December 29, 2017, 11:03:48 AM |
1 zcl = 1 btc private 1 btc = 1 btc private
Do the math. Zclassic ist still very cheap.
Jr. Member
Activity: 30
Merit: 1
December 29, 2017, 11:11:05 AM |
Can you please help with wallet? Why does this always pops up?  it's ok. problem in decimal numbers of OS locale when wallet sync to 100% this error disappear It does not start sync at all. Same probblem here.. I've installed it step by step.
December 29, 2017, 11:33:59 AM |
I tried all available methods. I did everything right. And at the end I expect an error of 93.73. What should I do??
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
December 29, 2017, 11:37:08 AM |
it's ok. problem in decimal numbers of OS locale when wallet sync to 100% this error disappear It does not start sync at all. Same probblem here.. I've installed it step by step. Well I had the same issue, not synchronizing at all untill I decided to let the client open and see what happens. It started sync after 1 h probably because many people are all trying at the same time synchronizing their Zclassic wallet. So it might start if you wait longer. EDIT: Do not forget to start zcashhd.exe before ZClassicSwingWalletGUI.jar
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
December 29, 2017, 12:04:09 PM |
nice project,but wallet has too much problem,please fix this.thxxxx
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
December 29, 2017, 12:07:59 PM |
it's ok. problem in decimal numbers of OS locale when wallet sync to 100% this error disappear It does not start sync at all. Try this: 1. Download from https://github.com/z-classic/zclassic/releases/tag/1.1 - ZClassicGUIWallet1.1.zip and - Source code (zip) 2. Install wallet from ZClassicGUIWallet1.1.zip 3. unpack Source code (zip) 4. Take ZClassicSwingWalletUI.jar from unpacked file and copy it to instalation directory 5. Take zclassic.conf from unpacked file and copy it to C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\Zclassic 6. Run wallet by clicking on ZClassicSwingWalletUI.jar
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
December 29, 2017, 12:18:06 PM |
that is good news . watching carefully
Sr. Member
Activity: 580
Merit: 253
December 29, 2017, 12:22:19 PM |
Big profit right now well done everyone involved 
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 29, 2017, 12:33:56 PM |
Hi guys,
How much network bandwidth will be used to sync the wallet? And by the way is it necessary to have my local PC wallet in order to get Bitcoin Private? I have ZCL in my cryptopia account
December 29, 2017, 01:06:26 PM |
Oh my God! It's works!! Thx very match. This video solves all problems.
Activity: 129
Merit: 0
December 29, 2017, 01:46:46 PM |
Hi guys,
How much network bandwidth will be used to sync the wallet? And by the way is it necessary to have my local PC wallet in order to get Bitcoin Private? I have ZCL in my cryptopia account
In my case, the C:\Users\%name%\AppData\Roaming\Zclassic folder is 1.49GB in size and it took about 5 or 6 hours to download. I would recommend that you have your ZCL in a local wallet, not an exchange, in case the exchange doesn't support the fork. There is also a useful FAQ here about BTCP which talks about where to keep your ZCL and other stuff: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZClassic/comments/7mg5je/zcl_btcp_faq/

Activity: 160
Merit: 10
December 29, 2017, 03:12:51 PM |
Interesting, Only big news is that btc & zcl fork, so we going moon? I am happy with the current price and sell some of my coins to btc.  Whatever, price pump is great thing.
December 29, 2017, 03:17:00 PM |
We are still in early price stage. 1000$, here we come.

Activity: 136
Merit: 11
December 29, 2017, 03:51:08 PM |
Waiting for some correction to 0.005
December 29, 2017, 04:37:43 PM |
Whoa I'm on bittrex and is Zclassic really hitting over $100 per coin? This is incredible! Wow this is epic! I wonder if this is going to be the new bitcoin.
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1002
!! HODL !!
December 29, 2017, 05:14:41 PM |
Whoa I'm on bittrex and is Zclassic really hitting over $100 per coin? This is incredible! Wow this is epic! I wonder if this is going to be the new bitcoin.
ZCL holders are going to be rewarded with "Bitcoin Private" (1:1 ratio). Looking at the success of privacy-focused coins (ZEC, XMR, DASH etc), Bitcoin Private is going to be HUGE! Get yourself some ZCL while it's still cheap. This coin is going to shoot above $500 easily after actual launch next month. (Even that shitty BTG is $300 right now. Imagine what BTCP will be)
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
December 29, 2017, 05:30:48 PM |
What happens to ZCL after the fork to BTCP? Obviously, we have the 1:1 ratio, but what will happen to the value of ZCL immediately after the fork? Does it move to $0? Thanks.
Activity: 138
Merit: 0
December 29, 2017, 05:42:17 PM |
What is the best pool and miner for ZCL for Win 7 64bit and Nvidia GPU? I can't start miner using this: nheqminer.exe -cd 0 1 2 -t 0 -l europe.zclassic.miningpoolhub.com:20575 -u myusername.rigname -p x and pool: https://zclassic.miningpoolhub.com/
Full Member
Activity: 392
Merit: 100
December 29, 2017, 06:06:15 PM |
Can you please help with wallet? Why does this always pops up?  it's ok. problem in decimal numbers of OS locale when wallet sync to 100% this error disappear It does not start sync at all. Try this: 1. Download from https://github.com/z-classic/zclassic/releases/tag/1.1 - ZClassicGUIWallet1.1.zip and - Source code (zip) 2. Install wallet from ZClassicGUIWallet1.1.zip 3. unpack Source code (zip) 4. Take ZClassicSwingWalletUI.jar from unpacked file and copy it to instalation directory 5. Take zclassic.conf from unpacked file and copy it to C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\Zclassic 6. Run wallet by clicking on ZClassicSwingWalletUI.jar Following this procedure it works SO THANKS, no error message anymore and I get a different version too: "0.62.2" in stead of "0.58", but still can't get connection to complete blockchain sync. A question: what if I change rpc user and password after first execution?