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Author Topic: [ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated]  (Read 630133 times)
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March 25, 2014, 04:08:17 PM

^ I find crap like this hilarious...Your shares aren't gonna be trading for months people. Definitely not until this company is well in the black and there's no doubt of our success. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I'm certain that's the way it's gonna be. Not too sure what the point of publicly claiming to dump your non-existent shares are  Cheesy Getting shares trading alone will put confidence back in many of you.

Any approximation to the value of each ActiveMining share?

Just wondering.

In 6 months shares will be trading between 0.01 and 0.04 each. I have already bet on that with my dollar. We will have a farm comparable to Bitfury and probably selling some machines as well. Speculation alone brought the price of shares to 0.009 for a short period of time!
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March 25, 2014, 04:11:28 PM

^ I find crap like this hilarious...Your shares aren't gonna be trading for months people. Definitely not until this company is well in the black and there's no doubt of our success. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I'm certain that's the way it's gonna be. Not too sure what the point of publicly claiming to dump your non-existent shares are  Cheesy Getting shares trading alone will put confidence back in many of you.

Any approximation to the value of each ActiveMining share?

Just wondering.

In 6 months shares will be trading between 0.01 and 0.04 each. I have already bet on that with my dollar. We will have a farm comparable to Bitfury and probably selling some machines as well. Speculation alone brought the price of shares to 0.009 for a short period of time!

and you gauge your projection based on the last year of progress/success/communication/etc?
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March 25, 2014, 04:19:25 PM

and you gauge your projection based on the last year of progress/success/communication/etc?

Of course not, it's obviously based on future projections and the fact of a working 28nm chip
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March 25, 2014, 04:21:30 PM

But there are some people (like me) who would be happy to liquidate shares at prices much lower than that.

It's true that 0.00015 is optimistic. To be honest I doubt we'll ever see above 0.00005 once we start trading all 10,000,000 shares.

I argue that 0.00015 will be our peak after share release, with the companies account allowing for a stable price of 0.00008. Of course if we have to wait 3 months to get competitors chips then 0.00001 will be more likely.
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March 25, 2014, 04:22:50 PM

and you gauge your projection based on the last year of progress/success/communication/etc?

Of course not, it's obviously based on future projections and the fact of a working 28nm chip

Wait Funky, you have been seriously misinformed.

We are ordering 200TH to go on our designed boards. The custom chip of our own design will hopefully be ready after we get 200TH online from our competitors.

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March 25, 2014, 04:31:14 PM

My ability to whip up a shitstorm never ceases to amaze me. We could argue and butt heads all day, but that's not what I came here for.

Have a nice day friends
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March 25, 2014, 04:35:57 PM

Any approximation to the value of each ActiveMining share?

Just wondering.

I currently value a share at 0.00015 btc.

I know that a million shares are ready to sell around the 0.0001 - 0.0002 mark as soon as we trade.

sounds about right. I know if trading started I would be interested to buy in a small risk at that price level, just in case ACTM actually succeeds

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March 25, 2014, 04:39:10 PM
Last edit: March 25, 2014, 04:59:21 PM by zumzero

While is quite clear that there are more than a few idiots who frequent this board, no-one is stupid enough to part with 100,000 shares for 10 btc are they?

It's academic anyway because by the time we get access to our shares the value for said shares is more than likely to see people selling 1000 shares for 10 btc.

EDIT:   Current price of ActM shares is 0.0007 *
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March 25, 2014, 04:50:28 PM

EDIT:   Current price of ActM shares is 0.007

Zum what are you smoking?

Try 0.0007
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March 25, 2014, 05:20:06 PM
Last edit: March 25, 2014, 05:45:52 PM by tempestb

I don't understand why anyone here thinks there is some 28nm chip in the works.  He canceled it!  He doesn't have any other money for it.  He showed us, told us, and we know how much money AMC has.  Where do you think he is suddenly getting money to pay for a 28nm custom chip?  Do you think he already paid for it?  HE CANCELED IT!  If he had money in his pocket, he could afford to pay for the refunds.

There is no 28nm chip.  He has a mining farm with his own custom boards.  That's going to maybe make $200,000 to $300,000 before it's dead.  That means everyone gets 3 cents total per share before this company is out of money unless Ken sells more shares to generate enough funds to build a custom chip.

I think either there are some people in here with their head in the clouds and are refusing to figure this out on their own, or people are purposely being positive to drum up the share price.

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March 25, 2014, 05:39:10 PM

That means everyone gets $3 total per share before this company is out of money

$3 and I am done, I would consider $3 a share one of the top 3 things to happen in my life.
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March 25, 2014, 05:43:17 PM

That would be $3 a share if all of that earned money was distributed to share holders.  Which it obviously will not be.  Anyway, I think I did the math backwards on that, I think it's 3 cents per share.  300,000 divided by 10 million.

We mine as we dream...  Alone
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March 25, 2014, 05:59:42 PM

Positive news for getting our Gox coin back...

