
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
March 13, 2014, 04:30:56 PM |
is Ken deleting posts in this thread?
I don't believe so. I'm pretty sure this thread is moderated exclusively by shareholders
March 13, 2014, 04:41:36 PM |
is Ken deleting posts in this thread?
I don't believe so. I'm pretty sure this thread is moderated exclusively by shareholders Ken has the ability to delete posts however I don't think he ever does... there are a few of us with access to the delete button and we've been pretty open about the policy. I'm also thinking the 0.00095 price on cryptotrade looks pretty damn tempting considering the imminent news... but I'm already over-invested in ActM
March 13, 2014, 04:57:08 PM |
I won't buy any more shares until the shares I do have I have access to.
1D7JwRnoungL1YQy7sJMsqmA8BHkPcKGDJ We mine as we dream... Alone
Sr. Member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
March 13, 2014, 06:40:56 PM |
Good news or not (and we still don't know exactly what's coming), I would advise anyone already heavily invested here to not get in even deeper. There is no certainty in this industry. There are a handful of things that could still go seriously wrong from MSD to the technology itself to the CT exchange, to Ken loosing more coins. By all means put in money you can afford to loose (it helps my share paper-value increase afterall) but don't anyone be silly and be betting more money than you can afford to loose on this. We have enough DTS-type stories on here. Like any BTC Security, this is a high risk gamble.
March 13, 2014, 07:40:13 PM |
100 x 28nm wafers is around 5PH - think about that for a second...
The fab can pump out 100 wafers every 4 weeks easily.... 1GH sells for around $5 with immediate delivery (in chip form)
Do the maths... I'm thinking ActM could shortly be pulling in $2.5 per share per month...
March 13, 2014, 07:57:40 PM |
But only if everything you were told is true. See any evidence of what you were being told?
1D7JwRnoungL1YQy7sJMsqmA8BHkPcKGDJ We mine as we dream... Alone
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
March 13, 2014, 08:01:03 PM |
100 x 28nm wafers is around 5PH - think about that for a second...
The fab can pump out 100 wafers every 4 weeks easily.... 1GH sells for around $5 with immediate delivery (in chip form)
Do the maths... I'm thinking ActM could shortly be pulling in $2.5 per share per month...
You think raw chips are going to be selling for $5/GH/s in a couple months? Keep in mind you can buy a finished Antminer shipped for $3.6/GH/s right now and you'll have it on your doorstep in 2 days.
March 13, 2014, 08:03:18 PM |
100 x 28nm wafers is around 5PH - think about that for a second...
The fab can pump out 100 wafers every 4 weeks easily.... 1GH sells for around $5 with immediate delivery (in chip form)
Do the maths... I'm thinking ActM could shortly be pulling in $2.5 per share per month...
You think raw chips are going to be selling for $5/GH/s in a couple months? Keep in mind you can buy a finished Antminer shipped for $3.6/GH/s right now and you'll have it on your doorstep in 2 days. Depends on the bitcoin price no?
March 13, 2014, 08:13:15 PM |
100 x 28nm wafers is around 5PH - think about that for a second...
The fab can pump out 100 wafers every 4 weeks easily.... 1GH sells for around $5 with immediate delivery (in chip form)
Do the maths... I'm thinking ActM could shortly be pulling in $2.5 per share per month...
You think raw chips are going to be selling for $5/GH/s in a couple months? Keep in mind you can buy a finished Antminer shipped for $3.6/GH/s right now and you'll have it on your doorstep in 2 days. Depends on the bitcoin price no? This is how we keep getting dragged back into this hole of shareholder depression and trolling carnivals. You are now making estimates without proof; at this point it's not even an educated guess. You start saying stuff like this, then the person below you quotes and replies with his thoughts about it, and so on. Then we get 5 pages later and everyone is like: "Ken didn't you promise us # of PH (Random asa Number some share holder made up) by XX/XX/XX (Random ass date some random shareholder made up); well what the fuck happened?" Lets not speculate and end up having more people get tied up in this company UNTIL we have proof that it is on the right track. Now when Ken has proved he can get a chip made. Then we can talk about estimates of how hash rate the chip will make and any other chips that might come thereafter. When Ken has paid off all refunds. Then we can talk about preorders and how many extra chips we can get through preorders. And until we have proof that the company is in the black and will stay in the black for the foreseeable future, let us not try to convince other people to buy more shares. It is unethical.
