Thanks for your patience.
To help smoothen the escrow process (at least for me), I'd request traders to confirm the trade with the other party first. Once that's done, either party can submit all relevant trade information through this Escrow Request form. in this form is private. I will then PM both parties with this information and if all's good, we proceed with the trade.
Hope this will make communications clearer and make the trade safer and more efficient for all parties.
Thank you for your cooperation.
With increasing volume and the irreversible nature of transactions, the escrow agents are bearing a lot of risk. A lapse in concentration, 1 wrong address, 1 fat finger error could end up with quite a loss. Handling multiple transactions simultaneously increases the risk.
More escrow agents would help; Anyone can engage anyone else to escrow, but doing it through the existing order book has to be coordinated by Maxmint. Feel free to independently engage each other to escrow. There are also several trusted sellers who will be able to trade directly
An improvement to the existing manual system (Maxmint's order book) is being worked out. In the interim, I'm putting together a simple procedure to make it easier & safer for traders & escrow agents to interact. I wont be responsive for a while, until this is done. Be patient please. Thanks.