Many people say the government is not interested in cryptocurrency. Many people think the government has prohibit
crypto to protect investors from risks. Maybe in your country, that's true. But in some countries, especially developing countries, the government just wants to rob your assets. They rob publicly, lawfully and as much as possible. they are really bandits.I'm not afraid what they do. Because we have many ways to fight them. But this world is not as simple as you think.They can kill you if you are demonstrating.
You can ask any vietnamese that : Do you support your government ? I bet 99% answer is never. 1% remaining I'm sure they are goverment employee or their family.
Funny. Many do not even understand that civil servants, just do not care about what is happening. They do not decide anything, only fulfill the will of other people about whom they don’t even know who they are.
Therefore, definitely not afraid of anyone. And how the betatest will end, called cryptocurrency, we will soon find out. Most likely, the users themselves who have lost on the fall of the course will be asked to ban it as the Ponzi pyramid. Human stupidity has no limits, we must not forget this, friends.