Would bfgminer and minera run on PI 3?
About the image since is mention boot up controler,
So that minera img has to contain raspbian OS I hope! Correct?
While using RASPBIAN JESSIE, I done the following:
Via putty I ran the following:
sudo raspi-config (by doing the rest:
1) Enable SSH
2( enlarge file system
3) overclock PI as high
So I have access to GUI using destop remote connection(DRC) in windows, I download and install 'xrdp' via putty:
sudo apt-get install xrdp
I know there a way using startx to access GUI there some error message as:
'user x has no control or cannot access GUI but this can only be dong using (DRC) to my knowledge.
All the rest were still connected via putty
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
The following came from manuual install:
sudo apt-get install -y lighttpd php5-cgi
sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi
sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php
sudo service lighttpd force-reload
after web server minera is ready to be install:
sudo apt-get install -y redis-server git screen php5-cli php5-curl
cd /var/www
sudo git clone
https://github.com/michelem09/mineracd minera
sudo ./install_minera.sh
Is this all I need doing for masnual instal?
During at some some point during last statement I came across the following screen:
Since I didn't know if should have change a thing, I selected no configurion (frst option) from next screen
But I saw few item on that screen dealing with email and ect...
local only was last option on that screen
Can you explain what should I be doing with the above screens?
This might have cause problems as to why minera couldn't locate run bfgminer including statements similar to windows!
Don't know but it might have easier download and install bfgmner instead of minera!
Until I get another PI, I am using both units on windows!
When I get that new PI and if I should experience then, I'll simply will go back to bfgminer tread and go from there!