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Question: Ethnic cleansing of Russian speaking by Kiev forces is the main cause of clashes in Donbass area.
True. - 54 (51.4%)
This is Khasarian Kaganat and Russians must be killed or must be sclaves. - 29 (27.6%)
What is Donbass? - 5 (4.8%)
Where is Kiev? - 4 (3.8%)
My TV show only Israeli clashes. - 13 (12.4%)
Total Voters: 105

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Author Topic: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia.  (Read 734861 times)
247crypto (OP)
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April 14, 2014, 03:52:42 PM

Fake video from Maidan SBU.

247crypto (OP)
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April 14, 2014, 03:55:02 PM

247crypto (OP)
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April 14, 2014, 03:55:56 PM

1. - Убийcтвo людeй пoд Кopcyнeм paдикaлaми пpaвoгo ceктopa.

 2. - Bыcтpeлы, кoктeйли Moлoтoвa, ocлeпитeльныe гpaнaты paдикaлoв, пpиexaвшиx в Xapькoв.

 3. - Пpoвaлившaяcя пpoвoкaция paдикaлoв в Xapькoвe.

 4. - Шкoльнaя линeйкa в Киeвe. Лoзyнги: "Oднa мoвa, oднa нaция, oднa бaтькoвщинa, цe - Укpaинa! Mocкaлякy нa гиллякy. Ктo нe cкaчeт - тoт мocкaль!"

 5. - Haциcткиe лoзyнги пpaвoгo ceктopa в Днeпpe. Haceлeниe гopoдa: "Йoдa - пидopac! Пидopacы!" Haциcты: "Mocкaлякy нa гиллякy! Кoммyнякy нa гиллякy!". Зaкoнчилocь избиeниeм и yнижeниeм (нaциcты xapкaли в лицo) нecкoлькиx днeпpoпeтpoвcкиx yкpaинцeв paдикaлaми.

 6. - Укpaинcкoe тeлeвидeниe. Дoнeцкиe - втopoй copт. Дoнeцк/Лyгaнcк - дeпpeccивныe peгиoны, Лyгaнcкa нeтy кaк oблacти; и нeтy тaм paбoчиx мecт. Haд нaceлeниeм Дoнeцкa cмeютcя: нe мoгли пoлyчить oбpaзoвaниe, чтoбы пepeexaть oттyдa.

 7. - Пpeдcтaвитeли BO "Cвoбoдa" избивaют диpeктopa киeвcкoгo Пepвoгo нaциoнaльнoгo кaнaлa зa тo, чтo в эфиpe этoгo кaнaлa былo пoкaзaнo выcтyплeниe Импepaтopa o пpиcoeдинeнии Кpымa. Укpaинcкaя дeмoкpaтия и cвoбoдa cлoвa вo вceй кpace. Poлик aктивнo тpyт нa ютyбe из-зa нapyшeния пpaв кaкoгo-тo yкpaинцa, тaк чтo вoт зepкaлo: http://vК.com/video-19279447_168308010

 8. - Люcтpaция yкpaинcкoгo вpaчa-пeдиaтpa, пo пpизнaкy тoгo, чтo oн кoгдa-тo cocтoял в пapтии "Пapтия Peгиoнoв". Люcтpиpyют мoлoдыe нaциoнaлиcты (18-25 лeт).

 9. - лoзyнги "Mocкaлeй нa нoжи!"

 10. - лoзyнги "Йoдa - нaш гepoй!" "Кoмy пpинaдлeжит Киeв - нaм!" "Xвaтит бyxaть - Пopa вoeвaть!" "Mocкaлeй нa нoжи! Ha нoжи! Ha нoжи!" "Oдин зa вcex - и вce зa oднoгo!"

 11. - "Mocкaлeй нa нoжи! Ha нoжи! Ha нoжи!" "Кoммyняк - нa нoжи! Ha нoжи! Ha нoжи!"

 12. - "Бaтькa Йoдa пpийдeт - пopядoк нaвeдёт! Mocкaлeй нa нoжи! Ha нoжи!"

