@altcoiner- and @devid.roriho
What version of the wallet are you using? The actual version is v1.1.1.0
You can find a list of working and stable nodes at
http://cce.morningminerals.com/peers to add to Mineralscoin.conf if needed.
This is by the way the block explorer we're working on to add functionality.
When you start the wallet for the very first time, there is no wallet.dat file and the client crashes. It is normal and you can simply restart.
The wallet comes with a number of seed nodes, so it should start synchronizing within a few minutes.
If you're using an older version, the wallet will not find any nodes. It works on different ports and changes were made to the protocol version and private keys to secure the network and send alerts if required, for example when a new client will be released with important changes.
@devid.roriho: if you keep the wallet.dat to which you transferred your MIN, they won't be lost. Just make sure to have the right client and eventually add a few nodes to your config. My 24/7 staking wallet has 16 connections.
This is a screenshot from a test-wallet I just fired up:
(click to zoom)
It has already one connection right after starting up.
The actual version of the wallet can be downloaded here:
http://www.morningminerals.com/?page_id=732Synchronizing from zero can take several days, so you can accelerate it a little by using our bootstrap:
http://www.morningminerals.com/?page_id=764Another way is using a snapshot of the blockchain:
http://www.morningminerals.com/?page_id=862The difference is that bootstrap is feeding the blockchain from a local file instead of peers while the snapshot is an already indexed copy of the whole blockchain's database. This could be even faster than using the bootstrap. Just make sure to attentively read the instruction if you decide to use these methods.
As for further development. We're still working on it. For further development on CCE: I'm taking Python courses during my free time, but having changed jobs in a sector that's totally new for me, so there's a lot of other training I've to go through. But rest reassured, it's not abandoned
I hope this information will be helpful.