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Author Topic: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)  (Read 243462 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (345 posts by 1+ user deleted.)
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
Merit: 215

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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November 11, 2017, 01:53:34 PM
Last edit: April 04, 2022, 05:14:49 PM by bible_pay
Merited by Vlad2Vlad (100), JC.Denton (1)



Language Translations

Proof Of Biblehash (POBH) rewards full node participation, while preventing GPUs and ASICs by requiring full blockchain transaction referencing in the hashing function using chained bible verses

Proof Of Distributed Computing (PODC) allows blockchain energy to be used productively, for humanitarian science research, to help cure cancer and fight AIDS and malaria

Launched July 23rd 2017 by Rob Andrews, with no premine and no ICO, BiblePay describes itself as a decentralized autonomous cryptocurrency that gives 10% to orphan-charity (using Masternode (Sanctuary) governance). The project is passionate about spreading the gospel of Jesus, having the entire KJV bible compiled in its hashing algorithm (POBH). BiblePay (BBP) is deflationary, decreasing its emissions by 19.5% per year.

The project views itself as a utility that provides an alternative method for giving to charity. With Generic Smart Contracts, the project seeks to become the go-to wallet for Christians. In the future, the team intends to lease file space on its Masternodes and release corporate integration features, such as C# access to the blockchain. The BiblePay platform is a derivative of Dash-Evolution. Located in Dallas, TX, the team seeks to help orphans globally. The roadmap can be viewed at:

Interview | Podcast | Youtube | Medium | Steemit | Newsletter


- $200,000+ donated to Charity!

- 30,000+ years CPU time donated to Cancer Research!

- Sponsoring 100+ Orphans every month!


Rob's Resignation from Gridcoin      

Nutrition Information


BiblePay Evolution

Dash Coin

New Features:

Generic Smart Contracts (GSC)

Proof of Orphan Mining (POOM)

Christian Spaces

Proof of Distributed Computing (PODC)

Dynamic Whale Staking (DWS)

DashPay Gift Cards


DashPay - Instantly Buy Gift Cards with BiblePay (using Dash, InstantSend and Bitrefill)


Left Behind Letter (for those that missed the rapture): 

Download Wallet:

(How to update and clean wallet?)


NOTE: v1.4.3.1 Upgrading to Evolution

Need to copy "wallet.dat" file to new directory



/Library/Application Support/biblepaycore
/Library/Application Support/biblepayevolution



(How to verify Hash)

Windows 32 bit - (Hash)
Windows 64 bit - (Hash)


Mac OSX -


Linux GUI 32 bit - biblepay-qt-evo-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz (Hash)
Linux GUI 64 bit - biblepay-qt-evo-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz  (Hash)

Linux CLI 32 bit - biblepayd-evo-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz  (Hash)
Linux CLI 64 bit - biblepayd-evo-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz  (Hash)

Linux ARM 64 bit - biblepayd-evo-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz  (Hash)
Linux Arch 64 bit - biblepayd-evo-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz  (Hash)


Source Code -


Paper -


Mobile Wallet:

Android - Android

iOS - iOS

Mining Guides:

Proof of Distributed Computing

Proof of BibleHash

Mining Pools:


Earn Coins:

SouthXchange Faucet:

Healing Campaign (Diary Entries):

Bug Bounty Program:

Request Funds from Monthly Budget Proposal System for your work:





Launched: July 23, 2017
Algorithm: Proof of BibleHash (POBH)
Mining Strategy: CPU only (GPU/ASIC Resistant)

No Premine / No ICO

Block Target: 7 Minutes
Blocks Per Day: 205
Transaction Speed: Supports InstantSend

Max Supply: 5.2 billion BBP by year 2050

Circulation Characteristic: Deflationary
Emission Rate: -1.5% every month (19% per year compounded deflation)

Emission Schedule:


Block Reward:

  – 20.0% Monthly Budget

        – 10.0% Exchange (Fund Payoff)
        –   5.0% IT (Software Development)
        –   5.0% MISC (Miscellaneous)

  – 38.0% GSC (Generic Smart Contracts)

        – 60.0% PODC (Science Research)
        – 35.0% POOM (Charity)
        –   5.0% Healing (Prayer Diary)

  –  7.0% POBH (Heat Mining)

  – 35.0% Masternode (Sanctuary)

Masternodes (Sanctuaries):

Governance & Budget System:
- Understanding Governance
Collateral Requirement:
4,500,001 BBP


- Masternodes.Online
- Masternodes.Pro
- MasterNodeCap
- Masternode.Live
- Masternodes Buzz
- Step by Step Guide
- One Click Install Script
- Upgrade Deterministic
- Apollon Network Hosting


**  We only partner with charities over 75% efficient, meaning over 75% reach the end-user. **


- Public Investigation


Forum      -
Twitter     -
Reddit      -
Discord    -
Facebook  -
Telegram  -


CAUTION: "Although BiblePay has a deflationary emission schedule, there is no guarantee of positive investment returns against other major inflating currencies. Past returns are not indicative of future results. We are a utility and not a security. Please do not invest in BiblePay unless you know all of the risks of cryptocurrencies"

Original Announcement

2nd Announcement

White Paper Links:

Chinese White Paper -

Forum Rules:

1. Do not make assumptions or false statements - For example, if you are not 100% sure of a statement being fact, you must state "in my opinion... " or "I believe...", especially with technical posts that could mislead investors.  