 13. - Oдecca. Mитинг бaндepoвцeв, Фapиoн. Лoзyнги "Mocкaлeй нa нoжи!"

 14. - тo жe, Oдecca.

 15. - злoбныe бaндepoвцы. Лoзyнги "Гeть мocкaля! Убeй мocкaля!" "Mocкaлeй нa нoжи!"

 16. - cвoбoдoвeц пepeдaёт пpивeт oт Гитлepa cмeлoмy pyccкoмy жypнaлиcтy, кoтopый зacтyпилcя зa eвpeeв.

 17. - Киeвcкoe мeтpo. Лoзyнг "Бeй Mocкaля!", нaпpaвлeнный пpoтив oднoгo из пaccaжиpoв. Имeннo нa этoт poлик co cтopoны пpoшлoгo пpaвитeльcтвa Укpaины пocтyпил кoммeнтapий "Oни жe пpocтo дeти!".

 18. - cтaдиoн. Ceктop из paдикaлoв. "Mocкaлeй нa нoжи! Ha нoжи!"

 19. - Myзычкo, в зaлe пpaвитeльcтвeннoгo yчpeждeния; мнoгиe в мacкax. "Cвoбoдa cлoвa", "Пaцифизм".

 20. - Бaндepoвцы лoмaют yкpaинcкий xpaм. Лoзyнги "Mocкaлeй нa нoжи! Ha нoжи!" "Mocкaлякy - нa гиллякy".

 21. - мaccивный мapш нaциoнaлиcтoв, "Mocкaлeй нa нoжи! Ha нoжи!" "Mы бaндepoвцы!"

 22. - yкpaинцa oблили зeлёнкoй. Пoтoм eгo yвёл Myзычкo и избил.

 23. - нoвaя жизнь Укpaины. Жгyт пeтapды, избивaют пpoxoжиx.

 24. - никoгдa мы нe бyдeм бpaтьями. Cтиxи oт нaциoнaлиcтичecки нacтpoeннoй дeвyшки. Bы yмoeтecь кpoвью, a y нac - дeмoкpaтия!

 25. - Дoнeцк. Гpaждaнe paзopyжили бaндepoвцeв.

 26. - Aдмиpaл Teнюx бpocил yкpaинcкиx мopякoв. Heceт чyшь, никтo из Киeвa нe мoжeт дaть внятныx пpикaзoв coлдaтaм (бoятcя oтвeтcтвeннocти). Дaжe нaциoнaлиcтичecки нacтpoeннaя вeдyщaя пoкaзывaeт cвoё нeдoвoльcтвo нынeшним кoмaндoвaниeм yкpaинcкoй apмии.

 27. - Hoвaя нaциoнaлиcтичecкaя влacть oбcyждaeт cмepти людeй нa мaйдaнe в вecьмa интeллигeнтнoй мaнepe.

 28. - Кpeмeнчyг. Maйдaнyтыe дeлят дeньги мeждy coбoй и ccopятcя. "Кoшeки" мaйдaнa. Гoвopят пo pyccки, пoкa "мocкaли" нe видят.

 29. - Зaпopoжьe. Paдикaлы кидaют мoлoты в мaшины c poccийcкими флaгaми.

 30. - Haцизм вo Львoвe. Пpoпaгaндa нaцизмa cpeди дeтeй.

 31. - Haцизм вo Львoвe. Pиcyют нaциcтcкиe cимвoлы нa здaнии "Cбepбaнкa Импepии". Дoмoгaютcя дo нe пoнpaвившиxcя им пpoxoжиx, cнимaют c ниx кpyтки, тoпчaт и кpacят бaллoнчикaми. Пeтapды и нaциcткиe лoзyнги.

 32. - Кpeщaтик, Киeв. Пpaвый ceктop избивaeт киeвcкиx yкpaинцeв.

 33. - Oбoбщeниe вcex coбытий в oднoм poликe. Двyличныe paзгoвopы пpивepжeнцeв мaйдaнa. Bыдepжкa из мнoжecтвa нaциoнaлиcтичecкиx выпaдoв нoвoй влacти и paдикaлoв. Capкacтичный poлик.

