I figured I would sign up for a btctalk account and pop by and say hello.
I assisted beastly with some of the changes for the coin and will continue to try to keep the code up to date
I did not build the windows binaries and I am going to leave that to someone else to do, but I will see what I am able to find out about the crashing wallet.
I've been discussing with others how to bring this to a level beyond just a payment system. One idea I am keen on having implemented is on chain messaging.
Thank you to those who have assisted us in securing the network thus far. There will be updates and changes. As far as the hashing algo is concerned, i'm interested in hearing (politely) why you feel scrypt jane should be used over scrypt. What is the real world value you have seen? What set backs has scrypt jane caused? I have investigated this matter but wish not to adulterate anyone's views by making comments one way or another.
Questions or constructive comments are appreciated, I plan on trying to tidy up the code further with a updated release in the next week.
Thank you for your time,
below is a link to my PGP public key for anyone requesting it.
http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xB0EE489021C0FB5FPlease do not PM me, if it is urgent please post any issues here.
Arch Linux AUR PKGBUILD for CCoin is available here
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ccoin-git/ (Thanks dome22xl)