BiblePay - Mandatory Upgrade - For Entire Network - Height 255,000
Press Release: information:
Most of the documentation for UTXO staking, BBP University and POP3 can be found in the referenced documents in this wiki page:
Announcement: Important Changes to the BiblePay Network at height 255,000:
- DWS will temporarily stay enabled for existing payments only (but will be disabled for new stakes) until all old stakes are paid. This is so we can promote UTXO mining instead.
- UTXO mining replaces DWS. With UTXO mining you can be rewarded the coinbase mining block reward when you add a new UTXO stake, and, additionally you can receive a perpetual reward in the UTXO leaderboard (daily).
- DashStake will be disabled, but, you may re-stake the dash stakes as UTXO stakes.
- The wallet will support more crypto-currency pairs for UTXO mining! At the cutover height you can stake BBP, or BBP+Dash, BBP+DOGE, BBP+LTC or BBP+BTC. Once successful, we plan on voting more pairs in!
- UTXO mining appeals to 17 million Dash addresses, and 450 million unique Bitcoin addresses, giving us a large potential new user base!
- RandomX merge mining is still fully implemented for block security. Since we are merge mined, no one can come in and "buy" BBP with hashpower.
- For all the blocks that are Not new UTXO transactions, our RX miners still get the subsidy! The UTXO subsidy only goes to new staked UTXOs as a reward to bring popularity to our network from other (foreign UTXOs) - IE newbies.
- When you stake BBP only, you receive approx. half the reward. When you stake BBP+any foreign currency, you receive up to double the reward. The reward is based on the lower of the two values * 2. For example, if you stake $200 of BBP combined with $150 of Dash, your UTXO is valued at $150 * 2 = $300. If you stake $200 of BBP alone, the UTXO is valued at $200. If you stake $150 of BBP + $200 of bitcoin, the stake is valued at $150 * 2 = $300.00.
- PODC is being phased out over 60 days. During the first month, PODC rewards are halved. Then during the second month they are reduced to 0 while UTXO rewards are ramped up to 99% of the daily GSC contract. Healing is still available at 1%.
If you encounter any questions, please feel free to ask so we can add to the documentation.

5500 BBP