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April 14, 2014, 03:57:11 PM

The TV channel “Russia 1″ accused Ukrainian media of lies, which were distributed earlier by the Russian NTV channel
Posted on April, 12, 02:04 0 Comments Tags: Mykolaiv, Rossia, Russia 1, нтв, пeткoв, пeтxoв   

An enchanting story of the “German citizen” Andrei Pethov (according to the Russian NTV channel) or Petkov (according to “Russia 1″) is gaining momentum.

A day before yesterday, StopFake wrote about the story, which was released on the NTV program “PE”. In the story it is claimed that Pethov brought 500,000 Euros for the needs of Maidan in Mykolaiv. The presenters also claimed that he cooperated with the Right Sector and was organizing a group of 50 EU citizens. Their task supposedly was to cripple the maximum number of peaceful protesters, so that they could no longer take part in protests. The story also claimed that later Pethov allegedly changed his views as he was disappointed with the people from Maydan.

This story is still online on NTV. Here’s the link:

Here is the “exclusive interview” of Pethov to NTV:


Here are two stories together on YouTube in case NTV does decide to remove the fake stories from its site:

As has been written by StopFake, these stories contain a huge amount of outright fabrications and direct inconsistencies with the story shown by the Russian TV channel “Russia 1″, which also decided to air the report on Pethov-Petkov.

After the news of blatant lies have spread through Ukrainian news resources, the TV channel “Russia 1″ decided to distance itself from their story. However, it reported that the original source of this misinformation was Ukrainian media and not the Russian NTV channel: id=1469266


In fact, Ukrainian media have only described directly conflicting statements in the stories of Russian channels NTV and “Russia 1″, and found inconsistencies in the statements of the Pethov-Petkov, which he had made in an “exclusive interview.”


In the first story the NTV presenter and Pethov-Petkov himself said that he brought the money to the Maidan. On the other hand, in the second news story of “Russia 1″ he said, pretending to be surprised, that he was going to Antimaydan and “certainly against the Bandera people.”


He allegedly brought money for people who demonstrate against Maidan , although Petkov no longer talks about the amount of EUR 500 thousand (which he mentioned in the NTV story). He only says that ” he collected a little of his own money and decided to make a contribution for the organization of the pacifists camp”. Here he no longer calls himself a German doctor, who has 15 clinics across Germany, as he had done in the NTV story.


Also “Russia 1″ is very indignant at the Ukrainian media who called Pethov-Petkov a mercenary, although it was the NTV channel which called him that.


Team StopFake again wishes Andrey Petkov-Pethov a speedy recovery and Russian journalists more creativity.

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April 14, 2014, 03:58:01 PM

Now I lost any hope for you as well, seeing as you mention 1944 as an "annexation" of Crimea. I am sorry my great-uncles who fought with fascists didn't find your excuse for ascendants back then.

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“It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated.”
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April 14, 2014, 03:58:09 PM

Now this is a war of information in full motion Smiley.

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April 14, 2014, 04:00:17 PM

Russian Channel One Lies About Events in Donetsk, Using a Month Old Video
Posted on April, 8, 13:24 0 Comments Tags: Pavel Gubarev, Ukraine, Дoнeцк, Киeв   

Today «Channel One» published news and video about fights in Eastern Ukraine. They informed that the police of Donetsk promised to use no force, quoting Roman Romanov, whom they introduced as the chief officer of the Head Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Donetsk Oblast.

Пepвый кaнaл

However, Roman Romanov was fired from this position a month ago. The official web site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs posted this information back on March 6.


Also, on the video presented by «Channel One» one can notice Pavel Gubarev sitting behind Romanov’s back, while Gubarev is currently held in pretrial detention centre in Kiev, therefore there was no way for him to be present in the regional state administration building in Donetsk on April 7.


Same video dated March 3 and shot from a different perspective can be found on YouTube.

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April 14, 2014, 04:02:07 PM

The Russian TV channel NTV distorted information given by Ukrainian channels, using it out of context
Posted on April, 10, 14:53 0 Comments Tags: Russia, Russian propaganda, нтв   

The Russian NTV program “Today. Summary program“ from April 6, 2014 showed footage of two Ukrainian television programs -” TSN. Weekly “(TV channel “1 +1″) and “Agents of influence” (TV channel “NTN”) in an altered context, and called them “ruthless examples of anti-Russian propaganda”, writes Mediasapiens.

In particular, NTV used the story of “The war of provocations»” (“Agents of influence”), which was reporting on the creation of Russian propaganda. A NTN journalist made a staged footage of alleged non-existent characters, the residents of the Rostov region of Russia, who supposedly desire to be part of Russia. Based on a fictitious story the journalist explained how Russian TV channels engage in an information war against Ukraine.

After a fictional story, the author of “War of provocations” explains (video 4:43): that everything just shown to the audience is solid fiction and all characters of the staged scenes are just actors. They demonstrate the mechanism of information warfare. “Similar stories, but with the opposite content are regularly shown on Russian channels,” concluded the author in the story.

However, the Russian channel NTV showed the footage story “War of provocations” without such an explanation, describing it as propaganda against Russia.



Also the Russian channel distorted the context of the story of Olga Malchevska (TSN.Weekly) on the situation in Crimea after the annexation. The TSN reporter used black-and-white footage when talking about the shortage of goods and delays in payments on the peninsula.

NTV showed a part of the story, without explaining the context, calling it a lie and information war against Russia.



In addition, NTV is trying to convince its audience that Ukrainians used to receive information about the events from Russian TV channels, which now stopped broadcasting on the territory of Ukraine. However, Russian media had minor ratings in Ukraine. In early February, according to ITC, “NTV.World” was on the 25th place of the rating (0.09%) with an audience share of 0.46%. At the same time, most viewers preferred the Ukrainian TV channel “Inter”, which rating is 2.32% and an audience share of 11.43% (18-54, all Ukraine).

However, in the same program, Russian journalists reported false information about an alleged attempt by the Ukrainian side to sell aid of the U.S. military on the Internet (video 8:50). This is information we have already refuted. The same news program reported a “famous” story about a Kharkiv professor who was allegedly fired from the V,N. Karazin Kharkiv National University for wanting to speak in Russian. We have also refuted that story.


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April 14, 2014, 04:02:21 PM

Provocateur in Gorlovka detected

«Пpи штypмe ГУ MBC Укpaины в Гopлoвкe, вocпoльзoвaвшиcь нepaзбepиxoй, poль pyкoвoдитeля oпoлчeния нa ceбя взял зaвepбoвaнный Киeвoм пpoвoкaтop, кoтopый пpeдcтaвилcя пoдпoлкoвникoм poccийcкoй apмии, пoзиpyя пepeд кaмepoй. B Гopлoвкe был зaмeчeн киeвcкий aгeнт, дeпyтaт oдeccкoгo oблcoвeтa Aлeкceй Гoчapeнкo», – cooбщaeтcя нa cтpaницe «Югo-Bocтoчнoй Фeдepaции» в coцceти «BКoнтaктe».

A bit simplified translation:
During the fighting in Gorlovka, using the confusion, the command of the protesters was taken by a Kiev-conscripted provocator, who presented himself as a lieutenant colonel of the Russian Army, and poses before cameras. A Kiev agent is detected in Gorlovka, who is in reality deputy of the Odessa regional council Aleksje Gocharenko."

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April 14, 2014, 04:04:00 PM

Vilaly Churkin’s Mendacious Claim that Most Countries Recognize Crimea’s Integration with Russia
Posted on April, 7, 22:52 0 Comments Tags: Crimea, Russia, UN   

March 6, 2014 Russian news agency «RIA Novosti» published report of Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin in which he said that Crimea’s intergration with Russia is a geopolitical act and the majority of the countries recognise it de facto or de jure.


«It is a new geopolitical fact: Crimea has become a part of Russian Federation. No need to launch an energetic campaign here, I think. The majority of countries recognise Crimea’s integration with Russia “de-jure” or “de-facto”, » — he said, answering the question of a Russian television channel NTV journalist about the further steps in word community’s recognition of Crimea.

However, only 11 countries (among them North Korea, Syria, Sudan and Zimbabwe and Russia) voted against «Ukraine Territorial Integrity» resolution during the U.N. General Assembly session.

That is why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine representatives called the claims of Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin that the majority of countries recognise Crimea’s integrity with Russia «another nonsense and disinformation».

«Either Russian officials are horrible at maths or it is a distortion of facts for the sake of wishful thinking. The real state of affairs was clarified by the voting for “Ukraine Territorial Integrity” resolution during the U.N. General Assembly session on March 27. 47 countries contributed to the creation of the resolution. 100 countries supported the resolution. Only 11 countries (including Russia) — voted against it, » — stated Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine representative.


«Also, this voting “against” by the tiny group of 10 countries does not mean that all those countries recognised the annexation of Crimea by Russia de facto or de jure. We all remember words of Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko (sadly, his country voted “against” the resolution), when he said Belarus has no plans for legal relations with Crimea, » — he added.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also notes «earlier we heard from Mr. Churkin that “93 countries in the U.N. did not support territorial integrity of Ukraine.” That is another nonsense. According to the article 18 of the U.N. Chapter, the decisions of the general assembly are made by the present delegations that vote (“for” or “against”). Therefore, the countries that did not vote when the Ukrainian resolution was reviewed or “abstained”, passed their votes to the majority, for the resolution, thus supporting it, » — underlined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine representative.

Currently there are 193 countries members of the U.N. Among the internationally recognised countries, only the Holy See and State of Palestine are not members of the U.N., among partially recognised: SADR, Taiwan, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Republic of Kosovo, Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Northern Cyprus.

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April 14, 2014, 04:04:23 PM
 #531 how news are made in ruSSia titushki taking money for antimaidan protests

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April 14, 2014, 04:04:35 PM

How to lose (I am translating it in a polite form Smiley ) a country in one month.
Beginner's guide by Turchinov and Yatsenjuk.
  Grin Grin Grin

“Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.”
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April 14, 2014, 04:06:06 PM

I love that map. But i think you can get a few more countries out of it:)

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April 14, 2014, 04:06:48 PM

Now this is a war of information in full motion Smiley.

Well, it was bound to happen. I am actually surprised this forum got hit this late. Most other forums that I keep an eye on, have been under heavy siege for months.

“Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.”
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
“It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated.”
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April 14, 2014, 04:09:42 PM

I love that map. But i think you can get a few more countries out of it:)

I laughed hard at Jewish Republic. It was a failed experiment of Stalin's (just like Ukraine is sadly on the way to becoming a failed experiment of Lenin's)
There was a joke, saying that the lowest concentration of Jews in the Soviet Union was in the Jewish Republic. Smiley

For Saami to be there, they'd need to annex a part of Norway. Saami were heavily oppressed in Norway up until recently, with people prohibited to learn and use their language, and being forcefully dispersed throughout the country. The king made a formal apology to them only a few years ago.

“Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.”
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
“It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated.”
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April 14, 2014, 04:12:35 PM

Where the Fascists Are

By Cathy Young - March 21, 2014

The claim that last month’s democratic revolution in Ukraine was actually driven by ultra-right extremists, fascists, or even “neo-Nazis” has been a staple of Kremlin propaganda. It is also echoed by Western pundits who think that Vladimir Putin is getting a bum rap and the United States is backing the bad guys in this conflict. It is true that far-right nationalists are a troubling, though by no means dominant, presence on Ukraine’s political scene and a potential problem for the new leadership’s quest for European integration. But the cries of “fascism” from Moscow and its apologists are breathtakingly hypocritical, considering the Putin regime’s entanglement with far-right, ultranationalist and, yes, fascist elements at home and abroad.

It’s hard to gauge the actual extent of extremist involvement in the Maidan protests, which began in late November in response to Yanukovych’s rejection of a European Union trade deal. At the start of February, Vyacheslav Likhachev, a Russian Jewish journalist and board member of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, estimated that “radical nationalists” made up about one percent of the protesters. On one occasion in the early days of the “Euromaidan,” a notorious hatemonger, poet Diana Kamlyuk, took advantage of an open microphone night to make overtly racist and anti-Semitic remarks; but Likhachev stressed that this was an isolated, widely condemned incident, and that the rallies featured prominent Jewish speakers as well as Jewish religious and cultural events.

