ETH is not better because its hardfork: the coin. And it's not a digital currency it's a token for a platform.
for sure because because weapons made to self deface cannot be used to attack...
fork or not fork (BTC forked too) at end is better follow good general than bunch of kinds who fight segwit/blocksize/LN for two years...
LTC is backed by China miners and China asic factory while ETH is backed by their platform/technology/usage
looking how miners act with BUged soft in BTC i believe that is better being backed by ETH platform than miners road.
While LTC/BTC will play dramas about segwit how screw miners ETH will adopt Rained fork of LN and will show those miners how progress should work.
Progress like good technology backing it miners offer high fees in BTC.
For end customer is better use system not backed on miners interest because it always goes against users interest.
At end in this game is better to follow smart guys than greedy miners
https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/transactions-btc-eth-ltc.htmllooks like mining is not thing today that win race.BTC here is at its TOP 300 000tx/s while ETH have room to rise.
They will fork because blockchain bloat yea who will care evolution needs changes.
LTC same time is at 2500tx/day in BTC traffic jam while EHT jump from 60000tx/s to 100 000tx/s.People are storming to LTC to use it...
Do you see those users swarming LTC because it is backed by miners
or maybe BTC users switching to ETH ?
Coinbase better add this as opposed to slowwwww BTC.
Hey man where you have been ?
Coinbase added 10x faster ETH...
https://support.coinbase.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2498522-how-do-i-buy-ethereum-Why they should add outdated tech
