A smart investor in the crypto world knows when to sell and when to dump if they have to. i.e to address to some crypto's developer whom they burned out or just simply not being able to follow up, or not being responsible for their creation, and not seeing any ongoing production of their works, leaving their supporter being along holding their supporter's assets being dried out. For these kinds of cases, I have seen a lot here in this forum, so this is when people should dump and hoping to get back something that worth a chance to survive by switching their investments somewhere else.
In the development here DeepOnion, with a smart idea right from start to contribute towards the community, driving us as supporters happy, our creator of ONION is always active. This gives so many actions in the mind of the people who get involved in this project. On top of this, most importantly with the refinement of the crypto technology in ONION and the experiences from both the developer and the end users, as a result, it shows that this is a very good example of what a successful project should be like.

All the Best to Happy ONIONs