October 18, 2017, 02:51:34 AM |
I'm following Intense right from the start. I remember all successes and defeats. I used simple console wallet, and i remember that crash of blockchain and relaunch... We've overcame a lot of sorrows. And we will overcome all. It doesn't matter, what price has intense right now. Because devs know their deal, and they are moving to perfection. We will see. I believe it.
October 18, 2017, 03:55:24 AM Last edit: October 18, 2017, 06:23:00 AM by jardine |
Yeah, me too following Intense from the very beginning. I m glad to see how devs keep their words, working hard and really care about project.
October 18, 2017, 08:11:11 AM |
Looks like exchange finally died.  In any case, I do not want to transfer the coins there.
October 18, 2017, 09:23:59 AM |
I think Cryptopia.com and Livecoin are not bad for Exchanges. 

Activity: 68
Merit: 10
October 18, 2017, 10:05:15 AM |
it seems to me that this is a normal exchange www.southxchange.com
Crate Mayne

Activity: 95
Merit: 11
October 18, 2017, 11:20:31 AM |
Two wallet related questions: 1A. Why do I have 3 "cancelled" transactions?https://imgur.com/a/dOuH5All I've ever used my wallet for so far is receiving mining payments, never shipped out any coins yet. I assumed it might be due to an orphan block, but pool had none listed for anytime near when the payments would have been sent out. 1B. Are these transactions going to ALWAYS stay listed at the top of the Overview/Transaction tabs?It has been days now (maybe even a week I don't recall exactly), I've received probably hundreds of mining payments since then, but yet still those cancelled transactions get displayed at the top of the Overview/Transaction tabs. 2. Is there another wallet update forthcoming?Maybe others have said, but if not, for some feedback.... This latest 1.2.2 seems to love to hang and turn non-responsive with Windows 10. Old one had no issues, but new version (almost) every time I try to close it, it gets stuck at that "saving data" pop up. It will take so long I have to try and force close, which results in the program not responding or the Windows troubleshooting screen popping up to attempt fixing it. Hasn't done any damage yet, but one of these times I feel like I'm going to end up trying to open up a corrupted wallet. Wallet is pretty slick as-is, but that just seems to be main issue I've encountered since the wallet update. Hello, 1. Canceled transactions could be orphaned as you said, or your wallet didn't see the txns going into the block properly somehow. I would first copy down those hashes to a notepad file, then run File > Reset wallet. See if the hashes did come through to your wallet after all. If not, go find which pool paid you those hashes, and ask them to re-send the transactions. Yes, they are going to stick around until you reset it. 2. This is the first I am hearing of the bug, I'll look into it. Thank you. Appreciate the reply, resetting the wallet did the trick to make them disappear.
October 18, 2017, 12:15:38 PM Last edit: October 18, 2017, 01:21:20 PM by Speedie |
1. Canceled transactions could be orphaned as you said, or your wallet didn't see the txns going into the block properly somehow. I would first copy down those hashes to a notepad file, then run File > Reset wallet. See if the hashes did come through to your wallet after all. If not, go find which pool paid you those hashes, and ask them to re-send the transactions. Yes, they are going to stick around until you reset it.
2. This is the first I am hearing of the bug, I'll look into it. Thank you.
I also had a number of "Cancelled" transactions, so I did File -> Reset Wallet as suggested. It got rid of the cancelled transactions, but now my wallet balance is only 28,650 rather than the > 435,000 that it should be. Also transactions only show from 16th October through today. Do I need to resync from scratch? Edit: Deleted all blockchain data and synced from scratch. Wallet still only shows a balance of 28,650. Not sure what to do next? Edit 2: Did a second blockchain resync followed by a wallet reset, and the balance is finally correct.
Activity: 174
Merit: 0
October 18, 2017, 02:16:09 PM |
There are many cryptonote coins listed at www.southxchange.com. E.g MSR, CHRC, SUP and XMR of course.  The transaction volumes are reasonably high. I heart that The listing fee is just 100 USD for monero clone. Maybe this is the excellent choice for second exchanges. Please consider it.
October 18, 2017, 02:20:36 PM |
There are many cryptonote coins listed at www.southxchange.com. E.g MSR, CHRC, SUP and XMR of course.  The transaction volumes are reasonably high. I heart that The listing fee is just 100 USD for monero clone. Maybe this is the excellent choice for second exchanges. Please consider it. Nothing against this idea but...if there is no demand for the coin on stocks.exchange right now, why would there be demand on southexchange? We really need first the update on the product as promised in the roadmap for november.