2. Talk in a nice tone and manner, be polite and appreciative.  Avoid swearing.

3. Be willing to do work/research/experience, or Find someone who can, and assume other community members are busy.  This is a group effort.

4. Moderators may delete your post if you are argumentative or make mean spirited posts.

5. If you have a problem with the mod team or an official member of the dev team, you must post with an innocent until proven guilty attitude.  The devs aren't out to get you. If you do not receive a response, break the problem up into a simpler problem and post the question again with a positive attitude.

6.  Your primary purpose on this forum is to help others and make constructive posts.  If you are a net negative to the community we reserve the right to delete or report the posts to bitcointalk mods.

7.  Do not post anything that misleads investors.  Proofread your post before posting as it cannot be deleted for 24 hours.  If you are not sure, ask someone else first.

8.  Your posts may be deleted or you may be banned from this thread if you have a history of making offensive posts.

9.  After 3 offensive posts your future posts and/or your account may be banned at the sole discretion of one of our forum administrators.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
Merit: 215

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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November 11, 2017, 01:54:23 PM

Welcome Back Everyone!

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
Merit: 215

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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November 11, 2017, 02:02:33 PM

Sharpshot said:

I really don't think capping miners would work because that would probably kill the coin off.  This is very early days with this coin, if the price goes up and it's listed on other exchanges, then small miners should be able to make money.  I fail to see how twisting most of the facts helps that happen?

Sharpshot, could you please elaborate?  I dont think we want to cap miners at all, nor in f8000.  A miner can throw as much hashpower they want at us.  The issue f8000 solves is making it not financially rewarding to run more than one instance of biblepay on a server.  

There is a theme that in order to be green we would not promote a mining rat-race.  We would promote distinct nodes per Christian.  Thats more along the lines of what POS does.  But since we have sanctuaries that provide ROI, that solves our problem.  So Im happy to just see it bee asic resistant and provide an avenue for entrepeneurs.

We can really add value in other areas, like cross chain, atomic trading, lightning network, HTLC contracts, c# smart contracts, stratus integration, debit cards, ecommerce, all that.  

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
Merit: 215

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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November 11, 2017, 02:06:18 PM


Quote from: coinpimp321 on Today at 03:24:18 AM
Can someone explain why Biblepay was created if its just a clone of Dash? I cant see any significant advantages over existing solutions

seems a simple solution would be to create a donation based Dash project

or am i wrong?

Quote from: NWFMM on Today at 03:54:19 AM

   I would like to thank that people who had the sanity to realize the potential of this project. Why not give kids hope. If hope. what else do thay have. And If It Fails I will Take This On As a personal project. (Harry V. Adkins). of just search.

Right.  "And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead." 

Its obvious to the intelligent folk what we are doing here, its primarily to help orphans in the end, but much more than required to make it sustainable.

The ideas about adding VAR to the coin to be a top 50 coin is to help orphans in the end.  Adding enough VAR to the coin to get there requires perspiration.  And obviously, we would not be a clone of any codebase at that point, we would have coins cloning Biblepay.

If you dont know what I mean by adding VAR: It means adding a novel feature or business process that has household utility and merging it into biblepay.  It means that whatever that is ends up sticking and people like it.  That propels us into the top 100.  I dont want to be known as a "masternode clone" or a clone of dash.  I thank Dash for what theyve done and we give Dash credit for the governance system, the budgets and the superblocks.  Now its our turn to add something back in for the community to share.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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November 11, 2017, 02:10:26 PM

What wrong with old topic?;all
bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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November 11, 2017, 02:15:56 PM

I decided to go ahead and self moderate it.  I couldnt take the repetetive posts containing "This users post is ignored".

Yes, I know a small group will say this is censorship, but over the long term you will see that I dont censor unless its trash and youll see that Im an honest person once you start calling up all the orphan accounts and finding that I spent more money than I turned in on the expense reports.

And finally, cryptocoins target a semi-geek audience, and I can say this with certainty:  Geeks would rather read something accurate and succinct.  And when the benefits outweight the risks I have to go for it to keep us nice and slim.

So that means we will have less pages of information per week here, but it will be higher quality info.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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Activity: 173
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November 11, 2017, 03:15:27 PM

I decided to go ahead and self moderate it.  I couldnt take the repetetive posts containing "This users post is ignored".

