reward but I'm still buying jic it gets popular. Who knows if Poloniex will ever add it though if they do well congrats we all just got a nice payday. The halving follows bitcoins so in 4 years lol.  Slow start means fake starting price as the supply is low. This is exactly what happened to Zcash, and look at it now. It started trading at 3900btc per ZEC and now it's trading at 0.085 Why Poloniex don't want to list Zclassic? Maybe because they know it would kill ZEC and they have big stake in ZEC?  Who knows.. but something is definitely going on. They list almost every shitcoin with no volume. i think they will wait until there are more coins to play with. they added ETC almost immediately because there where enough coins. They listed ZEC when there was 1 coin of supply in the world  Remember 3900btc fake price?
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
November 20, 2016, 03:03:56 PM |
what the best pool for zcl, lot of pool had wrong statistic,lol, i have mined in there but the statistic is fake, which is the miner sheep is going to mining this while the real earning not much there
Spikepool is the best  But seriously, I doubt any of the pools listed on are showing fake statistics, What specifically are you seeing that is wrong? If your sol/s is lower than expected, you might be getting stale shares or something. I have seen overclocks that were stable enough for Eth, but not for Zcash/Zclassic. ~SpikePool
November 20, 2016, 03:36:56 PM |
I ported eXtremal's Zcash Pool to Zclassic, If anyone is interested in joining me: zcl.spikepool.com1% fee, automatic payout for each mined block after 100 conformations. ~SpikePool I just want to try your pool for couple of days and i want to see the difference.
November 20, 2016, 03:42:11 PM |
So Zclassic also uses a trusted setup, where there were master keys created? If so, where is the information about who had these keys? Seems pretty dangerous. Trusted setup is the worst feature of Zcash.
November 20, 2016, 03:56:15 PM |
So Zclassic also uses a trusted setup, where there were master keys created? If so, where is the information about who had these keys? Seems pretty dangerous. Trusted setup is the worst feature of Zcash.
This has been said over and over , it uses the same trusted setup of Zcash , as it was forked after the genesis block, one of the goals of Zclassic community as far as i know in a distant future, when there is enough resources , it would be generate a new trusted beyond any doubt if its possible.