I want to mine some monero. But the binaries dont work on my windows 7 32 bit system. Is the cryptonote technology 64 bit only?
Yes, but you can install ubuntu 13.10, compile on that, and run. Ubuntu is free.
I dont know how to compile anything. There should be something like ticking a box to start mining on a gui wallet. This looks unfair to noobs
Install Ubuntu 13.10
Press the Windows button on your keyboard or the Ubuntu button in the top left.
Type "terminal".
Click "terminal".
In the terminal type the following to update your software sources:
sudo apt-get update
Press enter. Type in your password. After you stop seeing text coming out of the terminal and see a new line ending with $, type this to install git:
sudo apt-get install git
Type in "Y" if it asks you if you are sure.
Then download the Monero client with git.
git clone git://github.com/bitmonero-project/bitmonero.git
Then change directories into the Monero directory.
cd bitmonero
Then type install prerequisites for Monero.
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev cmake
Again, Type in "Y" if it asks you if you are sure.
Then make a directory for the compiled Monero.
mkdir build
Then compile Monero. You can replace 4 with however many CPU cores you have.
make -j4
Then run Monero Daemon
cd build/release/src && ./bitmonerod
Press the Windows button on your keyboard or the Ubuntu button in the top left.
Type "terminal".
Click "terminal".
Type this into the new terminal to move to the binaries you just compiled.
cd ~/bitmonero/build/release/src
Then make a new wallet, replacing "name_of_my_wallet" with what you want to call your new wallet.
./simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=name_of_my_wallet.bin
You will be prompted for a password. Be careful, you won't have to type a confirmation so beware of typos!
Close the wallet with the "exit" command.
Now type this command, replacing name_of_my_wallet with the name of your wallet
./simplewallet --wallet-file=name_of_my_wallet.bin
and enter your password. If you forgot your password or mistyped it at creation time, delete every file starting with name_of_my_wallet.bin and start over. Every Bitmonero would be lost forever, so it's important that you do it just after the creation, before any mining. ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR WALLET.
Now, type "start_mining N" where N is the number of threads/cores you have in terminal 2. This will begin mining.
You can also begin mining by typing "start_mining 4xxxxxxx...xxxxx N" in the daemon in terminal 1 where 4xxxxxxx...xxxxx is your Monero address.
You can type help in both the daemon and simple-wallet to see more commands. If you'd like to see blocks as the come into the network, simply type "set_log 1" in the daemon (terminal 1).
Good luck and happy mining!
adapted from OP