'Earn Devcoins by Writing' has been updated. The updated post follows below.
Open source articles are wanted for devtome, the open source wiki about anything:
There are no notability requirements for the wiki, only the usual no malware, porn or scammy stuff. All contributions to devtome are considered to be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (wikipedia license). You can port your articles to devtome, for example articles from your own website or blog, you just have to show that you have the rights to whatever you're contributing. If you base on article on a wikipedia article, you must make significant changes and add an attribution section.
At first, anyone can register for the wiki, and if someone adds scammy stuff they'll be booted off. Eventually as the wiki becomes more popular, scammers will purposely target it, so to stop scammers new writers will have to send a message with their first article to register.
==Signing Bonus==
There is a first article bounty of 5 BTC (or 5 million devcoins or one generation share, whichever you prefer) for the first five writers, 4 BTC (or 4 million devcoins or 4/5 of a generation share) for the next five, then 3 BTC (or 3 million devcoins or 3/5 of a generation share), then 2 BTC (or 2 million devcoins or 2/5 of a generation share), and finally 1 BTC (or 1 million devcoins or 1/5 of a generation share) for the last five. The article, or articles, must have total length of at least a thousand words. If you base your work off a wikipedia article, then the new part, or parts, must have a total length of at least a thousand words.
If you write enough for the signing bonus each month, you get a generation share every month, roughly five million devcoins. Now anyone can make coin, whatever they like writing about, wherever in the world they are. At the time of this writing, December 2, the last trade at:
https://vircurex.com/is 900,000 DVC/BTC. So 5 million devcoins is worth roughly five bitcoins. The generation share is typically around 5 million, so you'll keep getting roughly five bitcoins per month for writing. Although this is not much, it is more than writers can get for porting over their own work anywhere else, and the income is ongoing, there is no worry about layoffs or contracts running out. In time, as devtome gets bigger the devcoin value should rise.
===Word Bonus===
Every six months, starting in April 2012, writers can apply for the word bonus. Only original work qualifies for this bonus. The original work can be from your website, it can not be based off a wikipedia article or another article. To get this bonus, you have to list your original articles, then administrators will look them over to see that they are original work. If they are original, you'll get a bonus generation share per two thousand words. The equation is:
bonus generation shares = round(total word count / 2,000)
If you write for at least two months and intend to continue, you can apply to be inducted. If your work has been of good quality and you work well with others, you can be a devcoin administrator, and get another generation share for administrative work.
===Advertising Revenue===
The advertising revenue will be converted to devcoins through an exchange. The devcoins will then be handed out in the same proportion as the generation shares.
The idea behind devtome is that the generation shares pay people to write for the wiki, the advertising revenue from the wiki purchases devcoins on an exchange which causes the value of devcoin to rise, which means more money for writers, and so on. Because advertising rates are low, it will take at least a few months for the advertising revenue to be significant, but you have to start somewhere.
==Root Article==
The root article is at: