i want to start saying "my god!"
i know ken, you said you can't say any more because of MSD, competition, etc.
can't you update us on share problem each couple days?
honestly on my end i have no clue, its way too long.
give a more hint or something, if you can't, i am afraid to think there is massive problem.
i know you said things are going ok, etc , but is hard to believe that now, because you told me soon, soon, soon, and everything going ok.
its almost April now, i look like a fool.
btw, too much "soon" lately, ken, i started last two week to get irritated to hear that single word.
edit: on share progress, say something like, lawyer is doing this and that, MSD needs this and that, this must go there and here, etc
edit: and keep up the good work