Activity: 22
Merit: 0
December 28, 2017, 05:58:29 AM |
Fixed this. Here is how for those who will need this in the future for this pool:
nheqminer.exe -cd 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -t 4 -l -u -p x
Willing to see if this particular one works. Thanks.

Activity: 62
Merit: 10
December 28, 2017, 05:59:01 AM |
Is this fork supported by the Zcash developers?

Activity: 143
Merit: 10
When the internet first started no one believed it
December 28, 2017, 06:00:33 AM |
Why the hype? well.
The thing is that people that hold 1 bitcoin will get 1 bitcoin private (one bitcoin is priced at about 15k usd) And on the other side people that hold 1 zclassic will also get 1 bitcoin private (one zclassic is about 30 usd)
It means that you will get 500 BTCP (Bitcoin private) for 1btc worth of zclassic. (Instead of 1 BTCP from 1 BTC)
This is why people really want to buy zlassic now, i think we should be expecting another 10x from here.
Privacy is all the hype, so a privacy coin bitcoin fork ofcourse makes people excited.
Is this correct? If i buy 1 Zclassic now i will get 500 BTCP (or the equivalent to 1 BTC to the price on the day of the fork of the Zclassic) 
December 28, 2017, 06:05:18 AM |
Why the hype? well.
The thing is that people that hold 1 bitcoin will get 1 bitcoin private (one bitcoin is priced at about 15k usd) And on the other side people that hold 1 zclassic will also get 1 bitcoin private (one zclassic is about 30 usd)
It means that you will get 500 BTCP (Bitcoin private) for 1btc worth of zclassic. (Instead of 1 BTCP from 1 BTC)
This is why people really want to buy zlassic now, i think we should be expecting another 10x from here.
Privacy is all the hype, so a privacy coin bitcoin fork ofcourse makes people excited.
Is this correct? If i buy 1 Zclassic now i will get 500 BTCP (or the equivalent to 1 BTC to the price on the day of the fork of the Zclassic)  1 zclassic = 1 btcp

