looks good is this an ICO ? INFO ABOUT TEAM ??
and telegram channel plz
This is not an ICO. Everything you see is being developed and financed privately and in collaboration with leading sports data providers
SportRadar and
Perform Group.
Unlike other games that feature their own in-game currency (and the vast majority of them use a currency component in their game mechanics), we're relying on cryptocurrency for it's numerous advantages, such as transparency and accountability. We're actually using the Bitcoin blockchain (through Counterparty) for all game assets, not just the currency, also
player and
stadium cards.
And unlike other game projects that do feature a cryptocurrency, we're not offering the coin first and sell along with it the promise of developing a game through an ICO. We already have a workable and testable Beta going on.
Speaking of the currency, we'll offer a pre-sale (max 20% of total) geared towards the cryptocommunity on
April the 19th, preceeding the global launch in August.
The game is free to register and play, but high ranked player cards and stadiums cost and come in a verifiable limited supply (blockchain FTW!). You can own, use and trade these cards.
You're more than welcome to try out the Beta, everything is free right now for testing purposes but we offer an enticing Beta promotion:
https://www.footballcoin.io/public-beta-launch/If you have any other questions, fell free to ask!
PS: We don't have a Telegram as of yet (we do have a semi-closed Slack team), but we'll definitely look it expanding our means of communication. Thanks for the suggestion!