Activity: 68
Merit: 10
October 18, 2017, 03:28:10 PM |
There is no demand because there is no adequate inference in usd, the commission for withdrawal is simply hellish. Few buyers are due to the fact that there are a lot of scam coins. p.s. sorri for my english. p.p.s. I speak Russian. 1. Maлo нapoдy. 2. Aццкaя кoмca. 3. Heт нopмaльнoгo выбopa пap. 4. Кopoчe Пиздeц. cм. п.1
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
October 18, 2017, 03:48:14 PM |
Having read around the proposals and the development team, I've started mining ITNS - looks very promising if the roadmap is adhered to!
Keep up the good work guys, and looking forward to seeing progress!
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
October 18, 2017, 03:55:57 PM |
Got transactions stuck in limbo. https://i.imgur.com/d9vjWJk.jpgDid a test run to stocks.exchange, then tried to send the rest.. I have updated the wallet, rescanned blockchain twice. My wallet address is iz5x8zM4zB7Y86b8thQFwEhTMJqp2rqkwgbLCwPtKFUoYCoBcbmgnZugattY8FstfVeUJLBpPk3e27h D3UVSiB183C3W1vwh8
Full Member
Activity: 219
Merit: 121
Lethean Developer
October 18, 2017, 05:15:25 PM |
Having read around the proposals and the development team, I've started mining ITNS - looks very promising if the roadmap is adhered to!
Keep up the good work guys, and looking forward to seeing progress!
Thank you! Please join us on Slack if you have not already! Got transactions stuck in limbo.  Did a test run to stocks.exchange, then tried to send the rest.. I have updated the wallet, rescanned blockchain twice. My wallet address is iz5x8zM4zB7Y86b8thQFwEhTMJqp2rqkwgbLCwPtKFUoYCoBcbmgnZugattY8FstfVeUJLBpPk3e27h D3UVSiB183C3W1vwh8 Unfortunately due to sheer size those are going to be stuck in the pool for several days. This issue will be corrected at block 50,000 but was also corrected in later versions of the wallet, which prevent sending 'too large' TXs. If you haven't already, please upgrade to wallet version 1.2.2 or later and use the Settings -> Remove pending TXs option. Make sure if you re-open the wallet, you again re-cancel them; otherwise when it's time for them to expire from the pool your wallet will just refresh the TXs.
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
October 18, 2017, 05:22:02 PM |
Having read around the proposals and the development team, I've started mining ITNS - looks very promising if the roadmap is adhered to!
Keep up the good work guys, and looking forward to seeing progress!
Thank you! Please join us on Slack if you have not already! Got transactions stuck in limbo. https://i.imgur.com/d9vjWJk.jpgDid a test run to stocks.exchange, then tried to send the rest.. I have updated the wallet, rescanned blockchain twice. My wallet address is iz5x8zM4zB7Y86b8thQFwEhTMJqp2rqkwgbLCwPtKFUoYCoBcbmgnZugattY8FstfVeUJLBpPk3e27h D3UVSiB183C3W1vwh8 Unfortunately due to sheer size those are going to be stuck in the pool for several days. This issue will be corrected at block 50,000 but was also corrected in later versions of the wallet, which prevent sending 'too large' TXs. If you haven't already, please upgrade to wallet version 1.2.2 or later and use the Settings -> Remove pending TXs option. Make sure if you re-open the wallet, you again re-cancel them; otherwise when it's time for them to expire from the pool your wallet will just refresh the TXs. Awesome, thank you! Wasn't aware that I could remove pending TX's
October 18, 2017, 06:46:32 PM |
beware this coin look fake road to map u can see image and description page one just copy thread monero, just another coin PND ,
With such a price there is nothing to beware of. 
October 18, 2017, 08:46:01 PM |
beware this coin look fake road to map u can see image and description page one just copy thread monero, just another coin PND ,
Lool im sure we all have to take your expert opinion about it xD Did you call Monero ( forked from BCN ) a scam for also having a copy of cryptonote whitepaper?

Activity: 109
Merit: 10
October 18, 2017, 09:01:47 PM |
so after all this time the wallet is still buggy, really not a good thing for intense
October 18, 2017, 09:11:35 PM |
so after all this time the wallet is still buggy, really not a good thing for intense
Whats wrong with the wallet? It's one of the best: good looking, informative with block explorer etc. Even miming is possible.
Full Member
Activity: 882
Merit: 112
Your Data Belongs To You
October 18, 2017, 09:18:19 PM |
" We plan to offer a novel in-wallet approach to VPNs whereby peers can offer their own internet connections as encrypted tunnels for interested parties. VPN providers will receive Intense Coin (ITNS) in exchange for their services, and be able to specify rates for their service. Bitcoin and related implementations have suffered from criticism that the blockchain allows payments to be inexorably traced and linked, creating a traceable trail of activity and offering a false sense of anonymity. To address this, ITNS utilizes the CryptoNote protocol which eliminates chain tracing of payments and offers true anonymity."
Just stumble upon this project, read the header and this tread. On first glance i do not understand one thing - if there is someone offering the vpn service, does it mean that the person who is providing the VPN will actually be responsible for their customers actions? Also will the customer could be triced back from service provider?
October 18, 2017, 09:34:44 PM |
so after all this time the wallet is still buggy, really not a good thing for intense
Whats wrong with the wallet? It's one of the best: good looking, informative with block explorer etc. Even miming is possible. For example A week ago I canceled the incorrect transactions. But after restarting the wallet - no coins. (>100k) After pressing the button - remove the pending tx - are not sent coins. And there's something else..