The network hash rate displayed by some pools is grossly over/underestimated after a diff change.
I have been monitoring that across the pools, and explorer. I do in fact see some inconsistency as well. I will dig deeper today.
also: gnode is right. If people stop mining and there is a sudden drop in hashrate, the estimated global hashrate does not reflect that instantly.
The explorer network hash rate shown on the coins main screen is derived from the daemon.This is the first daemon since the "coin rush" started in April, that has actually changed the coding to match the coin.
However the daemon does error out when trying to get it to calculate since the last difficulty change.
./craftcoind help getnetworkhashps
getnetworkhashps [blocks]
Returns the estimated network hashes per second based on the last 120 blocks.
Pass in [blocks] to override # of blocks, -1 specifies since last difficulty change.
./craftcoind getnetworkhashps -1
error: {"code":-1,"message":"value is type str, expected int"}
I have built a highly accurate network hash rate calculator into the CryptoCoin explorer API, but have since been replacing with just reporting the daemon output. This is because I starting receiving a lot of mail of how inaccurate the API was when compared to the daemon output. In reality the daemon outputs are wrong, because the networkhashps command was never changed from the Litecoin parameters, and people just did not know how to properly use the API.
Shows network hash rate every INTERVAL blocks.
All parameters in [] are optional. Default is rate over the last 144 blocks in the list format.
START equals how many blocks from current block to start. All formats order from oldest to newest.
Web is formatted in G/H (SHA-256) or M/H (Scrypt) with 2 places after the decimal.
Invaild entries default to the last 144 blocks.
CraftCoin still has the improved hash rate API. For example to get the hash rate every 10 blocks over the last 100 blocks: 121.57 M/H
131.59 M/H
132.99 M/H
62.31 M/H
122.14 M/H
105.68 M/H
62.84 M/H
83.78 M/H
49.30 M/H
75.18 M/H
The output is oldest to newest.