Well the 50k block network upgrade was not without issues

The wallets and clients compiled with the latest version of the software were functioning as intended. The issue today is that the POOL software was not capable of handling the changes to the network.
At the time of this post, the
main pool and the block explorer are on block 50,030.
However, on the plus side, we no longer have a mempool with 200 transactions!! All of the large pending TXs have processed as expected, and sending TXs with large mixins should no longer be an issue. I would say this dramatic improvement in network usability and stability was worth the 6 hours of downtime on pool mining!
If you are a regular user with wallet issues:IF YOU ARE NOT YET ON WALLET VERSION 1.2.2 OR LATER YOU NEED TO UPGRADE NOW!
https://github.com/valiant1x/intensecoinwallet/releases We mentioned this a few weeks ago. At this point you will be on a forked blockchain if you don't upgrade.
If you are a pool operator having issues:Most pool operators are running pools derived from the cryptonote-universal-pool fork. This fork seems to have halfway implemented support for bytecoin. There are several references to bytecoin in the code but nothing seemed to work very well even when updating function definitions to use the half-implemented bytecoin specialized functions.
In short, to get your pool up and running again:
1. If you have not yet updated your daemon to the github commit 47583f4 or later (October 8 ), you absolutely must do that or you will be hard forked.
2. Clone and/or git pull the latest version of
https://github.com/valiant1x/intense-pool3a. If you newly cloned the repo, copy your old config file to the new folder.
3b. If you upgraded from the previous release of intense-pool, just add a slushMining config section to the config, following the format posted in the README or config_example.json
"slushMining": {
"enabled": false,
"weight": 120,
"lastBlockCheckRate": 1
4. No other changes or upgrades are necessary. Redis/db management is identical to non-forknote cryptonote-universal pools.