It's sounding like a relatively large proportion, and relatively quickly.

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March 25, 2014, 06:09:58 PM

Positive news for getting our Gox coin back...

It's sounding like a relatively large proportion, and relatively quickly.

Getting ActM's coins back would be great, but could gox PLEASE just stay dead and buried? Please?
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March 25, 2014, 07:10:34 PM

In 6 months shares will be trading between 0.01 and 0.04 each.

What are you basing your numbers on?
The dividends must be insane for the shares to reach that kind of valuation.
Especially when considering the shareholder confidense of the CEO...

Edit: Zum, you also seem to be guesstimating a crazy high valuation. Do you know something that the public does not, or are you just hoping & dreaming?
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March 25, 2014, 07:11:50 PM

That would be $3 a share if all of that earned money was distributed to share holders.  Which it obviously will not be.  Anyway, I think I did the math backwards on that, I think it's 3 cents per share.  300,000 divided by 10 million.

Are you just making up the numbers to suite your arguments?  I'm asking because you post with such certainty, yet we are pretty much in the dark re: the financials.

How much does it cost to develop a 28nm full custom chip these days?  Is it significantly lower than it was last year?   Is there any possibility that even without all the money, Ken could have done a deal with the 15 million shares that he owns?

How much money does Ken have from pre-orders sales which have not requested refunds?  How many bitcoins does ActM own?  Will we get the MtGox coins back?  What other sources of revenue exist?  What is ActM's bank balance in fiat?  How much money was refunded by eASIC?

Where is the bitcoin price going in the next days, weeks and months?  How will the soon to be revealed in stock products affect our cash flow?

You see, without us knowing the answers to these questions making statements such as the ones you sling about are just as questionable as the opposing opinion that we are actually in good shape.

It works both ways and you are merely expressing your opinion.  Not the actual reality.  Remember that and you might gain the ears of those who would accuse you of not actually being a long time shareholding lurker with a negative view, but something more sinister all together.
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March 25, 2014, 07:20:53 PM
Last edit: March 25, 2014, 09:07:19 PM by thefunkybits

The dividends must be insane for the shares to reach that kind of valuation.

Dividends and Hype. The shares will not be worth that much, but dumb money tends to follow smart money and be irritional when doing so. When this operation succeeds and the selling resistance from shareholders like drawingthesun is dried up the price will be pumped to insane levels by stupid investors, this is when I will be selling. Last year we saw AM share price go to 2-5 BTC +...any fool buying at those prices didn't realize how inflated the company was with a market cap of 2 Million BTC. The same thing is bound to happen to this company when the shock and awe of success kicks in.

edit: I do indeed have information that the public does not, all because of some careful digging by myself Wink
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March 25, 2014, 07:35:20 PM

Zum, you also seem to be guesstimating a crazy high valuation. Do you know something that the public does not, or are you just hoping & dreaming?

IF Ken pulls it off there is no reason to question there not being an ATH again when you consider where the company was when it last reached that level of share price, so you could say hoping & believing.

I don't know anything the public does not, only that we have a very bullish CEO.
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March 25, 2014, 07:36:11 PM

ZZ...  You can take 100th and go to a mining estimate site and figure out for yourself how much that will generate over a period of time.  The difficulty is only so good until BFL, Black Arrow, KNC and Asicminer start shipping.  They are all really imminent.  And so far, Ken hasn't shipped anything so doing any calculations against today's difficulty is a bit pointless as well since we don't know really when these miners will actually be installed and then start mining for VMC.  They first have to mine for AMC refunds.

  We asked Ken how much money AMC and VMC has.  You can look back through his comments, I'm not going to quote him.  He said AMC has 1400 some Bitcoins total and provided access to the wallet.  And that VMC lost all their funds on MtGox so he could no longer conduct refunds.

Where is the rest of the money?  That's a fine question.  I'm with you on that one.  That has never been explained.  eASIC had some supposedly which likely went to fund the boards.

I believe Ken said he'd provide all the financial information at the end of March, as this was his optioning to postpone sending in a third party auditor of the operation.  I think if that doesn't happen (Which it likely won't) I think we should have the auditor go in and provide us info that Ken does not.  Then we'd all have our answers.

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March 25, 2014, 07:47:35 PM

We are mining bitcoins not the US Dollar.  To say that we will mine $X and then the mine will be dead does not hold when there are so many unknowns at this time.

There is no 28nm chip.  He has a mining farm with his own custom boards.  That's going to maybe make $200,000 to $300,000 before it's dead.  That means everyone gets 3 cents total per share before this company is out of money unless Ken sells more shares to generate enough funds to build a custom chip.

EDIT:  It could be the case that Ken has been expecting everything to be out in the open by the end March, namely the hardware products and specs (selling and listed on the website) and the mining farm details etc.
If that has been the case it would tie in with his statement that financials would be released around the same time as these may throw light on things.  Just a thought.
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