Activity: 8
Merit: 0
March 02, 2018, 03:24:07 AM |
Our coin (GNB) has been done at your exchange 2 months ago but until now It is not traded anyway.
It is not wallet to transfer coin to the exchange. As your know, it takes much money to give coin on exchange. However, there is not trading , effecting the price and coin markets.
It has done our coin serious damage
Please check it again and reply our problem
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon
Thank you very much Take care
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
March 02, 2018, 05:18:18 AM |
Just a small reminder.If you have any issue - you are welcome to use our support system here: serve every ticket we receive. We are doing our best to resolve just any issue you may have. Please, note - we do not serve any tickets containing abusive language. It's faulty, you do not respond in any reasonable time - if it works at all -, or you don't respond at all, or with a canned message. It works. Of course we have automated related answers sometimes to prevent simple issues to spend support human time. In 90% they work and resolve problem. All you have to do if your issue is not resolved with automated answer - just reply and you will have more attention. We consider tickets resolved after a week if customer do not reply to us in his ticket.

Activity: 187
Merit: 10
March 02, 2018, 07:03:22 AM |
Stop pretending you don't understand English... When will you buy XVGCT aka superscamcoin at XVG current price?
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
March 02, 2018, 07:54:22 AM |
Let's see: volume 207.5 BTC*0.004(trading fee)=0.8282 BTC/day 0.8282*7(days)=5.7974/2(50%)= 2.8987 BTC/weekThen look at orderbook 
Jr. Member
Activity: 122
Merit: 1
March 02, 2018, 09:00:15 AM |
@C-CEX Zeigen sie uns Beweise das sie XVGCT kaufen und zu welchem Preis sie kaufen!! Der einzige der bei diesem Handel viel Geld macht ist C-CEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Die Tokenzahl ist bestimmt UNBEGRENZT und damit ist der Preis unter KONTROLLE!!! Also Leute, für die die noch nicht NACHGEDACHT haben!! Sollte der Preis tatsächlich die 600 sat erreichen verkauft C-cex einfach ne Millionen Coins und wer ist dann reicher?  Du oder C-Cex?? Und Gebühren Zahlst auch noch beim Handel!!! LEUTE ALSO BITTE SCHALTET EUER GEHIRN EIN!!! Bald melde ich mich wieder. Ich habe einiges Eingeleitet um gegen C-cex vor zu gehen!! Grüsse. @ C-CEX Show us proof that you buy XVGCT and at what price you buy !! The only one who makes a lot of money on this trade is C-CEX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The token number is definitely UNLIMITED and so the price is under CONTROL !!! So people, for those who have not yet THOUGHT! Should the price actually reach the 600 sat C-cex sells just a million coins and who is richer  ? You or C-Cex ?? And fees still pay at trade !!! PEOPLE SO PLEASE SWITCH ON YOUR BRAIN !!! I'll get back to you soon. I have some introduction to go against C-cex !! Regards.
Super Android Trade App! Very fast transfer! Great support!.. ...
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
March 02, 2018, 09:12:25 AM |
Show us proof that you buy XVGCT and at what price you buy !! spike here: set our buy order at XVG market price which is 0.00000548 BTC at the moment. But of course orders are executed from lowest selling price to highest. Anyway we spend our 50% of weekly BTC earning on those orders.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
March 02, 2018, 09:35:09 AM |
AND you just send the coins back into the game, instead of BURNING them, so the price will never go up! Complete SCAM!
Jr. Member
Activity: 122
Merit: 1
March 02, 2018, 10:23:01 AM |
Ja Genau! Und die niedrigeren Verkaufsaufträge stammen die meisten auch von C-cex! Haha. Ihr müsst schon alle Leute für bescheuert halten, was? Wenn C-cex es ernst meinen würde das sie zurückzahlen wollten was uns gehört. Würden sie es richtig machen! Und zwar einen nach dem anderen ausbezahlen mit ETH, BTC, oder XVG. Ihr kennt eure Konten und habt die Kontakte. Also Macht es richtig!! SO IST ES NUR BETRUG, BETRUG, BETRUG! Yes exactly! And the lower sales orders come most of C-cex! Haha. You have to think all people are stupid, right? If C-cex were serious they would pay back what we own. Would you do it right! One after the other pay with ETH, BTC, or XVG. You know your accounts and have the contacts. So do it right !! SO IT IS ONLY FRAUD, FRAUD, FRAUD!
