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Author Topic: [ANN] [START] StartCOIN 2.0 - The digital currency for crowdfunding  (Read 539166 times)
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November 13, 2014, 12:23:06 AM

yes seem everything halted...all coin deamons are not getting new the dev around ?

What can that dev do?  Cheesy
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November 13, 2014, 01:06:36 AM

nevermind all unlocked everywhere that was weird

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November 13, 2014, 04:10:18 AM

hello all ive been behind startcoin for a few weeks i guess  , i believe to keep this coin popular and interesting in the startcoin/join projects  ,we need more activity on the exchanges to keep it profitable and mineable and and help build the community stronger , hey guys ive been chking this thread daily and nothing has changed  comon we need to be louder in all angles,,cheers

Nothing is going to change because all of the community here are people that either; bought, mine, sold, thinking of buying startcoin, or thinking that they have been late with selling and were late with buying (bag holders). This startjoin project seems to me as a fail (at this moment), as  ONE - all of the startcoins that go into the projects end up beeing exchanged into fiat, and TWO - with the fridays rewards more and more startcoins are pushed in-to the circulation, and those money are to be dumped, to prove this check out the volumes of the coin on fridays!

There MUST be some kind of a game-changer - in my opinion, something that will cause startcoin to be bought and than saved or spent on good/services passing the fiats, for instance buying startcoins with fiat to than use them to purchase games online or in-app purchases. I am constantly reading Max's twitter, and I have some twits of his saved (which he has deleted) regarding the gocoin deal, it looks like Max does indeed have something up his sleeve, and he is going to introduce it soon.

I am too visiting this page every day checking weather there is any community behind startjoin/startcoin - but right now it really seems that Max has had 10-15 'friends' of his putting up their 'projects' on startjoin, creating at least some kind of vision of 'community' behind startjoin/startcoin. I think that to see (and this has to do with every coin/project in crypto) weather something has attention - check out the amount of pages in the tread of the bitcointalk and this number will demonstrate the reality.

nice Grin you've been reading some of my comments hehe very well informed  Wink guess my twitter account and I send you some free coins! OK this is how things are over StartCoin. Richard Branson backs StartCoin he has invested money huge money along with some other people less "famous" but as rich or even richer (Max btw is the real deal along with Jed!). StartCoin will be out of circulation when it reaches 84 million coins so you have less than 40 million still up for grabs this coin will be the retired fund for many rich people BUT Max is popular. Some of his zombie followers screwed things buying way too many coins at a huge discount so prices had to go back down (market demand) and I mean down by some 1000%. StartJoin will run out of StartCoins sooner than later so by then you will see some major changes in price expect it to go around USD 0.25. The GoCoin had to be delayed (market expection) thanks to those fanatics who took all their saving account FIAT $hit and bought StartCoin at a volume much higher than they should had (we won't need trillionaires). GoCoin will go live once more intelligent people make the intelligent decision of buying StartCoin and saving it i.e. more spread on ownership. Just as Richard Branson and his folks are waiting to retire on this coin so am I  Smiley

I don't want to play guesses, as crypto world is made for anonymity, as well as by reading the things that you have stated in your post you are either an insider (Max/Stacy your self, developer/investor etc) or a troll. If you need me, send me a dm and I will get to you on twitter.

Regarding the theme, if start join runs out of start coins, what is the whole point of the project? Why do you say that start coin will be out of circulation? - Don't coins continue to be traded when they have been fully mined? Also, talking about the result of (as you say: 'zombie followers screwed things around') have the price gone down in your opinion to the 'floor'? And last but not least, what is the whole situation with the 'shares' for the 'whales' (owners of 100k and over)?

