(1) This coin is ignoring the basic rule of FIRST FINDER OF BLOCK RULE
This assumption is wrong. The block that propagated through the network faster wins. It even may have timestamp in the header 'younger' than yours (actually the header timestamp is not considered when wallet takes the decision on what is the best block), but if the miner that find that competing block is connected better than you, if his blocks propagated faster than yours then your blocks will be orphaned. In the PoW/PoS hybrid this decision is also affected by the actual PoW/PoS ratio in the recent past.
Yes, I want to think like that, how you can explian ?
[time stamp is an example; computer time / time in block explorer]
1. 00:00:40 // 00:00:30 #10000 PoW has listed, and it has been listed on Block Explorer (outside of network)
2. 00:00:45 // 00:00:35 #10001 and the other blocks are connected on the block (I got 1 confirm) and shows on block explorer
3. 00:00:55 // 00:00:20 #10000 has replaced with PoS in block explorer
* PoS block has been found on 00:00:20, so, PoW blocks (00:00:30/00:00:35) are orphans : techinically no problem, and it is right
You have mentioned about "Propagation", How long it will takes to progaration ? How will deicde what it the first [timestamp on packet] ?
Most of time, within 1-2 seconds it has been updated as Orphans, but, some time, How can it makes 5-10 seconds delay ?
Techinical issue
this orphan block are connected in my local block chain because of it has confirmed [It means it has propagated to the other server also, NOT just in my local wallet, it is what difference from the general orphan]
after while, QT detect, it is orphan block and fix the block chain again
Yes, It can be happen, but, JUST VERY RARELY, NOT FREQUENTLY
AND, it is in trouble of QT or ?
1. 00:00:30 // 00:00:05 #10000 PoW has found and listed in Block Explorer
2. 00:00:35 // 00:00:04 #10000 PoW has replaced with PoS with 00:00:04 timestap
It is happen on two computer under same network,
(A) one is mining with 2.2MHs with clean/no-PoS QT, (B) the other is just running QT with PoS mining
(A) cgminer shows a acceptance, and records are put into QT (PoW),
After 5 seconds (At least)
(B) QT shows a acceptance, and reocrds are put in to QT (PoS)
I have running Safari BlockExplorer on iPad,
When, I got notification from (A), I am keep refresh and chekcing
- (A) records has listed on block explorer {AT Least ONE the other computer, Not Just in Local]
after while
- (A) records is gone, and (B) record is there
Actually, it is too hard to understand with "Propagation",
Just say, QT has reports PoS block(B), and it is going to every where EXCEPT computer (A) which in the same network, EXCEPT block explorer's comptuer
and, Computer (A) reports PoW after 5 minuties, and ONLY (A) computer and Block Explorer's Computer are got this notice,
and, Unknown (C) computer find a new PoW after 5 seconds and noticed to (A) computer, and Block Explorer's computer
But, (A)/(B)/(C) QT aware the blocks are orphan, and they fix the block chain
1. How (A)/(B)/(C) can decide ? base on the time stamps on the packet header ?
2. Technically, it can be happen, I am not saying it is impossibe things,
But, I want to ask, How frequently it can be happen ?
I am not saying, this coin is making an impossible situation because of everything is possible technically,
Single orphan, it can be happen, It can be happen in low Diff coins, what is the possiblity when consider the network rate and diff of this coin ?
* 30~45% now
Multiple chained orphan with the other server, it can be happen also, what is the possibity when consider the network rate and diff of ths coin ?
* hard to say, but, I can find couple of case within a hour
* just refresh block explor, can find easily,
* actually, when I got notice from QT, immediately, I am check block explorer and keep refresh to check what it will happen.