Activity: 143
Merit: 10
When the internet first started no one believed it
December 28, 2017, 06:07:22 AM |
Why the hype? well.
The thing is that people that hold 1 bitcoin will get 1 bitcoin private (one bitcoin is priced at about 15k usd) And on the other side people that hold 1 zclassic will also get 1 bitcoin private (one zclassic is about 30 usd)
It means that you will get 500 BTCP (Bitcoin private) for 1btc worth of zclassic. (Instead of 1 BTCP from 1 BTC)
This is why people really want to buy zlassic now, i think we should be expecting another 10x from here.
Privacy is all the hype, so a privacy coin bitcoin fork ofcourse makes people excited.
Is this correct? If i buy 1 Zclassic now i will get 500 BTCP (or the equivalent to 1 BTC to the price on the day of the fork of the Zclassic)  1 zclassic = 1 btcp Thanks mate!
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
December 28, 2017, 06:16:10 AM |
Fixed this. Here is how for those who will need this in the future for this pool:
nheqminer.exe -cd 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -t 4 -l -u -p x
Willing to see if this particular one works. Thanks. To confirm, it's running on all 7 GPU's now and Im getting over 10 times the sols.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
December 28, 2017, 07:52:55 AM |
Is there anyone mining this coin using RX 5 series? results so far?
ya on miningspeed pool 5x xfx rx 570s 4GB 1345 Sols / s 597 WATTS
December 28, 2017, 08:27:59 AM |
Why the hype? well.
The thing is that people that hold 1 bitcoin will get 1 bitcoin private (one bitcoin is priced at about 15k usd) And on the other side people that hold 1 zclassic will also get 1 bitcoin private (one zclassic is about 30 usd)
It means that you will get 500 BTCP (Bitcoin private) for 1btc worth of zclassic. (Instead of 1 BTCP from 1 BTC)
This is why people really want to buy zlassic now, i think we should be expecting another 10x from here.
Privacy is all the hype, so a privacy coin bitcoin fork ofcourse makes people excited.
Is this correct? If i buy 1 Zclassic now i will get 500 BTCP (or the equivalent to 1 BTC to the price on the day of the fork of the Zclassic)  1 zclassic = 1 btcp Thanks mate! ive been asking here though to clarify if it will be a hard fork then zclassic will continue to exist or zcl will be btcp instead. as of now no one was able to answer me clearly
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
December 28, 2017, 09:23:35 AM |
@vince212 No one know. With current idea developers there will start new blockchain (with small size) with included all transactions (and balances) from ZCL and BTC (something like Bitcore BTX do - For this need consensus developer and miners (i not see any big pool statements for fork support yet and i not see how rhett convince community and miners for this). If there stay miners at ZCL blockchain - difficulty will change and chain will split - there will be stay ZClassic "Classic" "Original" (or whatever name is become). Personally i still think this fork is very bad idea and it will destroy ZCL and ZCL trust. Many current buyers will become ripped. Even this fork happen in real - price new born BTCP will be around 1-10 USD (see Bitcore BTX price).
December 28, 2017, 09:49:40 AM |
@vince212 No one know. With current idea developers there will start new blockchain (with small size) with included all transactions (and balances) from ZCL and BTC (something like Bitcore BTX do - For this need consensus developer and miners (i not see any big pool statements for fork support yet and i not see how rhett convince community and miners for this). If there stay miners at ZCL blockchain - difficulty will change and chain will split - there will be stay ZClassic "Classic" "Original" (or whatever name is become). Personally i still think this fork is very bad idea and it will destroy ZCL and ZCL trust. Many current buyers will become ripped. Even this fork happen in real - price new born BTCP will be around 1-10 USD (see Bitcore BTX price). well i dont mind. im only here for the pump it will bring sorry  ( i expect price can still go x5 until btcp
December 28, 2017, 10:13:55 AM |
Be careful with the current pump. I used to own ZCL in its early days but I think the creator Rhett Creighton is becoming a P&D guy. Wise to take profits at this stage.
Activity: 110
Merit: 0
December 28, 2017, 10:48:53 AM |
I'm out of this project. BUYER BEWARE!!! These developers are running nothing but a pump and dump scheme. One of the developers is a complete jerk and with that type of attitude this project won't last. This is NOT the first Bitcoin/zk-SNARKs coin. Please reference BTCZ. This project has already been done folks... It's true I did try to sell the domain names and .info. I was told that I'm holding the sites for ransom. How is capitalism considered ransom? I saw an opportunity to buy the domains as .com and .org were taken. I offered to sell the sites and was treated like sh*t by one of the devs. I'm not new to the community as my account would suggest. I've been in crypto for over 3 years and have been active with many coins. Trade with caution on this because a lot of people are going to get burnt. Many may call me a FUDer or whatever and that's fine... Pics below for transparency. I have now been banned from the Telegram and Reddit. are clearly asking for it for being annoying. They would have bought the domain name if they needed it. C'mon. Yes, I agree and do not understand why to do it. Because there is an excellent coin BitcoinZ, which has everything that promises to give this fork BTC&ZCL. In addition, BTCZ already have a great wallet that works without problems. Yes and set it is faster, because the coin was released in September of this year.
December 28, 2017, 11:32:03 AM |
What wallet do you have to store your ZCL to receive Bitcoin Private? Thanks
I too would like to know the answer to this question. It would be nice to have ZCL on Kucoin - considering their announcement indicating they will be supporting all future btc forks and token forks.
December 28, 2017, 11:48:11 AM |
Will you get BTCP if you have your ZClassic on Bittrex??
No, I don't think so. BTCP is going to be absolutely nothing, I'm amazed people aren't thinking about it. Now we have one headache, ZCL only, but soon we'll have two headaches, ZCL and BTCP. BTCP won't be even added to any exchange, I don't see any plans of it. This drama is going to be ended soon and bad, and dev will be offline forever. The dev probably wanted to cashout his last left-overs of ZCL at a good rate, and started this drama. how much do you think it would spike from here?
December 28, 2017, 12:32:12 PM |
Holding some classic i hope price recovers as its juat been constantly declining. I hope my wasted electricity will pay off one day.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
December 28, 2017, 02:17:25 PM Last edit: December 28, 2017, 02:52:39 PM by Redecouverte |
I've been mining for a day now and I haven't gotten the ZLC wallet to work. Downloaded the GUI wallet from their website and the wallet didn't sync, I did however manage to get an address and started mining to that adress. I tested a bunch of versions now trying to get it to sync. I just have one question really. I didn't make a .tar backup file of the wallet that I got the address from. Does that mean I won't be able to access the wallet whatsoever? I have the ZClassic folder that is stored in the %appdata% folder.
Help appreciated!
Are you on Windows or Linux? The new Windows wallet ( that has been released today works fine for me. The wallet db file should be in the Zclassic folder, so there is hope.
December 28, 2017, 02:30:42 PM |
Will you get BTCP if you have your ZClassic on Bittrex??
No, I don't think so. BTCP is going to be absolutely nothing, I'm amazed people aren't thinking about it. Now we have one headache, ZCL only, but soon we'll have two headaches, ZCL and BTCP. BTCP won't be even added to any exchange, I don't see any plans of it. This drama is going to be ended soon and bad, and dev will be offline forever. The dev probably wanted to cashout his last left-overs of ZCL at a good rate, and started this drama. how much do you think it would spike from here? I don't think so it'll spike any further, but even if it does, it should not be able to cross 0.003 BTC. wanna bet on x4?
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
December 28, 2017, 03:15:27 PM |

Activity: 67
Merit: 10
December 28, 2017, 03:17:39 PM |
What wallet do you have to store your ZCL to receive Bitcoin Private? Thanks
I too would like to know the answer to this question. It would be nice to have ZCL on Kucoin - considering their announcement indicating they will be supporting all future btc forks and token forks. Glad no one answered and got to sell all my ZCL I held from months ago after some research. Phew!
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
December 28, 2017, 04:08:55 PM |
Will you get BTCP if you have your ZClassic on Bittrex??
No, I don't think so. BTCP is going to be absolutely nothing, I'm amazed people aren't thinking about it. Now we have one headache, ZCL only, but soon we'll have two headaches, ZCL and BTCP. BTCP won't be even added to any exchange, I don't see any plans of it. This drama is going to be ended soon and bad, and dev will be offline forever. The dev probably wanted to cashout his last left-overs of ZCL at a good rate, and started this drama. Exactly. This is seriously nothing more than a pump and dump scheme... If people didn't do their research ahead of time to know that BTCZ exists and is already doing everything Bitcoin Private aims to do, shame on them. I'm not trying to promote their coin as I hold none. I was a larger holder of ZCL but after being treated like sh*t yesterday from the supposed DEV team, I dumped at the top and watched lots of people lose. Thanks for the profits though!