Regarding the guessing I was just kidding  Grin when I say out of circulation I don't mean to say it won't be readily available I mean you won't see miners dumping it it will be much harder to have it and expensive too people will invest it or spend it wisely. StartJoin is maybe the first cryptobank ever it's a masterpiece a decentralized bank to fund the people by the people and their own StartCoins will earn them compound interest so they'll never run out of coins too and as the value gets higher and higher in the future you won't need 1k coins to fund a project and keep in mind other currencies are accepted to fund projects so the whole idea is funding with whatever you have if it's worth something.
It's very hard to speculate on short-term price someone who wants badly to become a whale can spend money buying high and selling low to buy even more at lower price and in a sense that's what's happening now. This is not your ordinary dev coin this is a very calculated project consider it as year 2010 compared to Bitcoin back then (back it won't take 4 years to achieve same results). But me I'm just a troll speculating on speculations  Cheesy
























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November 13, 2014, 04:22:54 PM

hello all ive been behind startcoin for a few weeks i guess  , i believe to keep this coin popular and interesting in the startcoin/join projects  ,we need more activity on the exchanges to keep it profitable and mineable and and help build the community stronger , hey guys ive been chking this thread daily and nothing has changed  comon we need to be louder in all angles,,cheers

Nothing is going to change because all of the community here are people that either; bought, mine, sold, thinking of buying startcoin, or thinking that they have been late with selling and were late with buying (bag holders). This startjoin project seems to me as a fail (at this moment), as  ONE - all of the startcoins that go into the projects end up beeing exchanged into fiat, and TWO - with the fridays rewards more and more startcoins are pushed in-to the circulation, and those money are to be dumped, to prove this check out the volumes of the coin on fridays!

There MUST be some kind of a game-changer - in my opinion, something that will cause startcoin to be bought and than saved or spent on good/services passing the fiats, for instance buying startcoins with fiat to than use them to purchase games online or in-app purchases. I am constantly reading Max's twitter, and I have some twits of his saved (which he has deleted) regarding the gocoin deal, it looks like Max does indeed have something up his sleeve, and he is going to introduce it soon.

I am too visiting this page every day checking weather there is any community behind startjoin/startcoin - but right now it really seems that Max has had 10-15 'friends' of his putting up their 'projects' on startjoin, creating at least some kind of vision of 'community' behind startjoin/startcoin. I think that to see (and this has to do with every coin/project in crypto) weather something has attention - check out the amount of pages in the tread of the bitcointalk and this number will demonstrate the reality.

nice Grin you've been reading some of my comments hehe very well informed  Wink guess my twitter account and I send you some free coins! OK this is how things are over StartCoin. Richard Branson backs StartCoin he has invested money huge money along with some other people less "famous" but as rich or even richer (Max btw is the real deal along with Jed!). StartCoin will be out of circulation when it reaches 84 million coins so you have less than 40 million still up for grabs this coin will be the retired fund for many rich people BUT Max is popular. Some of his zombie followers screwed things buying way too many coins at a huge discount so prices had to go back down (market demand) and I mean down by some 1000%. StartJoin will run out of StartCoins sooner than later so by then you will see some major changes in price expect it to go around USD 0.25. The GoCoin had to be delayed (market expection) thanks to those fanatics who took all their saving account FIAT $hit and bought StartCoin at a volume much higher than they should had (we won't need trillionaires). GoCoin will go live once more intelligent people make the intelligent decision of buying StartCoin and saving it i.e. more spread on ownership. Just as Richard Branson and his folks are waiting to retire on this coin so am I  Smiley

I don't want to play guesses, as crypto world is made for anonymity, as well as by reading the things that you have stated in your post you are either an insider (Max/Stacy your self, developer/investor etc) or a troll. If you need me, send me a dm and I will get to you on twitter.

Regarding the theme, if start join runs out of start coins, what is the whole point of the project? Why do you say that start coin will be out of circulation? - Don't coins continue to be traded when they have been fully mined? Also, talking about the result of (as you say: 'zombie followers screwed things around') have the price gone down in your opinion to the 'floor'? And last but not least, what is the whole situation with the 'shares' for the 'whales' (owners of 100k and over)?

