i think there is plenty miners here too, i am not expert on this, just crossed my mind
when time comes, is it possible that as many miners as possible who belive in C2, put their miners on C2 so that we secure blokchain for that period when old c2 is transfered
i will give my 6mhs
is this makes any sense?
Ok, Let's do it this way...
I am going to keep a running list on the Coin2 Coinzen thread on who is willing to donate hashing power during the Coin2 transfer, in case it is needed. If you are willing to do so, please comment on this thread or on the Coinzen one with your hashing power and how long you are willing to donate it for.
If your hashing power is needed, you will probably be the first people to know the transfer has started.,655.msg10603.html#msg10603Thanks for being the first volunteer Pagona ..