Yes, I know a small group will say this is censorship, but over the long term you will see that I dont censor unless its trash and youll see that Im an honest person once you start calling up all the orphan accounts and finding that I spent more money than I turned in on the expense reports.

And finally, cryptocoins target a semi-geek audience, and I can say this with certainty:  Geeks would rather read something accurate and succinct.  And when the benefits outweight the risks I have to go for it to keep us nice and slim.

So that means we will have less pages of information per week here, but it will be higher quality info.


How much coins we will need to setup one MN?
bible_pay (OP)
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Merit: 215

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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November 11, 2017, 03:19:29 PM

I decided to go ahead and self moderate it.  I couldnt take the repetetive posts containing "This users post is ignored".

Yes, I know a small group will say this is censorship, but over the long term you will see that I dont censor unless its trash and youll see that Im an honest person once you start calling up all the orphan accounts and finding that I spent more money than I turned in on the expense reports.

And finally, cryptocoins target a semi-geek audience, and I can say this with certainty:  Geeks would rather read something accurate and succinct.  And when the benefits outweight the risks I have to go for it to keep us nice and slim.

So that means we will have less pages of information per week here, but it will be higher quality info.


How much coins we will need to setup one MN?

The estimated cost is currently 1.5MM BBP, and will be finalized on Thanksgiving.

The estimated ROI for a masternode is approximately 12-24 months, based on this simulation:

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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November 11, 2017, 03:24:14 PM

I decided to go ahead and self moderate it.  I couldnt take the repetetive posts containing "This users post is ignored".

Yes, I know a small group will say this is censorship, but over the long term you will see that I dont censor unless its trash and youll see that Im an honest person once you start calling up all the orphan accounts and finding that I spent more money than I turned in on the expense reports.

And finally, cryptocoins target a semi-geek audience, and I can say this with certainty:  Geeks would rather read something accurate and succinct.  And when the benefits outweight the risks I have to go for it to keep us nice and slim.

So that means we will have less pages of information per week here, but it will be higher quality info.

Good move, Rob! We have no choice but there are too many people like to create FUD, I have seen a lot of coins sabotaged by such false FUD. I have really no idea what is their motive for  Undecided
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November 11, 2017, 03:25:08 PM

it this a New Coin Launch,how to mine this type coins ,any guide ,thanks .
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November 11, 2017, 03:30:54 PM

Sharpshot said:

I really don't think capping miners would work because that would probably kill the coin off.  This is very early days with this coin, if the price goes up and it's listed on other exchanges, then small miners should be able to make money.  I fail to see how twisting most of the facts helps that happen?

Sharpshot, could you please elaborate?  I dont think we want to cap miners at all, nor in f8000.  A miner can throw as much hashpower they want at us.  The issue f8000 solves is making it not financially rewarding to run more than one instance of biblepay on a server.  

There is a theme that in order to be green we would not promote a mining rat-race.  We would promote distinct nodes per Christian.  Thats more along the lines of what POS does.  But since we have sanctuaries that provide ROI, that solves our problem.  So Im happy to just see it bee asic resistant and provide an avenue for entrepeneurs.

We can really add value in other areas, like cross chain, atomic trading, lightning network, HTLC contracts, c# smart contracts, stratus integration, debit cards, ecommerce, all that.  

I agree with you, I was replying to the post above mine that was from the person you were ignoring.  They were insisting that "heavy miners" should be capped.
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November 11, 2017, 03:31:38 PM


Deflatation, yet inflation in end Smiley
bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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November 11, 2017, 03:38:23 PM


Deflatation, yet inflation in end Smiley

Not inflation in the end, constant deflation.  We start with 20,000 bbp per block and decrease by 1.5% per month, thats deflation.

We also have retirement accounts going live at Christmas, with 365% annual deflation.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
Merit: 215

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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November 11, 2017, 03:40:46 PM

it this a New Coin Launch,how to mine this type coins ,any guide ,thanks .

Please click on "Mining Guides" from

Adding to the OP now.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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November 11, 2017, 03:56:25 PM

Please Vote:

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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November 11, 2017, 05:04:06 PM

I'm so glad you decided to self-moderate the thread. Honestly, I don't know what some people's motivation is spreading false FUD about a coin that isn't even ready for prime-time yet.

Anyway, I don't post much, but I've been mining since close to the beginning, and I'm really excited about the potential of this project and the charity aspect. I hope we're all able to accomplish great things together.
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November 11, 2017, 06:00:58 PM

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November 11, 2017, 10:04:16 PM

Any pool?
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November 11, 2017, 10:28:40 PM

So is this CPU mining only?
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November 12, 2017, 12:12:58 AM

Any pool?
The main pool is here
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