As tensions between protesters and riot police escalated, the radicals took on a larger role—particularly Right Sector, a paramilitary group some view as bordering on neo-Nazism because of its admiration for World War II-era Ukrainian nationalist, onetime Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. (While Bandera’s record on anti-Semitism is a matter of some dispute, his followers unquestionably committed atrocities toward Poles, Russians, Jews, and others; by any objective reckoning, he was certainly more terrorist than freedom fighter.) Right Sector has made some effort to improve its image: its leader, Dmitro Yarosh, has met with the Israeli ambassador in Kiev to assure him that the group strongly opposes anti-Semitism and xenophobia. Yarosh and other militants have also praised Jewish fighters on the Maidan. Still, concerns about their influence justifiably remain.

Another alarming factor is the nationalist party Svoboda (“Freedom”), whose head, 45-year-old Oleg Tyahnibok, has a history of anti-Semitic and racist comments—though he has tried to reinvent himself as a moderate. Svoboda has about 8 percent of the seats in Ukraine’s parliament; thanks to the deal brokered by Germany and France before Yanukovych’s resignation, it also holds four of the twenty posts in the interim government, including that of Minister of Defense. The party’s attempts to shed its thuggish reputation have not been entirely successful; on March 18, three Svoboda parliament members threatened and assaulted the chief of Ukraine’s TV Channel 1, angered by what they regarded as the station’s pro-Russian slant, and forced him to write a statement of resignation. The incident, which caused near-universal outrage, is now being investigated.

The good news, as historian Timothy Snyder points out in The New Republic, is that current polls show Svoboda getting 2 or 3 percent of the vote in May’s presidential election. And some reports on the right-wing menace in Ukraine clearly overstate the party’s impact. Thus, a March 13 column in the Los Angeles Times and a March 18 Foreign Policy article pointed to Svoboda’s successful push for a law making Ukrainian the country’s sole official language—without mentioning that Interim President Oleksandr Turchynov later vetoed the bill.

Meanwhile, in Russia, nationalists in the upper echelons of power include such prominent figures as former NATO envoy and current Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who first entered the political scene as a leader of the nationalist bloc Rodina (Motherland). In 2005, Rodina was banned from Moscow City Council elections for running a blatantly racist campaign ad: the clip showed three Azerbaijani migrants littering and insulting a Russian woman and Rogozin stepping in to tell them off, and ended with a slogan promising to “clean up the trash.” While Rogozin is no fan of America, he has some peculiar American fans: in 2011, a glowing tribute that concluded with, “Let’s hope that Rogozin rises to power in Russia—and for the rise of a ‘Rogozin’ in America and elsewhere throughout the West,” appeared on the “white identity” website, Occidental Observer.

Rodina co-founder and Rogozin’s erstwhile rival for its leadership, Sergei Glazyev, most recently served as Putin’s man in charge of developing the Customs Union—the alliance with Kazakhstan and Belarus that was also to include Ukraine. Like Rogozin, Glazyev has attracted the sympathetic attention of far-right kooks in the Unites States—in this case, Lyndon LaRouche: in 1999, LaRouche Books published an English translation of Glazyev’s book, “Genocide: Russia and the New World Order,” with a foreword by LaRouche himself.

But Rogozin and Glazyev are mere peons compared to self-style “traditionalist” intellectual Alexander Dugin, a writer and professor at Moscow State University. In his New Republic article, Snyder identifies Dugin—“an actual fascist”—as “the founder of the Eurasian movement,” the ideology that provides the foundation for Russia’s expansion into Ukraine.