Regarding the guessing I was just kidding  Grin when I say out of circulation I don't mean to say it won't be readily available I mean you won't see miners dumping it it will be much harder to have it and expensive too people will invest it or spend it wisely. StartJoin is maybe the first cryptobank ever it's a masterpiece a decentralized bank to fund the people by the people and their own StartCoins will earn them compound interest so they'll never run out of coins too and as the value gets higher and higher in the future you won't need 1k coins to fund a project and keep in mind other currencies are accepted to fund projects so the whole idea is funding with whatever you have if it's worth something.
It's very hard to speculate on short-term price someone who wants badly to become a whale can spend money buying high and selling low to buy even more at lower price and in a sense that's what's happening now. This is not your ordinary dev coin this is a very calculated project consider it as year 2010 compared to Bitcoin back then (back it won't take 4 years to achieve same results). But me I'm just a troll speculating on speculations  Cheesy

How long is it left until the mining will be finished for start coin? And has it found it's floor?
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November 13, 2014, 06:20:49 PM

nevermind all unlocked everywhere that was weird

This happens quite often with Startcoin, i have mentioned it several times on Sartjoin and sent messages to the devs but they just ignore me so you will just have to put up with it as they dont care.

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November 13, 2014, 08:56:35 PM

nevermind all unlocked everywhere that was weird

This happens quite often with Startcoin, i have mentioned it several times on Sartjoin and sent messages to the devs but they just ignore me so you will just have to put up with it as they dont care.

The community is dead, there is 3-4 people on this thread and a hundred or so miners constantly dumping. Someone prove me wrong.

Lol, check this out, a typical "project" on startjoin -
This just demonstrated the whole stupidity of people who are participated in the community as well as this is just funny to see how such things get support easily. Huh
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November 13, 2014, 08:57:50 PM

a lot of coins are dead.
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November 13, 2014, 09:02:03 PM

a lot of coins are dead.

This one is too as it seems to me. Bag holders and miners. No idea, only broken promises by max and his team.
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November 13, 2014, 10:39:22 PM

they're playing with the bitcoin boom guys as soon as that's over it will recover
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November 14, 2014, 01:01:22 PM

they're playing with the bitcoin boom guys as soon as that's over it will recover

What are yout thoughts guys (placebo and FrygyUK) on the situation with start coin? Should we wait for the gocoin features or is it just media garbage?
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November 14, 2014, 03:07:23 PM

Read the comments on that project. Its funny how max is defending his "views". There is simply no-one interested in using startjoin in raising funds, and devs are not interested in promoting the website. There are some kids that have written hundred odd words to 'try their chance' in getting free money for a fake project. The website is bad, so many glitches and bugs - exclamation marks do not save in the posts, one of the examples, and absurd photo stretching-resizing and hyperlink issues is other examples.
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November 19, 2014, 07:34:29 PM

hello anybody in there?
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November 21, 2014, 03:37:02 AM

Max Keiser seems to be working hard to help promote projects on StartJoin. Today he sent out two tweets to help promote the Goldcoin Conference Project.
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December 04, 2014, 07:17:08 AM

is there any p2p nodes and what is the .conf file

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December 04, 2014, 01:25:20 PM
Last edit: December 08, 2014, 01:06:35 AM by Billyboy402

any one notice that the startjoin interest rate is dropping , i am earning less interest every week

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December 07, 2014, 12:44:49 PM

Startcoin has no concrete future. I wouldn't invest my time into it.
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December 12, 2014, 04:50:54 PM

So where is all the Hashrate because it is not on those pools?

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December 19, 2014, 08:34:56 AM

So where is all the Hashrate because it is not on those pools?

this coin seems interesting. around 20GH/s imo for this quiet coin is quite impressive.
























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December 19, 2014, 08:57:20 AM

bag holder invest in hardware to raise the diff so every one else wont mine and dump

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December 24, 2014, 05:22:14 PM

wallet offline on Bittrex??

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