November 16, 2017, 08:26:23 PM Last edit: November 16, 2017, 08:40:20 PM by Eatbatterys |
Sent 40k ITNS to exchange about 8 hours and it never showed up.
Is there something I don't know about and just ethered all my ITNS?
Hi eat, as noted in our monthly update post, unfortunately it will be stuck in mempool territory until block 65k at which point large TXs will go into the block. As it stands now, TXs using mixins are very large, and the smoothly scaling block size algo defaulting in CryptoNote doesn't support large TXs early on. We have adjusted the code to allow for these blocks. It will take effect soon. Make sure you're on 1.3.0 wallet or later. EXCELLENT! Downloaded the 1.3.0 wallet and updated, transaction has been cancelled and coins have been returned.
Jr. Member
Activity: 129
Merit: 5
November 16, 2017, 08:44:34 PM |
Congratulations. I open the champagne !!! wuuuuhuuuuuu!!!!!!!  tooo the mooooon!!!!
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
November 16, 2017, 09:23:41 PM |
I believe main problem of Intense is a too big total coin supply, even with current huge(for cryptonight coin) net hashrate its too simple to mine ITNS. Somekind of reducing total supply might help to lift up price, maybe decreasing of block reward, idk... Just my 5 cents.
In 2 years you maybe get 10 coins / day instead of 1000 for mining with one GPU but the price of each coin may be 100x higher than today. This is also the reason I don't want to sell my ITNS coins yet. well looks like this is about to happen next week or next month 
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
November 16, 2017, 10:22:02 PM |
Hey guys, how do I adjust my pool-payouts to not be 5 ITNS?
November 16, 2017, 11:09:10 PM |
Congratulations now on coinmarketcap

Activity: 142
Merit: 11
November 16, 2017, 11:26:01 PM |
Yeah.... Go to mooon
November 17, 2017, 01:13:10 AM |
I tried to download the latest version of wallet but my coin is in the old version wallet, and wallet can not syncron, belock stalled at 50068, there is a solution to solve this problem, honestly I do not understand with windows wallet.
Crate Mayne

Activity: 95
Merit: 11
November 17, 2017, 01:33:12 AM |
So what kind of gameplan you fellow miners have with this new difficulty? Still trucking on, or bouncing elsewhere for time being? I mined the coin a solid month+, and then took a break past few weeks to go back to XMR (luckily) before it jumped back up. Was kicking myself for not mining this when diff dropped into the 20s, but now that it's in the 400s it's looking like a god awful choice to ever come back to until the dust settles again. I'd earn what I previously could earn in like 2-3 hours of mining. Go away NiceHashers! 
November 17, 2017, 01:47:57 AM |
So what kind of gameplan you fellow miners have with this new difficulty? Still trucking on, or bouncing elsewhere for time being? I mined the coin a solid month+, and then took a break past few weeks to go back to XMR (luckily) before it jumped back up. Was kicking myself for not mining this when diff dropped into the 20s, but now that it's in the 400s it's looking like a god awful choice to ever come back to until the dust settles again. I'd earn what I previously could earn in like 2-3 hours of mining. Go away NiceHashers!  in three days and seen die to three coins thanks to fuck NiceHashers
November 17, 2017, 01:49:26 AM |
It's a shame because it's not worth so much intensecoin
November 17, 2017, 03:05:07 AM |
I am keeping all of my CPU hash-power right here on Intense -- same as I have since Day 2 =)
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
November 17, 2017, 03:36:10 AM |
Too much diff.. 28minutes without block
Full Member
Activity: 219
Merit: 121
Lethean Developer
November 17, 2017, 03:41:00 AM |
Pool is down again?(
no, diff is too high Too much diff.. 28minutes without block
So what kind of gameplan you fellow miners have with this new difficulty? Still trucking on, or bouncing elsewhere for time being? I mined the coin a solid month+, and then took a break past few weeks to go back to XMR (luckily) before it jumped back up. Was kicking myself for not mining this when diff dropped into the 20s, but now that it's in the 400s it's looking like a god awful choice to ever come back to until the dust settles again. I'd earn what I previously could earn in like 2-3 hours of mining. Go away NiceHashers!  It's on our immediate agenda to revise the difficulty algorithm in the next major update. We are already looking into options and will likely follow zawy's algorithm, similar to Bitcoin Cash. It's a great revision to the classic difficulty approach, and should really equalize things for big/small miners. Hey guys, how do I adjust my pool-payouts to not be 5 ITNS?
No mechanism to do that now, sorry Blocks are slow due to a massive influx of hashing power earlier today, that has since left the pool. See above. I tried to download the latest version of wallet but my coin is in the old version wallet, and wallet can not syncron, belock stalled at 50068, there is a solution to solve this problem, honestly I do not understand with windows wallet. Latest version should automatically sync up to main chain. If you're having issues, just close the wallet, clear the blockchain data from %userprofile%\appdata\roaming\intensecoin - delete everything EXCEPT .wallet files, and then restart the wallet.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
November 17, 2017, 03:48:42 AM |
R9 380's are 825/h a card  and only using 5gb mem each

Activity: 124
Merit: 10
November 17, 2017, 04:14:58 AM |
I have 4,5kH and system is worked 10 hours. I didnt see any information. Is it normal? 
November 17, 2017, 04:16:52 AM |
I couldn't send the coin of my wallet, network cannot confirm it, or the amount was too big, I don't know what the problem is.
November 17, 2017, 04:30:53 AM |
I couldn't send the coin of my wallet, network cannot confirm it, or the amount was too big, I don't know what the problem is.
update the newest version If you're having issues, just close the wallet, clear the blockchain data from %userprofile%\appdata\roaming\intensecoin - delete everything EXCEPT .wallet files, and then restart the wallet
Full Member
Activity: 219
Merit: 121
Lethean Developer
November 17, 2017, 04:41:59 AM |
I have 4,5kH and system is worked 10 hours. I didnt see any information. Is it normal?  Normally, you would have a pending balance by now, but because blocks became so slow over the last several hours, your pending balance is empty. It takes 60 blocks for the pending balance to 'catch up'. As long as your number of hashes submitted is increasing, it's working properly. I couldn't send the coin of my wallet, network cannot confirm it, or the amount was too big, I don't know what the problem is.
Your coins are in limbo because of the size until block 65,000. We should reach that block in the next several hours depending on hash rate and luck. AtDr.Lecter,Your exploration pool seems working as expected now. I am wait to visit bathroom simply because I am frightened may something happen again I need to stop my mining immediately simply because I don't want to maintain my exploration platform keep on operating for nothing. Please recommend and give guarantee to all of us.Many thanks


Activity: 124
Merit: 10
November 17, 2017, 05:01:20 AM |
Thank you for information. If possible, when is work properly please write to forum. good luck for another miners 