Super Android Trade App! Very fast transfer! Great support!.. ...
March 02, 2018, 10:42:52 AM |
AND you just send the coins back into the game, instead of BURNING them, so the price will never go up! Complete SCAM! It is exactly what is happening... guys I don't have any words to describe this thing..
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
March 02, 2018, 10:45:26 AM |
C-cex, get your shit together and block the buying of XVGT. At this rate, you will never pay back the users holding XVG coins.

Activity: 187
Merit: 10
March 02, 2018, 10:54:50 AM |
This shouldn't be a market... XVGCT is supposed to be a sell market only where you should be the only buyer, doing anything else is at best stupid, if not a complete scam! also price should be locked on XVG price, so no one, you or us would be the looser!
March 02, 2018, 10:54:56 AM |
again with this invitation codes... guys read the previous posts!!!
March 02, 2018, 10:56:33 AM |
This shouldn't be a market... XVGCT is supposed to be a sell market only where you should be the only buyer, doing anything else is at best stupid, if not a complete scam! also price should be locked on XVG price, so no one, you or us would be the looser! Guys he is basically saying he won't buy our XVGCT with a price higher than 110-130 SAT. Now lot of tokens will be put in market, the price fall down around 40-50 SAT then on next week will repeat the circle.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
March 02, 2018, 10:58:48 AM |
This shouldn't be a market... XVGCT is supposed to be a sell market only where you should be the only buyer, doing anything else is at best stupid, if not a complete scam! also price should be locked on XVG price, so no one, you or us would be the looser! Exactly. This whole situation feels unreal.After months of silence, this is the best they can do. Feels more like a joke.
March 02, 2018, 11:01:41 AM |
C-CEX how many TOKENS are left? This is an important information you should give us for transparency and still believe in you.
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
March 02, 2018, 11:59:45 AM |
How to Put this C-CEX owners behind the bars ?
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
March 02, 2018, 12:07:05 PM |
minimum: 10017805 so when he buy at average price 90sat then about one month.
Jr. Member
Activity: 175
Merit: 1
March 02, 2018, 12:26:23 PM |
Just a small reminder.If you have any issue - you are welcome to use our support system here: serve every ticket we receive. We are doing our best to resolve just any issue you may have. Please, note - we do not serve any tickets containing abusive language. It's faulty, you do not respond in any reasonable time - if it works at all -, or you don't respond at all, or with a canned message. It works. Of course we have automated related answers sometimes to prevent simple issues to spend support human time. In 90% they work and resolve problem. All you have to do if your issue is not resolved with automated answer - just reply and you will have more attention. We consider tickets resolved after a week if customer do not reply to us in his ticket. How about responding to my entire message instead of selectively reacting. This is exactly what I mean with diverting and ignoring your customers. I originally wrote: Firstly, stop diverting us to the ticketing system. It's faulty, you do not respond in any reasonable time - if it works at all -, or you don't respond at all, or with a canned message. Secondly, stop blaming 'abusive language' for not wanting to react to tickets. (or anything targeted at you for that matter) People are mad and you should not be surprised about that. Deal with it. You are a company with customers. Thirdly, take responsibility for the mess you've created. Your duck and diversion behaviour is infuriating. There is a discussion forum topic here all about you! There are literally hundreds of people wanting a resolution. Go fix it! Talk to people. Solve their issues. Be pro-active!!! For the love of God, save your reputation, or what's left of it...
Please resond to the entire thing. Your ticket system does not work. Half of the time, the queue is full. The other half of the time, you'll get a canned response. Your are not helping us. My tickets were closed without my permission. (I could not reply anymore) I could not get you to react like a normal human being on my inquiries. You are willingly ignoring us. Then, how about actually fixing the issues? This nonsense XVG replacement token - which is being traded - is a diversion. Here's my proposal: You fucked up. You made a big error with your XVG wallet. (Whatever the reason may be). It's your responsibility to help this (rightfully) angry mob of people. Buy all of their XVG and/or XVGCT for 100% XVG market price. Now. It's really that simple. Don't harras us with your shady replacement market. Don't have us beg for a reasonable price. Don't have us get frustrated and wanting to tweet, post messages, issue tickets. Your are making us even more angry. Especially with your attempts here to 'explain' the situation. There is no explanation. You are 100% responsible for your errors. Now go fix them.