Sr. Member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
March 13, 2014, 08:21:38 PM |
let us not try to convince other people to buy more shares.
It is unethical.
Agree partly. But it's not unethical if you make it clear this is gambling pure and simple. Any stock can go up as well as down and any IPO can fail. Like you say there is no evidence yet that this IPO will succeed.
March 13, 2014, 09:28:02 PM |
Jo, I think you're missing the point. It's people that have the balls to take a risk and buy when the price is low, prior to confirmation that the company is making strides, who are set to make the biggest gains. Discouraging people to speculate positively is denying potential and current investors the full picture and is actually inhibiting their ability to make an informed decision in order to maximise their return. It is in no way unethical to share speculative number crunching as without a baseline prediction, how is anyone able to gain first mover advantage? There's going to be a lot of humble pie eaten next week and us 'blind optimists' will be your waiters for the day! 
March 13, 2014, 09:42:22 PM |
Only if he provides some proof ZZ
1D7JwRnoungL1YQy7sJMsqmA8BHkPcKGDJ We mine as we dream... Alone
March 13, 2014, 09:44:09 PM |
I agree wholeheartedly. Proof is essential. Not for me, but understandably for the vast majority.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
March 13, 2014, 09:44:48 PM |
did any of you realized there will be complaints and lawsuits because of the delay with refunds?
March 13, 2014, 09:48:04 PM |
I understand there have also been incentives in order to minimise refund requests.
March 13, 2014, 10:08:29 PM |
did any of you realized there will be complaints and lawsuits because of the delay with refunds?
Lawsuits will be duds since refunds ARE happening and there is proof of this. There are always complaints. 
March 13, 2014, 10:15:01 PM |
I agree wholeheartedly. Proof is essential. Not for me, but understandably for the vast majority.
I think both you and Miner are right. I just don't want us to go back to what the old thread was. People come on and check the thread for 5 mins, see a bunch of people screaming "imminent chips" that will be XPH by Y-Date is doing everyone here a disservice and then be physically sick when they find out that was not true. I don't think a lot of people here invested in the same mindset that I was (still am) in when I invested. Which was basically; "this is a gamble and I like to gamble." Unfortunately some people don't like to do the necessary work of weighing the risk/reward, doing the appropriate research before they make decisions like investing.. I just we suggest we try not to throw shiny numbers at them, otherwise I fear Ken will have many more legal cases to come whether he is a scam or not.
March 13, 2014, 10:15:44 PM |
100 x 28nm wafers is around 5PH - think about that for a second...
The fab can pump out 100 wafers every 4 weeks easily.... 1GH sells for around $5 with immediate delivery (in chip form)
Do the maths... I'm thinking ActM could shortly be pulling in $2.5 per share per month...
You think raw chips are going to be selling for $5/GH/s in a couple months? Keep in mind you can buy a finished Antminer shipped for $3.6/GH/s right now and you'll have it on your doorstep in 2 days. Depends on the bitcoin price no? This is how we keep getting dragged back into this hole of shareholder depression and trolling carnivals. You are now making estimates without proof; at this point it's not even an educated guess. You start saying stuff like this, then the person below you quotes and replies with his thoughts about it, and so on. Then we get 5 pages later and everyone is like: "Ken didn't you promise us # of PH (Random asa Number some share holder made up) by XX/XX/XX (Random ass date some random shareholder made up); well what the fuck happened?" Lets not speculate and end up having more people get tied up in this company UNTIL we have proof that it is on the right track. Now when Ken has proved he can get a chip made. Then we can talk about estimates of how hash rate the chip will make and any other chips that might come thereafter. When Ken has paid off all refunds. Then we can talk about preorders and how many extra chips we can get through preorders. And until we have proof that the company is in the black and will stay in the black for the foreseeable future, let us not try to convince other people to buy more shares. It is unethical. upvote.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
March 13, 2014, 10:17:59 PM |
right okay, but when most (if not all) customers refunds ARE completed then what will VMC end up with? nothing! There is no sales happening because there is no product to sell. Do you really think VMC will regain customers confidence when/if they actually come up with a working miner? i don't think so.
March 13, 2014, 10:24:57 PM |
You'll be surprised how fickle the shareholders and customers are. Soon all will be forgiven and all that suppressed cheerleading will rear it's ugly face again. If I didn't know any better I'd think you were merely spreading fud.
Edit: Jo, I see what you're saying.