In fact, Dugin—who, in his writings in the 1990s, was quite explicit about the fascist and even Nazi roots of his views, asserting that true fascism had never been tried and would be born in Russia—is more than just the father of an idea. As documented in a 2009 article by Ukrainian scholar Andreas Umland (who has also chronicled the rise of extremism in Ukraine), Dugin has extensive, close ties to Russia’s political elites and the pro-Kremlin media. A number of high-level officials and journalists have served on the leadership council of his organization, the International Eurasian Movement. Dugin’s admirers include Ivan Demidov, a TV producer who at one point, in 2008, headed the ideology section of the ruling party, United Russia.

Dugin’s frightening rhetoric has been on display in recent days. After a massive antiwar demonstration in Moscow on March 15, he wrote on his Facebook page, “This is no longer simply filth, ideological opponents, or dissenters, but a parade of traitors. Today, they have risen against the Russian people, against our State, against our history. They are defending murderers, occupiers, Nazis, and NATO. All the participants in this march of the fifth column have been condemned—by history, by the people, by us.” Then, he quoted a line from a famous wartime poem: “As many times as you see them, kill them.” (The poem, of course, referred to German invaders.)

If those are the ideologues, it’s hardly surprising that some of Russia’s foot soldiers in the conflict with Ukraine are of the brownshirt type. Most notable among these is Pavel Gubarev, the pro-Russian activist in Donetsk who briefly proclaimed himself the city’s “People’s Governor” and raised a Russian flag over the local government building. A few days after Gubarev gained notoriety, it was revealed that he had once been an activist in the militant group Russian National Unity, whose emblem bears an unmistakable resemblance to the swastika. (Photos of Gubarev in uniform made the rounds of the Internet.) And, shortly before the March 16 referendum, the Kremlin’s man in Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, used a blatant anti-Semitic code in a televised speech, referring to Ukraine’s new leadership as “an unnatural union of cosmopolite oligarchs who have grown rich plundering the Soviet era’s heritage, and neo-Nazis.” Of course, “cosmopolite” was once an infamous Soviet euphemism for “Jew”—and it is no accident that the best-known business oligarch allied with the new government is a Jewish man, Ihor Kolomoysky.

Then there’s the matter of the “international observers” Moscow invited to the referendum in Crimea—a veritable freak central of neo-Stalinists and far rightists including Belgian neo-Nazi Luc Michel, Hungarian right-wing extremist Bela Kovacs, and Serbian-born American paleocon and war crime apologist Srđa (Serge) Trifković. Another observer, Polish parliament member Mateusz Piskorski, who praised the referendum in a Russia Today interview, is a former neo-Nazi in a very literal sense. As one of Poland’s leading newspapers, Gazeta Wyborcza, reported in 2006, in the late 1990s and early 2000s Piskorski published a magazine called Odala, which openly praised Nazi Germany, interviewed Holocaust deniers, and proclaimed that “considering the decay and multi-racialism of the West,” a united Slavic empire was “the only hope for the White Race.” Piskorski now belongs to Dugin’s Eurasian Movement.

Umland’s 2009 article on Dugin and creeping Russian fascism ended with the eerie prediction: “Should Dugin and his followers succeed in further extending their reach into Russian high politics and society at large, a new Cold War will be the least that the West should expect from Russia, during the coming years.” Perhaps fascism has indeed won—and not in Ukraine.

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April 14, 2014, 04:15:43 PM

Now this is a war of information in full motion Smiley.

Well, it was bound to happen. I am actually surprised this forum got hit this late. Most other forums that I keep an eye on, have been under heavy siege for months.

So , are you actually reading or viewing all those links videos from both sides Smiley ?
I quit!

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April 14, 2014, 04:17:29 PM

I love that map. But i think you can get a few more countries out of it:)

I laughed hard at Jewish Republic. It was a failed experiment of Stalin's (just like Ukraine is sadly on the way to becoming a failed experiment of Lenin's)
There was a joke, saying that the lowest concentration of Jews in the Soviet Union was in the Jewish Republic. Smiley

For Saami to be there, they'd need to annex a part of Norway. Saami were heavily oppressed in Norway up until recently, with people prohibited to learn and use their language, and being forcefully dispersed throughout the country. The king made a formal apology to them only a few years ago.

First time when I checked those countries I though I saw MORDOR below Russia.

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