WTF? 1000 people...sorry - accounts - got 97.5% of all coins and all others need to buy it from them? What a scam!
Then what are you doing in this thread? and btw people are paying for c2, it didnt just climb to top 50 on coinmarket cap out of thin air
I was looking to take part at the "fair" launch and then just realized how dumb someone must be who buys from this first 1000 accounts.
did you ever realize that how dumb your statements looks like?
There is no sense in argue with distribution...
C2 did what it did.
Fair coins just give away random people coins in every 2h per adress who wanted
NEM give 4bill of coins to 1000 of random people(some probably have double triple accounts who knows)
BC made fast POW phase to give away coins...
NXT sells 25% of coins for 21 BTC...
Because i missed C2 train that doesn't mean it was bad distribution...
Only 1000 people ? who cares /
Balance it that C2 have to make something special to expand user base to be alive ^^...If they have only 300 people on board it is harder for them...POS coins creates society of people who are responsible for their coin.
It is harder to do with only 300-1000 people.main holders have to be active anyway it or it will fall sooner or later.
Quick $ investors are worst thing that can happened to POS coin they only thinking about fast cash out.
Not about building community.
I was watching C2 and i saw that dump on Bter to 1sat...
if someone was interested he could buy cheap C2...
Few people probably had multi acc but sooner or later they will sell their shares
those stupid ones will sell it like that guy on better with dump to 1sat ^^.
I don't have any C2 i think but i can represent more objective point of view.
But i have many BC and i can understand how POS coins works.
Some people have to switch about thinking from POW to POS...
Those coins are Very different in economy and distribution.
POS have such price sheme coin community is active/creative price up...
1) coin community is greed and selfish no progress price will fall... fall till
2) POS coin with switch stakeholders to creative guys...
and then go up again...
3) option is selfish and greed guys keep all coins all time 0 Volume no price drop
but after year we switch to 1 or 2 ^^